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Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Recycling old genes to get new traits – How social behavior evolves in bees

June 10, 2020

Researchers learned from some unusual sweat bee species on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, how the sophisticated division of labor in highly complex insect societies can arise from humble beginnings.

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Mariana Muñoz-Romo’s introduction to the fascinating world of bats

June 10, 2020

People who’ve attended Bat Night, the STRI bat lab’s open house in Gamboa, Panama, may have had the opportunity to hear bat researcher, Mariana Muñoz-Romo, talk about her favorite animals: the only mammals with wings. Now we all have a chance to hear her talk online.

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Unraveling sustainable forest management while in confinement

May 27, 2020

Edwin H. García started as a Bachelor student in Agua Salud 8 years ago. Now he leads a research project that will allow for estimating the value of native trees for reforestation and restoration

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Humpback whales may risk collision with vessels in the Magellan Strait

May 26, 2020

By tagging and tracking migrating humpback whales that feed in the Magellan Strait in Chile, the scientists were able to provide policy recommendations to reduce the risk of collisions

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Smithsonian sleuths distinguish tropical marine habitats in Panama using eDNA

May 25, 2020

One of the big questions about using DNA in seawater to make species lists is whether it comes from a specific site or has floated in from elsewhere. In this study researchers could distinguish different marine habitats using only DNA.

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

A Temperature Tipping Point for Tropical Forests

May 21, 2020

A study in Science by 225 researchers working with data from 590 forest sites around the world concludes that tropical forests release much more carbon into the atmosphere at high temperatures.

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Bat Talk with Dr. Rachel Page, May 20, 2020

May 21, 2020

Find out more about why bats carry viruses and how both bats and humans benefit from bat conservation.

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Long-term consequences of coastal development as bad as an Oil Spill on Coral Reefs

May 20, 2020

Three decades after the largest recorded oil spill near coastal habitats in Panama, scientists look at how coral reefs recover from acute contamination over time

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

What animal bones tell us about the rise and fall of the Maya in Guatemala

May 18, 2020

Tens of thousands of tiny bone fragments reveal eating habits, ceremonial practices and the development of animal domestication during more than 2000 years of history.

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Punta Culebra during COVID-19

May 13, 2020

While we stay home waiting for the pandemic to pass, the animals at the Nature Center wait patiently for the day when we can visit them again

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