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The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute offers a unique opportunity for volunteers to work with experienced scientists across diverse fields, gain hands-on experience, learn new skills, and contribute to important scientific research and conservation efforts. Volunteers provide a service to the Institution and do not receive any payment, stipends or living expenses.

Are you interested in volunteering for a research project at the Smithsonian?

These are the steps to follow:

1. Visit https://stri.si.edu/staff-scientists to find your area of interest and the scientists you would like to volunteer with.

2. Contact the scientist of your choice, expressing your interest in volunteering. Be sure to send him your CV and inform your time availability.

3. If the scientist is interested in your volunteering, a request needs to be submitted by the scientist to STRI-VSO@si.edu expressing the interest in having you.

4. The Visitor Services Office will contact you to complete the required volunteer form.

5. You will then need to submit your visit request at https://visitors.stri.si.edu/en/

6. As soon as your visit request is approved, you can start your volunteer work.

Feel free to contact us for further information.


Visitor Services Office

Haydie Rowe
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
+507 212-8098
Email: stri-vso@si.edu

Information on Smithsonian Institution volunteering opportunities in the United States can be found here.

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