D. Ross Robertson
Castellanos-Galindo, Gustavo A., Robertson, D. Ross, Pacheco-Chaves, Bernald, Angulo, Arturo, Chong-Montenegro, Carolina. 2019. Atlantic Tarpon in the Tropical Eastern Pacific 80 years after it first crossed the Panama Canal. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.
Robertson, DR, Dominguez-Dominguez, Omar, Lopez Arroyo, Yareli Margarita, Moreno Mendoza, Rigoberto, Simoes, Nuno. 2019. Reef-associated fishes from the offshore reefs of western Campeche Bank, Mexico, with a discussion of mangroves and seagrass beds as nursery habitats. Zookeys 843: 71-115. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.843.33873
Uiblein F, Neilsen JG, Baldwin CC, Quattrini AM, Robertson DR. 2019 Discovery of a distinctive spotted color pattern in the cuskeel Neobythites unicolor (Teleostei, Ophidiidae) based on underwater vehicle dives, with new records from the southern and eastern Caribbean. Copeia 107: 227-286.
MacKenzie KM, Robertson DR, Adams JN, Altieri AH, Turner BL 2019. Structure and nutrient flow in a tropical pelagic upwelling food web: from isoscapes to the whole ecosystem . Progress in Oceanography 178: 102145.
Robertson DR, Pérez-España H, Dominguez-Dominguez O, Estapé CJ, Estapé AM.(2019) An update to the inventory of shore-fishes of the Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano, Veracruz, México. Zookeys 882: 127-157. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.882.38449
Robertson D Ross, Pérez-España H, Rivera-Higueras M.(2019) Rapid colonization of a new shipwreck by the Indo-Pacific damselfish, Neopomacentrus cyanomos, at Veracruz, Mexico. Zenodo
Tremblay N, Guerra-Castro EJ, Díaz F, Rodríguez-Fuentes G, Simões N; Robertson DR; Rosas C (2019) Cold temperature tolerance of the alien Indo-Pacific damselfish Neopomacentrus cyanomos from the southern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 524: 161308.
Robertson, D Ross, & Kingon, Kelly. (2019). The alien Indo-Pacific damselfish, Neopomacentrus cyanomos, at Trinidad. Zenodo.
Tornabene L, Robertson DR, Baldwin CC. A new species of Lipogramma from deep reefs of Roatan, Honduras (Teleostei, Grammatidae). Zookeys 809: 79-95. doi: https://10.3897/zookeys.786.27382.
Sánchez-Jiménez, A., Naranjo-Elizondo, B., Rodríguez-Arrieta, A., Quesada, A. J., Blum, S., McCosker, J. E., Robertson, D. R., Auster, P. J., & Cortés, J. (2018). Updated catalogue of bony fishes observed in deep waters at Isla del Coco National Park and Las Gemelas Seamount, Costa Rica (Eastern Tropical Pacific). Revista de Biología Tropical, 66(Supplement 5), S1-S113.
Linardich C, Ralph GM, Robertson DR, Harwell H; Polidoro BA; Lindeman KC; Carpenter KE. 2018 Extinction Risk and Conservation of Marine Bony Shorefishes of the Greater Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2018: 1-17.
Castellanos-Galindo GA, Moreno X, Robertson DR. 2018 Risks to eastern Pacific marine ecosystems from sea-cage mariculture of alien Cobia. Management of Biological Invasions.9: 323-327.
Campbell MA, Robertson DR, Vargas MC, Allen GR, McMillan WO. 2018 Multilocus molecular systematics of the circumtropical reef-fish genus Abudefduf (Pomacentridae): history, geography and ecology of speciation. Peerj 6:e5357; DOI 10.7717/peerj.5357.
Crane N, Tariel J, Caselle J, Friedlander A, Robertson DR, Bernardi G. 2018. Clipperton Atoll as a model to study small marine populations: endemism and the genomic consequences of small population size. PLoS One. 13(6): e0198901.
Barneche DR, Robertson DR, White CR, Marshall DJ 2018 Fish reproductive-energy output increases disproportionately with body size. Science 360: 642-645 doi: 10.1126/science.aao6868
Baldwin CC, Tornabene L, Robertson DR 2018 Below the mesophotic. Scientific Reports. 8 (4920). doi:10.1038/s41598-018-23067-1, Scientific Reports
Baldwin CC, Tornabene L, Robertson DR, Nonaka A, Gilmore G. 2018 More new deep-reef basslets (Teleostei: Grammatidae: Lipogramma), with updates on the eco-evolutionary relationships within the genus. Zookeys 729: 129-161.
Robertson DR, Dominguez-Dominguez O, Victor BC, Simoes N. 2018 An Indo-Pacific damselfish (Neopomacentrus cyanomos) in the Gulf of Mexico: origin and mode of introduction. PeerJ 6:e4328: 1-22.
2018 Wainwright PP, Santini F, Bellwood D, Robertson DR, Rocha L, Alfaro M. 2018 Phylogenetics and geography of speciation in new world Halichoeres wrasses. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 121: 35-45.
