Jaguars could prevent a not-so-great American Biotic Exchange
Urban and agricultural development and deforestation along the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor might be generating a new passageway for invasive species adapted to human disturbance.
Jaguars could prevent a not-so-great American Biotic Exchange
Urban and agricultural development and deforestation along the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor might be generating a new passageway for invasive species adapted to human disturbance.
A Bee’s-Eye-View of Panama in the late 1800’s
Bees and their pollen reveal the environment of the first Cathedral on the American mainland, as do photos by preeminent landscape photographer, Eadweard Muybridge.
Solving a crusty mystery
Why do some male bats have sticky, odorous arms? The first clues only led to more questions. But now a new sleuth, Mariana Muñoz-Romo, described by a colleague as “probably the world’s expert on chemical communication in a bat species,” is on the case.
Join us to celebrate some of the discoveries and achievements made in 2019
Fishing exclusion zones to help manage shark populations in Pacific Panama
Researchers identify 11 potential nursery areas of locally common and migratory sharks, which could help support shark conservation efforts in Panama and the region.
The universe of fungi that inhabit plants
How do microorganisms influence seed survival in the forest?
Service pins ceremony, Science Café, L’Oreal-UNESCO women in science prize, UNACHI visit to Naos laboratories, Gigante Course, and more
Service pins ceremony, Science Café, L’Oreal-UNESCO women in science prize, UNACHI visit to Naos laboratories, Gigante Course, and more
First Jaguar in Panama fitted with GPS transmitter
After years of catching jaguars only in camera-trap images, Ricardo Moreno, STRI research associate and National Geographic Emerging Explorer, and a team of 20 biologists and community members were able to catch a jaguar and fit it with a transmitter that will help researchers conserve these majestic cats in the wild.
Constant change drives local ecosystems
A MarineGEO project with sites in Panama aims to understand the influence of coastal biology on the highly variable oceanic pH levels of near-shore ecosystems
Are rivers guilty?
A unique project, integrating river and oceanic data, aims to shed light onto the drivers of marine hypoxia