STRI Coral Reef

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D. Ross Robertson


Bernal-Hernández ME, Beltrán-López RG, Robertson DR, Baldwin CC , Espinoza E, Martínez‑Gómez JE, Barraza E. Angulo A, Valdiviezo‑Rivera J, González Acosta AF, Domínguez‑Domínguez O. (2024). Cryptic Diversity in Scorpaenodes xyris (Jordan & Gilbert 1882) (Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae) Throughout the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Journal of Molecular Evolution .

Chong-Montenegro C, Castellanos-Galindo GA, Robertson DR. Local ecological knowledge as a conservation tool for identifying threats to the Pacific Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus quinquefasciatus) in Panama. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2024; 34:e70021.

Robertson DR, Dunlap-Smith AG, Goolishian Hernandez AM, Richter L, Richter S, Mitchell S, Estape CJ, Morgan Estape A, Victor BC (2024) Additions to the marine fish fauna of the US Virgin Islands (2024). Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation, 41, 112-137. DOI:

Ewing MM, Welicky R, Baldwin CC, Robertson DR, Maslenikov KP, Tornabene (2024) L Analysis of bulk stable isotopes and trophic positions of invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans) on deep versus shallow reefs at Curacao Biological Invasions. 27:44.

Victor BC, Grove JS, Long DJ, Robertson DR, Keith I, Bensted-Smith W, Salinas-de-León P. (2024). List of Fishes of the Galapagos Archipelago, Ecuador (Version 2.0. Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation, 41, 54-111.

Robertson DR. 2024 Reef-associated Bony Fishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific: 2024 (Version 1). DOI 10.5281/zenodo.13863109

Cord, I., Floeter, S. R, Araújo, G. S., Quimbayo, J. P., Robertson, D. R., Victor, B. C., Wirtz, P., Freitas, R., & Rocha, L. A. (2024). Atlantic reef fishes: distributions and life-history traits (Version 1) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Torres-García RQ, Gaither MR, Robertson DR, Torres-Hernández E, Caselle JE, Durand J, Angulo A, Espinoza-Herrera E, García-De León FJ, Valdiviezo-Rivera J, Domínguez-Domínguez O. 2024. Geographic genetic variation in the Coral Hawkfish, Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus (Cirrhitidae), in relation to biogeographic barriers across the Tropical Indo-Pacific. PeerJ 12:e18058

Taylor BM, Prince J, Mutz S, Pardee C, Wiley J, Robertson DR, Choat JH (2024) A widespread, consistent, and perplexing biphasic pattern in log catch-at-age data from a widely-harvested family of tropical reef fishes. Fish and Fisheries 2024; 00:1-8. DOI: 10.1111/faf.12853

Robertson DR, Allen GR (2024) Shorefishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific: online information system. Version 3.0. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Panamá.


Lea RN, Frable BW, Robertson DR (2023) Misidentification of Ophidion imitator Lea, 1997 as Otophidium indefatigabile Jordan & Bollman, 1890 (Ophidiiformes: Ophidiidae: Ophidiinae). Zootaxa 5230: 95-96.

Schreiber L, Castellanos-Galindo GA, Robertson DR, Torchin M, Chavarria K, Laakmann S, Saltonstall K. (2023). Environmental DNA (eDNA) reveals potential for interoceanic fish invasions across the Panama Canal. Ecology and Evolution, 13, e9675.

Baldwin CC, Arcila D, Robertson DR, Tornabene L. 2023. Description of the First Species of Polylepion (Teleostei: Labridae) from the Atlantic Ocean with Analysis of Evolutionary Relationships of the New Species. Ichthyology & Herpetology 111(2), 182-190.

Martínez-Servín F, López-Arroyo YM, Moreno-Vázquez AL, Robertson DR, Arredondo-Chávez AT, Sánchez-Jiménez JA, Ávila-Morales OG, Madrigal-Guridi X, Caballero-Vázquez JA, Schmitter-Soto JJ, Domínguez-Domínguez O, Solís-Guzmán MG (2023) New records of ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) from Puerto Morelos Reef National Park (Mexican Caribbean). Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 53: 107-122.

Carvalho-Filho A, Baldwin CC, Fischer LG, Robertson DR, Bertoncini A, Garcia LC, Pereira da Silva J, Sampaio CLS (2023) Generic reassignment of Centropristis fusculus Poey, 1861 (Teleostei: Serranidae), with re- 2 description of the species and comments on its geographical range and sexual system  Zootaxa. 5346: 051-073.