C. Linardich, G. Ralph, K. Carpenter, N. Cox, D.R. Robertson, H. Harwell, A. Acero P., W. Anderson Jr., F. Barthelat, J.-L. Bouchereau, J. J. Brown, J. Buchanan, D. Buddo, B. Collette,M. Comeros-Raynal, M. Craig, M. Curtis, T. Defex, J. Dooley, W. Driggers III, C. Elfes Livsey, T.Fraser, R. Gilmore Jr., L. Grijalba Bendeck, A. Hines, R. Kishore, K. Lindeman, J.-P. Maréchal,J. McEachran, R. McManus, J. Moore, T. Munroe, H. Oxenford, F. Pezold, F. Pina Amargós, A. Polanco Fernandez, B. Polidoro, C. Pollock, R. Robins, B. Russell, C. Sayer, S. Singh-Renton, W. Smith-Vaniz, L. Tornabene, J. Van Tassell, J.-C. Vié, and J. T. Williams 2017. The conservation status of Marine Bony Shorefishes of the Greater Caribbean. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. viii + 75 pp. DOI:
Tornabene L , Robertson DR, Baldwin CC A. 2017. New mesophotic goby, Palatogobius incendius (Teleostei: Gobiidae), and the first record of invasive lionfish preying on undescribed biodiversity. PLoS ONE 12(5): e0177179. DOI;10.1371/journal.pone.0177179
D. Ross Robertson, Arturo Angulo, Carole C. Baldwin, Diane Pitassy, Amy Driskell, Lee Weigt, Ignacio J.F. Navarro. 2017. Deep-water bony fishes collected by the B/O Miguel Oliver on the shelf edge of Pacific Central America: an annotated, illustrated and DNA-barcoded checklist. DOI:
Robertson DR, Simoes N, Gutiérrez Rodríguez C, Piñeros VJ, Perez-España H 2016. An Indo-Pacific damselfish widely established in the southwest Gulf of Mexico: prospects for a wider, adverse invasion. Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation 19: 1-17, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.44898
Angulo A, Baldwin CC, Robertson DR. 2016 A new species of Leptoderma Vaillant, 1886 (Osmeriformes: Alepocephalidae) from the Pacific coast of Central America. Zootaxa 4066: 493-500;
Tornabene L, Van Tassell JL, Gilmore RG, Robertson DR, Young F, Baldwin CC. 2016 Molecular phylogeny, analysis of character evolution, andsubmersible collections enable a new classification for a diverse group of gobies (Teleostei: Gobiidae: Nes subgroup), including nine new species and four new genera. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society DOI: 10.1111/zoj.12394
Tornabene L, Robertson DR, Baldwin CC 2016. Varicus lacerta, a new species of goby (Teleostei, Gobiidae, Gobiosomatini, Nes subgroup) from a mesophotic reef in the southern Caribbean. Zookeys 596: 143-156. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.596.8217
Tornabene L, Van Tassell JL, Robertson DR, Baldwin CC 2016. Repeated invasions into the twilight-zone: evolutionary origins of a novel assemblage of fishes from deep Caribbean reefs Molecular Ecology. doi: 10.1111/mec.13704
Baldwin CC, Pitassy DE, Robertson DR 2016 A new deep-reef scorpionfish (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae: Scorpaenodes) from the southern Caribbean with comments on depth distributions and relationships of western Atlantic members of the genus. Zookeys 606: 141-158. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.606.8
Simoes, Nuno; Robertson D Ross. (2016). An Indo-Pacific damselfish on an oil-platform in the southwest Gulf of Mexico. Zenodo. 10.5281/zenodo.5845 link to video:
Baldwin CC, Robertson DR, Nonaka A, Tornabene L. 2016. Two new deep-reef basslets (Teleostei: Grammatidae: Lipogramma), with comments on the eco-evolutionary relationships of the genus. Zookeys 638: 45–82. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.638.10455
Robertson DR, Perez-España H, Nuñez Lara E, Puc Itza F, Simoes N. 2016 The fishes of Cayo Arcas (Campeche Bank, Gulf of Mexico): an updated checklist. Zookeys 640: 139-155. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.640.10862
Luiz O, Allen D, Robertson DR, Floeter S, Madin J. 2015. Seafarers or castaways: ecological traits influencing rafting behaviour in tropical reef fishes. Journal of Biogeography. doi:10.1111/jbi.12574
Baldwin CC, Robertson DR. 2015. A new, mesophotic Coryphopterus goby (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from the southern Caribbean, with comments on relationships and depth distributions of members of the genus. Zookeys. 513: 123-142; doi: 10.3897/zookeys.513.9998
Robertson DR. 2015. Coincidental resemblances among coral reef fishes from different oceans. Coral Reefs (2015) DOI 10.1007/s00338-015-1309-8
