Regrowing tropical forests emit significantly lower soil carbon dioxide than cattle pastures.
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Agua Salud
A steady income stream incentivizes tropical landowners to reforest.
Can smart reforestation lessons from the Smithsonian’s Agua Salud Project in the Panama Canal watershed benefit Indigenous communities on deforested land in Western Panama?
Deforestation scenarios show the importance of secondary forest for meeting Panama’s carbon goals.
Analyses of microbial communities in streams across different land use types suggests that passive reforestation rapidly restores water quality in lowland tropical watersheds.
How can science help to restore deforested land, reduce the risk of flooding and combat climate change? Find out in a virtual chat with Jefferson Hall, director of STRI’s Agua Salud Project, Katherine Sinacore, post-doctoral fellow and Edwin Garcia, master’s degree student, moderated by STRI Interim Director, Oris Sanjur and Associate Director for Communications Linette Dutari.