Fuentes K, Baldwin CC, Robertson DR, Lardizabal C,Tornabene L. (2023) Two new species of Varicus from Caribbean deep reefs, with comments on the related genus Pinnichthys (Teleostei, Gobiidae, Gobiosomatini, Nes subgroup)  ZooKeys 1180: 159–180.

Palmerín-Serrano PN, Piñeros VJ, Angulo A, Espinoza E, Barraza E, Robertson DR, Martínez-Gómez JE, Solís-Gúzman MG, Calderón Cortés N, Valdiviezo-Rivera J, Domínguez-Domínguez O (2023). Comparative phylogeography and demographic histories of five widely distributed tropical eastern Pacific fishes. Marine Biology 170:158.

Schreiber L, Castellanos-Galindo GA, Robertson DR, Torchin M, Chavarria K, Laakmann S, Saltonstall K (2023). Correction to “Environmental DNA (eDNA) reveals potential for interoceanic fish invasions across the Panama Canal”. Ecology and Evolution. 2023;13:e10697.

Craig MT, Robertson DR. (2023) Mycteroperca profundorum Cervigon, 2011, a junior synonym of Mycteroperca bonaci (Poey, 1860) (Teleostei: Epinephelidae). Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation, 40, 77-80.

Bernardi G, Cohn F, Dominguez-Dominguez O,  Kingon K, Tornabene L, Robertson DR. (2023) Establishment genomics of the Indo-Pacific damselfish  Neopomacentrus cyanomos, in the Greater Caribbean. Biological Invasions.

Robertson DR, Tornabene L (2023) Reef-associated Bony Fishes of the Greater Caribbean: A Checklist (VERSION 5).

Robertson DR, Van Tassell JVT (2023) Shorefishes of the Greater Caribbean: online information system. Version 3.0. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Panama.


Robertson DR, Estapé CJ, Estapé AM, Richter L, Peña E, Victor B. Addendum and Corrigendum: Robertson DR, Estapé CJ, Estapé AM, Richter L, Peña E, Victor B (2022) An updated, illustrated inventory of the marine fishes of the US Virgin Islands. Zookeys 1103: 79-122. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.1103.83795. ZooKeys 1112: 219–221 (2022). doi: 10.3897/zookeys.1112.87591

Grove JS, Long DJ, Robertson DR, Victor BC (2022) List of Fishes of the Galapagos Archipelago, Ecuador. Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation. 39: 14–22.

Robertson DR, Estapé CJ, Estapé AM, Richter L, Peña E, Victor B. 2022. An updated, illustrated inventory of the marine fishes of the US Virgin Islands. ZooKeys 1103: 79-122 (2022) doi: 10.3897/zookeys. 1103.83795. (With attached Addendum and Corrigendum: ZooKeys 1112: 219–221 (2022) doi: 10.3897/zookeys.1112.87591.)

Torres-Hernández.E, Betancourt-Resendes I, Solís-Guzmán MG, Robertson DR, Angulo A, Martínez-Gómez JE, Espinoza E, Domínguez-Domínguez O. 2022. Phylogeography and evolutionary history of the Panamic Clingfish Gobiesox adustus in the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 173 (2022) 107496

Tornabene L, Manning R, Robertson D R, Van Tassell JL, Baldwin CC. 2022 A new lineage of deep-reef gobies from the Caribbean, including two new species and one new genus (Teleostei: Gobiidae: Gobiosomatini). Zoological Journal of the Linnaean Society. zlac013,

Stuthmann LE, Castellanos-Galindo GA, Robertson DR 2022 The functional ecology of mangrove fishes across the Isthmus of Panama. Diversity and Distributions. 2022.00:1–17. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13519

Robertson DR, Tornabene L, Lardizabal CC, Baldwin CC 2022. Submersibles greatly enhance research on the diversity of deep-reef fishes in the Greater Caribbean. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8:800250.

Puebla O, Coulmance F, Estapé CJ, Estapé AM, Robertson DR (2022) A review of 263 years of taxonomic research on Hypoplectrus (Perciformes: Serranidae), with a redescription of Hypoplectrus affinis (Poey, 1861). Zootaxa. 5093 (2): 101–141.


Robertson DR, Cox CD, Cox RL (2021) Lutjanus inermis (Peters, 1869), Golden Snapper, range extension to the Galapagos Islands Check List 17 (6): 1633–1637.

