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Surrounded by mangrove forests, seagrass meadows and coral reefs, Galeta became STRI’s first Caribbean marine lab in 1964. The protected island near the entrance of the Panama Canal was the site of an extensive study of a marine oil spill. Today, the station is especially well-situated for the investigation of urban and industrial encroachment on coastal ecosystems in the tropics. The station is an important outreach facility for Colón, Panama’s second-largest city.


Data on marine biota and the physical environment have been collected for more than four decades at Galeta. Long-term work includes studies of Caribbean mangroves, invasive species, termites and social wasps. More recently the site has been used to monitor and study the arrival of the invasive lionfish to the southern Caribbean. STRI scientists also helped create a management plan at Galeta that encompasses research, education and ecotourism that will allow joint use of land in the area by STRI, Panama's environment ministry and universities.

Note: The Punta Galeta Marine Laboratory is closed to the public. We invite you to check our webpage for updates.


The team at Galeta helps keep scientific research projects on track and guides visitors around the site. The staff also hosts groups for regular teacher training courses.

Stanley Heckadon

Stanley Heckadon

Staff Scientist and Station Director

Irving Bethancourt

Irving Bethancourt

Scientific Coordinator

Services and Resources

Galeta station provides quick access to mangroves, reefs and intertidal Caribbean environments. The site has resources to host school groups, and courses and workshops for teachers. The main building consists of offices, well-stocked library, kitchen, conference hall/classroom and a small laboratory. A dock provides access to sites for diving, snorkeling and exploring mangroves.

Long-term Data

Physical Monitoring Program

Established in 1974 (and upgraded in 2005), the Galeta marine meteorological and oceanic monitoring program is STRI’s second oldest monitoring station (BCI is the oldest). The current monitoring system included a 10m tower located at the end of the Galeta Pier. The tower is used to monitoring rainfall, solar radiation, Temperature, Relative Humidity, Wind speed and direction. In addition, sea surface temperature is monitored at several locations at and near to the station.

Lab and Seawater System

Laboratory and Equipment

Galeta’s recently renovated laboratory and seawater system and aquaria are designed for researchers to take full advantage of the lab’s seaside, mangrove-surrounded location. The lab also has computers and Internet. There is some general use equipment available for common use. Please contact the scientific coordination office for more information.

Research Vessels

Research Vessels

Two boats with outboard motors allow researchers to access coral reefs, seagrasses and mangroves near the station. The boats also support research in the Smithsonian’s scientific diving program.

Nature trails and Education facilities

Nature Trails and Education Facilities

A boardwalk and nature trails takes visitors through the mangroves and surrounding forests. There are interpretive signage and exhibits. There is a large observation deck on the station’s roof, a large covered outdoor meeting area, and touch pools that offer temporary refuge to rescued sea turtles.



Galeta Field Station is located 80 km from the city of Panama. It offers 3 containers converted into shared rooms with capacity for 9 people. The station has a main kitchen, dining area, WiFi, and hot water. There is always a caretaker on site. For more information, please contact

Maps and Directions

The Galeta Marine Laboratory is located on the Caribbean Coast of Panama, in the Province of Colón, about an 80 kilometer drive from Panama City.

From Panama City, drive to Colón on the Transisthmian Highway (Transístmica) or the toll road. Turn right at the intersection Cuatro Altos (Avenida Randolph). Go about four kilometers, until reaching a road where you will find a sign that welcomes you to Galeta Point. Drive for five more kilometers, and you will find the sign for STRI Galeta Marine Lab. A national park guard may charge an entry fee to the park, which is waived for people with valid STRI identification.

Galeta Map

Isla Galeta

Galeta directional Map

Directional map

Contact Us

Visiting Scientists

For information and facilitation of research at Galeta please contact our scientific support staff.

Note: Punta Galeta Marine Laboratory is closed. We do not have an opening date at this moment.

Irving Bethancourt

Scientific Coordinator
+507 212.8703 or 6921-4969

For information related to logistics, housing and vehicles, please contact the visitor services office.

STRI Visitor Services Office

+507 212.8082

General Public

To visit Galeta on a guided tour, please contact.

Dr. Stanley Heckadon

Public Programs and Educational Program Coordinator
+507 212.8191


Report all emergencies to STRI security

+507 212.8911
+507 212.8211
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