Rediscovering the Undiscovered: Revitalizing the Cerro Juan Diaz Archaeological Ceramic Collection (Presentation in Spanish)
Life in Deep Time
How did rainforests and reefs respond to changes in temperature and carbon dioxide in the past? How did species evolve as a result of geological changes? What were tropical ecosystems like before humans? Our scientists address these questions using a rich fossil record. Their investigations look at the rise of the first tropical forests tens of millions of years ago; how marine species diverged after being isolated on either side of the Isthmus of Panama a few million of years ago; and how reefs and forests have changed over thousands of years in response to climate change and human impact.
How frogs’ superpowers may have led to life on land
New species of grapes are the oldest in the Western Hemisphere
New, giant horned dinosaur discovered in the ancient swamps of Montana, United States
An extinct mangrove forest discovered on Panama’s Barro Colorado Island
Wishing farewell to our friend, Dr. Richard Cooke