Robertson DR, Kingon KC, Baksh S, Estapé CJ, Estapé AM (2021) The Indo-Pacific damselfish Neopomacentrus cyanomos at Trinidad, southeast Caribbean. Aquatic Invasions 16,

Robertson DR, DominguezDominguez O, Solís-Guzmán MG, Kingon KC (2021) Origins of isolated populations of an Indo-Pacific damselfish at opposite ends of the Greater Caribbean. Aquatic Invasions 16

Carlon DB, Robertson DR, Barron RL, Choat JH, Anderson DJ, Schwartz SA, Sanchez-Ortiz CA 2021 The origin of the parrotfish species Scarus compressus in the Tropical Eastern Pacific: region-wide hybridization between ancient species pairs. BMC Ecology and Evolution 21, 7, 1-20.

Vilizzi L et al, D Ross Robertson et al. 2021 A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions. Science of the Total Environment 788: 147868. 16 pp.

Torres-Hernandez E, Betancourt-Resendes I, Angulo A, Robertson DR, Barraza E, Espinoza E, Díaz-Jaimes P, Domínguez-Domínguez O 2021 A multi-locus approach to elucidating the evolutionary history of the clingfish Tomicodon petersii (Gobiesocidae) in the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 166 (2022) 107316.

Long, D.J., Ebert, D.A., Tavera, J., Acero P., A. & Robertson, D.R. (2021) Squatina mapama n. sp., a new cryptic species of angel shark (Elasmobranchii: Squatinidae) from the southwestern Caribbean Sea. Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation, 38, 113–130.

Robertson DR, Morgan-Estapé AL, Estapé CJ (2021) Acanthurus mata (Cuvier, 1829), Elongate Surgeonfish (Acanthuridae), newly recorded in the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Check List 17 (6): 1609–1614.


Clarke TM, Reygondeau G, Wabnitz C, Robertson R, Ixquiac-Cabrera M, López M, Ramírez Coghi5 AM, del Río Iglesias JL, Wehrtmann I, Cheung WL (2021) Climate change impacts on living marine resources in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Diversity and Distributions. 27: 65-81. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13181

Robertson DR, Tornabene L (2020) Reef-associated Bony Fishes of the Greater Caribbean: A Checklist (VERSION 3). Zenodo. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.4279301

Chollett I, Robertson DR. Comparing biodiversity databases: Greater Caribbean reef fishes as a case study. Fish and Fisheries 2020;00:1–18.

Castellanos-Galindo GA, Robertson DR, Torchin ME 2020 A new wave of marine fish invasions through the Panama and Suez canals Nature Ecology and Evolution.

Castellanos-Galindo GA, and Robertson D R 2020 A tropical fish out of water Frontiers EcoPics doi:10.1002/fee.2247

Robertson DR, Angulo A, Baldwin CC, Pitassy D, Driskell A, Weigt L, Navarro JF (2020) Misidentification of Bellator gymnostethus (Gilbert, 1892) as Prionotus ruscarius Gilbert & Starks, 1904 (Scorpaeniformes: Triglidae). Zootaxa 4852: 142.

McFarland EP, Baldwin CC, Robertson DR, Rocha LA, Tornabene L. 2020 A new species of Chromis damselfish from the tropical western Atlantic (Teleostei, Pomacentridae). ZooKeys 1008: 107–138 . doi: 10.3897/zookeys.1008.58805

Robertson DR, Estapé CJ, Estapé AM, Peña E, Tornabene L, Baldwin CC (2020). The marine fishes of St Eustatius Island, northeastern Caribbean: an annotated, photographic catalog. Zookeys 1007: 145-180. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.1007.58515

Beldade R, Longo GC, Clements KD, Robertson DR, Perez-Matus A, Itoi S, Sugita H, Bernardi G Evolutionary origin of the Atlantic Cape Verde nibbler (Girella stuebeli), a member of a primarily Pacific Ocean family of antitropical herbivorous reef fishes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.


Robertson D Ross, Pérez-España H, Rivera-Higueras M (2019). Rapid colonization of a new shipwreck by the Indo-Pacific damselfish, Neopomacentrus cyanomos, at Veracruz, Mexico. Zenodo

Robertson, DR, Dominguez-Dominguez, Omar, Lopez Arroyo, Yareli Margarita, Moreno Mendoza, Rigoberto, Simoes, Nuno. 2019. Reef-associated fishes from the offshore reefs of western Campeche Bank, Mexico, with a discussion of mangroves and seagrass beds as nursery habitats. Zookeys 843: 71-115. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.843.33873

Uiblein F, Neilsen JG, Baldwin CC, Quattrini AM, Robertson DR. 2019 Discovery of a distinctive spotted color pattern in the cuskeel Neobythites unicolor (Teleostei, Ophidiidae) based on underwater vehicle dives, with new records from the southern and eastern Caribbean. Copeia 107: 227-286.

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