D. Ross Robertson
Allen G.R. and Robertson D.R. 2002c. Halichoeres salmofasciatus, a new species of wrasse (Pisces: Labridae) from Isla del Coco, tropical eastern Pacific. Aqua 5: 65-72.
Rocha L, Bass A, Robertson DR and Bowen BW. 2002b. Adult habitat preferences, larval dispersal and the comparative phylogeography of three Atlantic surgeonfishes (Teleostei: Acanthuridae). Molecular Evolution 11: 243-252.
Bergenius M. A. J., Meekan M.G., Robertson D. R. and McCormick M.I. 2002a. Larval growth predicts recruitment success of a coral reef fish. Oecologia 131: 521-525.
Victor BC, Wellington GM, Robertson DR, Ruttenberg B. 2001j. The effects of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation event on the distribution of reef associated labrid fishes in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Bulletin of Marine Science 69: 279-288.
Hastings P.A., Robertson D.R. (Eds). 2001i. Systematics of tropical eastern Pacific fishes. Revista Biologia Tropical Supplement 49: XIV + 209 pp.
Chao L.N., Bearez P., Robertson D.R. 2001h. A new genus and new species of Sciaenidae from the Gulf of Panama (Perciformes, Sciaenidae). Revista Biologia Tropical 49: 81-87.
Collette, B.B., Robertson D.R. 2001g. Redescription of Ammodytoides gilli, the tropical eastern Pacific sand lance (Teleostei, Ammodytoidae). Revista Biologia Tropical. 49: 111-115.
McCosker J., Robertson D.R. 2001f . Aplatophis zorro, a new species of eastern Pacific snake-eel, with comments on new world ophichthid distributions (Anguilliformes:Ophichthidae). Revista Biologia Tropical. 49: 13-19.
Bowen B.W., Bass A.L., Garcia-Rodriguez A. I., Rocha L.A, Robertson D.R. 2001e. Phylogeography of the trumpetfish (Aulostomus): ring species complex on a global scale. Evolution 55: 1029-1039.
Robertson D.R. 2001d. Population maintenance among tropical reef-fishes: inferences from the biology of small-island endemics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98: 5668-5670.
Muss A., Robertson D. R., Stepien C.A., Wirtz P., Bowen B. W. 2001c. Phylogeography of Ophioblennius: the role of ocean currents and geography in reef fish evolution. Evolution 55: 561-572.
Wellington G.M., Robertson D.R. 2001a. Variation in larval life history characteristics traits among reef fishes across the isthmus of Panama. Marine Biology 138, 11-22.
Heiser, JB, Moura RL, Robertson DR. 2000. Two new species of creole wrasse (Labridae: Clepticus) from opposite sides of the Atlantic. Aqua 4: 67-76.
Bernardi G., Robertson D.R., Clifton K.E., Azzuro E. 1999h. Molecular systematics, zoogeography, and evolutionar ecology, of the Atlantic parrotfish genus Sparisoma. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 15: 292-300.
Allen G.R. and Robertson D.R. 1999g. Epinephelus clippertonensis, a new species of serranid fish from the tropical eastern Pacific. Revue francaise Aquariologie 26: 11-15.
Hastings P.A. and Robertson D.R. 1999f. Notes on a collection of chaenopsid blennies from Bahia Azul, Bocas del Toro, Caribbean Panama. Revue francaise Aquariologie 26:33-38.
Robertson, D.R., Swearer, S., Kaufmann K. and Brothers E.B. 1999b. Settlement vs environmental dynamics in a pelagic spawning reef fish at Caribbean Panama. Ecological Monographs 69: 195-218.
Lessios H.A., Kessing B.D., Robertson D.R., and G. Paulay. 1999a. Phylogeography of the pantropical sea urchin Eucidaris in relation to land barriers and ocean currents. Evolution 53: 806-817.
1999e. D’Croz L, Robertson DR, Martinez JA. 1999 Cross-shelf distribution of nutrients, plankton and fish larvae in the San Blas Archipelago, Caribbean Panama. Revista Biologia Tropical 47: 203-215
1999c. Schaerer, L. and Robertson D.R. 1999. Sperm and milt characteristics and male v. female investment in the Caribbean reef fish Thalassoma bifasciatum. Journal of Fish Biology 55: 329-343
1999d. Swearer S.E. and Robertson D.R. Life history, pathology, and description of Kudoa ovivora n.sp. (Myxozoa, Myxoporea): an ovarian parasite of Caribbean labroid fishes. Journal of Parasitology 85
Hastings P. and Robertson D.R. 1998f. Acanthemblemaria atrata and A. mangognatha, new species of eastern Pacific barnacle blennies (Chaenopsidae) from Isla del Coco, Costa Rica and Islas Revillagigedos, Mexico, and their relationships with other barnacle blennies. Revue francaise Aquariologie 25:107-118.
Pandolfi J, Robertson D.R. and Kirtley D.W. 1998e. Roles for worms in reef building. Coral Reefs 17: 120.
