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Lessons From Amphibian Die-off in Panama

Lessons From Amphibian Die-off in Panama

March 30, 2018

What slows or stops a disease epidemic if the pathogen is still present? It appears that wild frogs are becoming increasingly resistant to the chytrid fungal disease that has decimated amphibian populations around the world.

Learning from other species

Predators learn to identify prey from other predators

March 21, 2018

It is much faster to learn to recognize a new prey item from a neighboring species, than to learn by trial and error.

First Evidence of Live-traded Dogs for Maya Ceremonies

March 21, 2018

At one of the oldest Maya sites, STRI staff archaeologist, Ashley Sharpe, discovered dog bones from the Guatemalan highlands deep within two pyramids.

Smithsonian Researchers Name New Ocean Zone

Smithsonian Researchers Name New Ocean Zone

March 20, 2018

New ocean zone is home to many new species of reef fish

How do natural and human-discharged nutrient pulses impact tropical marine ecosystems?

March 14, 2018

Nutrient upwelling season in the Bay of Panama and water quality tests from 20 previously unmonitored rivers provide a Panamanian researcher with clues about how nutrient addition impacts coastal ecosystems.

Individual tree species, not forest communities, respond to changes in phosphorus levels

Fast growth despite phosphorus limitation

March 07, 2018

Individual tree species, not forest communities, respond to changes in phosphorus levels.

The caribean's declining reefs

What were Caribbean coral reefs like before humans?

September 29, 2017

Fossil reefs from around the Caribbean show how biologically rich these ecosystems once were — and provide goalposts for conservationists hoping to restore them.

How long has Central America been so biologically diverse?

How long has Central America been so biologically diverse?

September 28, 2017

20-million-year-old fossil seeds shed light on origins of plant biodiversity in Panama.

Tropical dark respiration data tweak climate model

Tropical dark respiration data tweak climate model

September 27, 2017

What do warmer nights mean for the release of carbon dioxide by tropical forests?

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