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Webinar STRI Panama

Together but not mixed up: Fungi, ants and birds

September 01, 2023

Avoiding predators at all costs.

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

STRI special events, August 2023

August 31, 2023

Bird Friendly Coffee, Book Fair 2023, Congratulations to David Roubik, Golden Frog Festival 2023, Plankton Workshop and more.

STRI Panama

Like repels like: Social distancing may explain coexistence of biodiverse tree species in tropical forests

August 30, 2023

STRI staff scientist Joe Wright and colleagues present results in Science indicating that diversity among adult tropical trees can be maintained if spatial repulsion among individuals of the same species is greater than spatial repulsion among individuals of different species.

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

A new underwater photo studio yields pixel-scale fish color pattern data

August 29, 2023

The first winner of the D. Ross Robertson Postdoctoral Fellowship for Field Studies on Neotropical Reef Fishes, Floriane Coulmance, tests a new, underwater camera system to study the connection between hamlet color patterns and genetics in fish from four countries around the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico.

STRI Panama

Tropical forests may be approaching a critical high-temperature threshold, but there is still time to act

August 23, 2023

A new study in Nature combining satellite thermal- and in situ warming data found that a percentage of tropical leaves are already reaching the temperatures at which they can no longer function.

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Barro Colorado Island, 100 years of science and discoveries

August 15, 2023

Five Panamanian scientists share a glance at the experience of working in the tropical biologist’s dream, Barro Colorado Island.

Community Reforestation: Action-Based Participatory Science

July 31, 2023

Implementing reforestation projects to encourage forest protection and recovery.

STRI Panama

Marine fossils unearth story about Panama’s deep past

July 12, 2023

New fossil mammals in Caribbean Panama suggest ongoing marine interchange during the final stages of formation of the isthmus.

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Bezos Earth Fund grants $12 million to Smithsonian to support major forest carbon project

July 06, 2023

A generous grant to support international partnerships and training will enable GEO-TREES to offer the free, online data needed to verify the amount of carbon stored in complex forests worldwide, in real time.

STRI Panama

A tropical perspective on marine conservation

July 06, 2023

Multidisciplinary researchers from the global tropics published a new paper suggesting that the key to ocean conservation may lie with the tropical majority.

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