A useful
Atlas of the Panamanian Caribbean macroalgae, their autofluorescence and uses
Although these seaweeds are very popular among the Guna Yala community, it is no less true that their use is unknown to the public.
"Between May and June 2018, Gloria Batista de Vega led a team of scientists that carried out a marine plant collection near the north entrance of the Panama Canal. Their intention was to collect samples of the flora: marine species of plants and algae that inhabit mangrove and coral reef ecosystems, to later analyze the autofluorescence that this flora presents using confocal microscopy equipment.
Being these marine algae very popular among the Guna Yala community, as they are used as remedies for many ailments, it is no less true that their use is unknown to the public, which is why this Atlas, beyond conforming a useful tool for the scientific community, seeking with its study new applications for the autofluorescence, is presented as a perfect manual of natural remedies, contrasted by the indigenous communities that inhabit the Caribbean coasts"
Cover of the Atlas of the Panamanian Caribbean macroalgae, their autofluorescence and uses.