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Butterflies take different paths to arrive at the same color pattern

Butterflies take different paths to arrive at the same color pattern

November 14, 2019

Unrelated butterflies may have the same wing patterns. These patterns warn off predators and help suitors find the right mate. But if wing patterns in each species evolved the same way, knocking out an important gene should have the same effect in both. Carolina Concha and her team discovered that knocking out the WntA gene results in different effects in co-mimics, so the two species evolved...

Venomous Snake Captures Frog-eating Bat

Venomous snake captures frog-eating bat

November 01, 2019

Hubert Szczygieł recently arrived at STRI in Panama and is already becoming one of Gamboa’s most awesome natural historians.

Vampire bat bonding persists from the lab to the wild

Vampire bat bonding persists from the lab to the wild

October 31, 2019

Bats moved from a captive colony back to a tree stayed with their friends.

Special events October

Journalists congress, Long Ago receives scientific award, Jeff Hall talk at water security event and more

October 30, 2019

Farewell Bob Dressler, Long Ago receives scientific award, Jeff Hall talk at water security event, Archaeology talk in Veracruz

Are bats spying on their prey in the canopy?

Are bats spying on their prey in the canopy?

October 22, 2019

Eavesdropping behavior in the canopy may answer questions about how acoustic interplay among animals has developed over millions of years in the forest

What makes a good (primate) leader?

What makes a good (primate) leader?

October 17, 2019

Does a good leader have a better mental map of food in the forest? or is she simply driven by hunger?

Color and Vision

Color and Vision

October 10, 2019

Art and science on the same wavelength

Imprinting on mothers may drive speciation in poison dart frogs

Imprinting on mothers may drive speciation in poison dart frogs

October 09, 2019

Imprinting on parental color may be more important than genetics when it comes to the evolution of new species.

Microbes in warm soils released more carbon than those in cooler soils

Microbes in warm soils released more carbon than those in cooler soils

October 08, 2019

Warming tropical soils could cause a 9 % increase in atmospheric CO2 this Century.

Bats use private and social information as they hunt

Bats use private and social information as they hunt

October 04, 2019

As some of the most savvy and sophisticated predators out there, bats eavesdrop on their prey and even on other bats to collect a wide variety of information about their prey.

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