Robertson DR and Collin R. 2015. Inter- and Intra-specific variation in egg size among reef fishes across the Isthmus of Panama. Front. Ecol. Evol. 2:84. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00084
Alvarez-Filip L, Paddack MJ, Collen B, Robertson DR, Côté IM (2015) Simplification of Caribbean Reef-Fish Assemblages over Decades of Coral Reef Degradation. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0126004. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0126004
Baldwin CC, Robertson DR. 2014. A new Liopropoma sea bass (Serranidae: Ephinephelidae: Liopropomini) from deep reefs off Curacao, southern Caribbean, with comments on the depth distributions of western Atlantic liopropomins Zookeys 409: 71-92
Rocha L, Aleixo A, Allen G, Almeda F, Baldwin C, Barclay M, Bates J, Benzoni F, Berns C, Berumen M, Blackburn D, Blum S, Bowie R, Britz R, Brown R, Cadena D, Carpenter K, Chakrabarty P, Choat J, Clements K, Collette B, Collins A, Cracraft J, Daniel T, de Carvalho M, de Queiroz F, di Dario F, Drewes R, Dumbacher J, Engilis A Jr,Erdmann M, Eschmeyer W, Feldman C, Fisher B, Fjeldså J, Fritsch P, Fuchs J, Getahun A, Gill A, Gomon M, Gosliner T, Graves G, Griswold C, Guralnick R, Helgen K, Ho H, Iskandar D, Iwamoto T, Jaafar Z, James H, Johnson D, Kavanaugh D, Knowlton N, Laicey E, Larson H, Last P, Leis J, Lessios H, Liebherr J, Lowman M, Matsuura K, Matus A, Mays H, McCosker J, McDiarmid R, McGuire J, Miller M, Mooi R, Moritz C, Myers P, Nachman M, O’Foighi D, Parenti L, Parham J, Paul E, Paulay G, Pérez-Emán J, Poe S, Pogonoski J, Raboski D, Randall J, Reimer J, Robertson DR, Roedel M, Roopnarine P, Rüber L, Ryan M, Sheldon F, Shinohara G, Short A, Simison B, Smith-Vaniz W, Springer V, Stiassny M, Tello J, Thompson C, Trnski M, Tucker P, Valqui T, Vecchione M, Verheyen E, Wheeler T, White W, Williams J, WilsonE, Winker K, Winterbottom R, Witt C. (2014) Specimen collecting: an essential tool. Science 344: 814-815
Robertson DR & Cramer KC 2014. Defining and Dividing the Greater Caribbean: Insights from the Biogeography of Shorefishes. PLOS ONE 9: e102918, 15 p.
Lessios, H. A. and Robertson, D.R. 2013. Speciation on a round planet: Phylogeography of the goatfish genus Mulloidichthys. Journal of Biogeography, pp. 1-12
Luiz OJ Jr, Allen AP, Robertson DR, Floeter SR, Kulbiki M, Vigliola L, Becheler R, Madin JS. 2013 Adult and larval traits as determinants of geographic range size among tropical reef fishes. PNAS. 110: 16498-16502
Baldwin CC, Robertson DR. 2013. A new Haptoclinus blenny (Teleostei: Labrisomidae) from deep reefs off Curaçao, southern Caribbean, with comments on relationships of the genus. Zookeys 306: 71-81; doi:10.3897/zookeys.306.5198
Robertson DR. 2013. Who Resembles Whom? Mimetic and Coincidental Look-Alikes among Tropical Reef Fishes. PLoS ONE 8: e54939. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054939
Luke Tornabene, James L. van Tassell & D. Ross Robertson. 2012. Microgobius urraca (Teleostei: Gobiidae), a new species of goby from the tropical eastern Pacific. Zootaxa 3347:41-55
Choat JH, Klanten OS, van Herwerden L, Robertson DR, Clements KD Pattern and process in the evolutionary history of parrotfishes (Family Labridae). Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society
Lasso-Alcala O, Posada J, Van Tassell J, Robertson DR, Fariña A. 2012 Geographic distribution of twinhorn blenny, Coralliozetus cardonae (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Chaenopsidae), with records from the southern Caribbean. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 41: 59-64.
Polidoro B, Brooks T, Carpenter K., Edgar G, Henderson S, Sanciangco J, Robertson DR. 2012 Patterns of extinction risk and threat for marine vertebrates and habitat-forming species in the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 448: 93-104
Rocha LR, Brito A, Robertson DR. 2012 Sparisoma choati, a new species of parrotfish (Labridae:Scarinae) from the tropical eastern Atlantic. Zootaxa 3152: 61-67
Fitzpatrick JM, Carlon DB, Lippe C, Robertson DR . 2011 The west Pacific diversity hotspot as a source or sink for new species? population genetic insights from the IndoPacific parrotfish Scarus rubroviolaceus. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 20: 219-234
Luiz OJ, Madin JS, Robertson DR, Rocha LA, Wirtz P, Floeter SR. 2012 Ecological traits influencing range expansion across large oceanic dispersal barriers: insights from tropical Atlantic reef fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 279: 1033-1040