Greenhouse “time machine” sheds light on corn domestication
Lower atmospheric carbon and cooler temperatures may have contributed to the domestication of corn, a new study shows.
Greenhouse “time machine” sheds light on corn domestication
Lower atmospheric carbon and cooler temperatures may have contributed to the domestication of corn, a new study shows.
How do fig trees punish cheaters?
The tiny female fig wasp carries a huge burden but cutting corners may not be worth the risk.
Species invasion through Panama Canal? Pacific jingle shell found in Caribbean
Scientists first discovered the shiny sea critter in 2009. Genetic testing suggested it crossed the canal on more than one occasion.
Risky ripples: frog’s love song may summon kiss of death
Things just got worse for male túngara frogs who beckon frog-eating bats with their mating calls. Now it appears that the ripples they make also attract hungry bats.
Scientists question hydrological model for Panama Canal Watershed
A new model suggests reforestation could be detrimental to water resources in the Panama Canal. Smithsonian scientists warn of flawed methodology and emphasize case for long-term monitoring.
Hacking the wood wide web
A disrupted mutualism sheds light on the dark web underneath the forest floor.
Rainforest rodents risk their lives to eat
Late to bed or early to rise, a forest rodent’s increases its chances of demise.
Tropical rainforests in danger of losing tree diversity
Short-lived tropical forests only sustain about half of the tree biodiversity of mature forests, according to a new study in the Panama Canal Watershed.
An invitation from Mireya Correa
The director of Panama’s herbaria invite visiting researchers to use these valuable resources of Panama’s astounding plant biodiversity.
Bryophyte diversity in El Copé
A Smithsonian research heads into the remote mountains of a Panamanian national park to catalogue the tiniest of plant species.