These maps dramatically illustrate how rising sea levels completely altered the shape of Panama’s coastline, creating islands and submerging large areas of land.
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& Stories
Aaron O'Dea
As the demand for hydroelectricity and water increases in the tropics, a team of scientists explored the natural impacts of one of the oldest tropical dams in the world
Fossil corals show what reefs were like before human impact and reveal a modern “bright spot” reef with apparent long-term resilience to deterioration caused by humans.
Giving rise to the richest alpine flora in the world, interconnections between islands of Andean paramo vegetation flicker off and on as global temperatures rise and fall during the last million years
By diving into the past lives of coral reefs, a historical ecologist may protect our present-day reefs from human impacts
Long-distance migrations are common for large whales, but when in their evolutionary past did they begin to migrate and why? Fossil whale barnacles may have the answers