Robertson, D.R. 1998d. Do coral-reef fish faunas have a distinctive taxonomic structure? Coral Reefs 17: 179-186.
Robertson, D.R. and Kaufmann K.W. 1998c. Assessing early-recruitment dynamics and its demographic consequences among tropical reef fishes: accomodating variation in recruitment seasonality and longevity. Australian Journal of Ecology 23:226-233.
Robertson, D.R. 1998b. Implications of body-size for interspecific interactions and assemblage-organization among coral reef fishes. Australian Journal of Ecology 23:252-257.
Lessios H.A.L, Kessing B., Robertson D.R. 1998a. Massive gene flow across the world's most potent geographic barrier. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 265:583-588.
D.Croz, L. and Robertson D.R. 1997b. Coastal oceanographic conditions affecting coral reefs on both sides of the isthmus of Panama. Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium 2:2053-2058.
Allen G.R. and Robertson D.R. 1997a. An annotated checklist of the fishes of Clipperton Atoll, tropical eastern Pacific. Revista de Biologia Tropical 45:813-843.
Robertson, D.R. 1996d. Egg size in relation to fertilization dynamics in free spawning tropical reef fishes. Oecologia 108:95-104.
Robertson, D.R. and G.R. Allen. 1996b. Zoogeography of the shorefish fauna of Clipperton Atoll. Coral Reefs 15:121-131.
Robertson, D.R. 1996a. Interspecific competition controls abundance and habitat use of territorial Caribbean damselfishes. Ecology 77:885-899.
Shulman, Myra Joy; Robertson, D. Ross. 1996. Changes in the coral reefs of San Blas, Caribbean Panama: 1983-1990. Coral Reefs, 15(4): 231-236.
Allen, G.R. and D.R. Robertson. 1995c. Pseudogramma axelrodi , a new species of serranid fish from the tropical eastern Pacific ocean. Tropical Fish Hobbyist 44:72-75.
Allen, G.R. and D.R.Robertson. 1995b. Xyrichtys wellingtoni, a new species of wrasse (Labridae) from Clipperton Island, tropical eastern Pacific. Revue francaise Aquariologie 22:80-82.
Robertson, D.R. 1995a. Competitive ability and the potential for lotteries among territorial reef fishes. Oecologia 103:180-190.
1994b. Sweatman, H.P.A and D.R Robertson. Grazing halos and predation on juvenile Caribbean surgeonfishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 111: 1-
Cole, Kathleen S.; Robertson, D. Ross; Cedeno, A. A.. 1994. Does Gonad Structure Reflect Sexual Patterns in all Gobiid Fishes?. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 41: 301-309.
Wellington, G.M., G.R Allen and D.R. Robertson. 1994. Xyrichtys perlas, (Labridae) a new species of razorfish from the tropical Eastern Pacific. Revue Francaise Aquariologie 21:49-52
Clifton, K.C. and D.R. Robertson. 1993b. Risks of alternative mating tactics. Nature 366:520.
Robertson, D.R., U.M. Schober and J.D. Brawn. 1993a. Comparative variation in spawning output and juvenile recruitment of some Caribbean reef fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 94:105-113.
Robertson, D.R. 1992e. Patterns of lunar settlement and early-recruitment in Caribbean reef fishes at Panama. Marine Biology 114:527-537.
Allen, G.R. and D.R. Robertson. 1992d. Three new species of Triplefins (Pisces: Tripterygiidae) from Malpelo and Socorro Islands, in the tropical eastern Pacific. Revue francaise Aquariologie 19:53-56.
Allen, G.R. and D.R. Robertson. 1992c. Deux nouvelles especes de Girelles (Labridae: Halichoeres) du Pacifique oriental tropical. Revue francaise Aquariologie 19:47-52.
Allen, G.R. and D.R. Robertson. 1992b. Serranus socorroensis, a new species of serranid fish from the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean. Revue francaise Aquariologie 19:37-40.
Allen, G.R. and D.R. Robertson. 1991d. Descriptions of two new genera and four new species of Triplefins (Pisces: Tripterygiidae) from the tropical eastern Pacific. Revue francaise Aquariologie 18: 79-82.
Robertson, D.R. 1991c. The role of adult biology in the timing of spawning of tropical reef fishes. In: P.F. Sale (Ed). The Ecology of Coral Reef Fishes. Academic Press. pp 356-382.
Robertson, D.R. 1991b. Increases in surgeonfish populations after mass mortality of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum in Panama indicate food limitation. Marine Biology 11:437-444.
Allen, G.R. and D.R. Robertson. 1991a. Quatre espèces nouvelles d'Opisthognathidae (Jawfishes) du Pacifique oriental tropical. Revue francaise Aquariologie 18:47-52.
Guzman, H.M., D.R. Robertson and M.L. Diaz. 1991. Distribución y abundancia de corales en el arrecife del Refugio de Vida Silvestre Isla Iguana, Pacifico de Panama. Revista Biologica Tropical 39:225-231