STRI special events, January and February 2025
STRI special events,
January and February 2025
Summer activities, SI Journeys visit, Temporary relocation of Bryde's whale from Galeta Marine Lab to Punta Culebra and more.

STRI special events,
January and February 2025
Summer activities, SI Journeys visit, Temporary relocation of Bryde's whale from Galeta Marine Lab to Punta Culebra and more.
Rediscovering the Undiscovered: Revitalizing the Cerro Juan Diaz Archaeological Ceramic Collection (Presentation in Spanish)
This research expands knowledge about the archaeological ceramics of the Gran Cocle culture at the Cerro Juan Diaz Archaeological Site, which spans a period of occupation from 200 BC to 1550 AD and is one of the largest pre-Hispanic communities in central Panama.
Anthropology Archaeology Exploration Geography and Biogeography Geology Paleontology and Paleobiology Life in Deep Time Origins of Species and Societies CTPABetween pasture and forest: the crusade to protect the jaguar in Panama
Fundación Yaguará Panama not only leads the protection of the largest feline in the Americas in cattle ranching areas of the country, but also promotes gender equality by actively involving women in key roles in the project, both at the scientific and community levels.
Story by Leila Nilipour
Darién, Panamá
The one
that hunts
with a leap
Red flags: I’m not the bug for you!
The matador bugs' vibrant flags are neither a dating display nor a distraction tactic, they’re part of an elaborate defense strategy, according to a new study in Gamboa
Byline: Leila Nilipour
Entomology Evolutionary Ecology Animal Behavior Entomology Evolutionary Ecology Animal Behavior Origins of Species and Societies GamboaColorful
BAT ISLAND: A Journey into the Hidden World of Tropical Bats
Meet the 76 species of bats that occupy this small island!
Animal Behavior Natural History Zoology Biodiversity Evolutionary Biology Exploration Connections in nature: Plants, Animals, Microbes and Environments Barro ColoradoA revolution in forest carbon verification
The new GEO-TREES initiative addresses the uncertainty of satellite estimates of forest carbon by creating a trustworthy global carbon verification system based on existing collaborations among scientists at forest research sites worldwide. Supported by the Bezos Earth Fund, all data will be available free, online.
Byline: Leila Nilipour
Drink Coffee, Eat Chocolate,
Save Birds!
The Smithsonian Bird Friendly coffee and cocoa certification program just opened its new Latin American office at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) in Panama, making it easier for regional coffee and chocolate industries to join the global movement to produce sustainable coffee and chocolate.
Ecosystem Services Conservation Biology Forest Ecology Biodiversity Animal Behavior Sustaining a Biodiverse Planet Earl S. TupperSmithsonian honors
STRI’s Joe Wright
Plant ecologist S. Joseph Wright received an award for his illustrious career at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, in Panama.
Text by Vanessa Crooks
Forest Ecology Long-term monitoring Global Change Biodiversity Botany Ecosystem Services Sustaining a Biodiverse Planet Barro ColoradoTropical
STRI special events,
May 2023
Official inauguration of the BCI100, MUCI Exhibit Opening, Remembering Richard Cooke and more.
STRI special events,
September 2022
Teacher workshop, GIS influencer, Amphibian Rescue and Conservation, Ocean Awareness month, and more.