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Contact us

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    Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
    Luis Clement Avenue, Bldg. 401 Tupper
    Ancon, Panama
    Panama, Republic of Panama
    Phone number
    Main switchboard: +507 212.8000
    Fax: +507 212.8148
    Mailing Address
    Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
    Apartado Postal 0843-03092
    Panamá, República de Panamá
    Washington DC. Offices
    For all mail:
    Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
    P.O. Box 37012, MRC 705
    Washington, DC 20013-7012
    For courier-delivery only:
    Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
    1100 Jefferson Drive, Suite 3123, MRC 705
    Washington, DC 20013-7012 USA

Media, public relations and outreach programs.

For reservations or information:

Visitor Services Office

Our team is here to help you with your logistics and administrative needs so you can focus on your research.

Scientific Permits Office

Our Scientific Permits Office handles all permits related to your research that are required by the government of Panama and the Smithsonian Institution.

    Juan Maté
    Manager for Scientific Affairs and Operations
    Rodrigo Ramírez-Blásquez
    Associate Director for Legal and External Affairs
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