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Special events Jan

Chocolate tasting, Jazz and Banjo Picking, Welcome Kirk Broders, Welcome Leila Nilipour, Smithsonian’s New Communication Chief visits STRI, Congrats Ummat and more

February 01, 2019

Chocolate tasting, Jazz and Banjo Picking, Welcome Kirk Broders, Welcome Leila Nilipour, Smithsonian’s New Communication Chief visits STRI, Congrats Ummat and more

Trans birds

Testosterone results in male-like behavior of female golden-collared manakins

January 30, 2019

How flexible are bird brains in response to hormones?

The Evolution of Obesity

The Evolution of Obesity

January 29, 2019

The epidemic of obesity-related diseases such as heart disease and type-2 diabetes may be a result of an advantageous process gone awry as the body stores excess energy as visceral adipose tissue, fat surrounding the internal organs in the abdomen.

Weighing costs and benefits of motivating landowners to reforest the Panama Canal Watershed

January 18, 2019

How far should we go when paying for natural services? Economic sciences can help us calculate the exact amount

Surfer’s Ear Points to Ancient Pearl Divers in Panama

Surfer’s Ear Points to Ancient Pearl Divers in Panama

January 18, 2019

A small bump in the ear canal of skulls from burials near the Gulf of Panama, may indicate that ancient coastal residents dove in icy waters to recover pearls and valuable orange Spondylus shells.

Learning from Tropical Nature in 2018

Learning from Tropical Nature in 2018

December 20, 2018

Join us to celebrate a few of the discoveries made in 2018.

Frog Sex in the City

Urban tungara frogs are sexier than forest frogs

December 10, 2018

How do animals adapt to urban environments? In the case of the Tungara frog, city males put on a more elaborate display than males in forested areas.

Special Events Nov

Family Day on Barro Colorado Island, SNI Honors Cooke and Sanjur, SENACYT’s plans for Coiba lab, Condolences to Kursar and Jackson families

December 03, 2018

Family Day on Barro Colorado Island, SNI Honors Cooke and Sanjur, SENACYT’s plans for Coiba lab, Condolences to Kursar and Jackson families, art meets science, new Fulbright-National Geographic fellow speaks at Naos, scientists host university students , Congratulations to Daney Ramirez, Corotú cafeteria changes hand, New digital giving campaign, STRI participates in local events

Autotomy, the shedding of a body part, reveals the hidden cost of conflict

November 16, 2018

Not only does it take energy to make weapons, it may take even more energy to maintain them. Because leaf-footed bugs drop their legs, it is possible to measure how much energy they allocate to maintaining this appendage that males use to fight other males.

First study of humpback whale survivors of killer whale attacks in the Southeastern Pacific

November 07, 2018

Attacks on humpback whales may be on the rise, according to an analysis of scars on humpback whales published in Endangered Species Research.

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