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Colon's growth encroaches on Galeta buffer zone: report

July 04, 2014

A new analysis of growth trends around the Caribbean entrance to the Panama Canal shows that development is putting extreme pressure on coastal ecosystems of mangroves, seagrasses and coral reefs.


Panama fish catch 40 percent larger than reported

June 27, 2014

Panama’s haul of tuna, lobster, shellfish and sharks has been dramatically underreported for decades, according to a new study.


New beetles highlight orchid connection

June 13, 2014

In a remote Bolivian forest, a Smithsonian researcher discovers the first beetle species that live on orchids.


Buckets of biodiversity

June 06, 2014

Aboard a research vessel in the Gulf of Panama, a Smithsonian research fellow explores the hidden biodiversity of the tropical ocean.


How could climate change affect fiddler crab reproduction?

May 30, 2014

A new study raises questions about how a common beach creature will sustain its populations if temperature swings become greater in the future.


What stories do old deer bones tell?

May 09, 2014

To better explain how deer populations have declined throughout tropical America, one researcher delves into a collection of 2,500 deer bones at the Smithsonian archaeology lab in Panama.


Matthew Larsen named director of Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

April 04, 2014

What do millions of tree measurements say about Climate Change?

April 04, 2014

The ecologist who leads ForestGEO’s ecosystems and climate initiative visits STRI and discusses her plans to tackle millions of tree measurements taken across the globe.


Humans drive evolution of conch size

March 21, 2014

Thousands of years of hunting has turned a substantial meal into a bite-sized snack.


GMO soybean pollen may threaten Mexican honey exports

February 14, 2014

Researchers find genetically modified pollen from soybeans in otherwise GMO-free Mexican honey.

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