Richard Cooke
Martínez‐Polanco, María Fernanda, Béarez, Philippe, Jiménez‐Acosta, Máximo, and Cooke, Richard G. 2022. "Allometry of Mexican hogfish (Bodianus diplotaenia) for predicting the body length of individuals from two pre‐Columbian sites in the Pearl Island archipelago (Panama)." International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 32, (3) 669–681.
Martínez-Polanco, María Fernanda, Rivals, Florent, Sugiyama, Nawa, France, Christine A. M., Castro Méndez, Sergio Andrés, Jiménez-Acosta, Máximo, Martín, Juan Guillermo, and Cooke, Richard G. 2022. "Human ecological impacts on islands: Exemplified by a dwarf deer (Cervidae: Mazama sp.) on Pedro Gonzalez Island, Pearl Island Archipelago, Pacific Panama (6.2–5.6 kya)." Journal of Archaeological Science, 143.
Cooke, Richard G. 2021. "A Double-Headed Turtle God." L'Homme.Revue française d'anthropologie, 238 5–20.
Bustamante, Fernando, Martín, Juan Guillermo, and Cooke, Richard G. 2021. "Arqueologia del archipielago de Las perlas, Panama: la tecnologia litica en la ocupacion preceramica de la isla Pedro Gonzalez." In Mucho mas que un puente terrestre: Avances de la arqueologia en Panamá. 197–211. Panama: Editora Novo Art.
Martínez-Polanco, M. F., Solis, O., Sanchez Herrera, L. S., Jimenez, M., and Cooke, Richard G. 2021. "Crafting white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) bone and antler at Cerro Juan Díaz (LS-3), Greater Coclé Culture Area, Panama." In Bones at a crossroads: Integrating Worked Bone Research with Archaeometry and Social Zooarchaeology. Wild, Markus, Thurber, Beverly A., Rhodes, Stephen, and Gates St-Pierre, Christian, editors. 213–242. Sidestone Press.
Pearson, Georges A., Andres Castro, Sergio, Jimenez Acosta, Maximo, Cooke, Richard G., and Guillermo Martin, Juan. 2021. "The mid holocene occupation of the Pearl Islands: A case of unusual insular adaptations on the Pacific Coast of Panama." Quaternary International, 578 155–169.
Ranere, Anthony J. and Cooke, Richard G. 2021. "Late glacial and Early Holocene migrations, and Middle Holocene settlement on the lower isthmian land-bridge." Quaternary International, 578 20–34.
Sanchez Herrera, L. S., Cooke, Richard G., and Smith-Guzman, Nicole. 2021. "Patterns of Disease and Culture in Ancient Panama: A Bioarchaeological Analysis of the Early Graves at Cerro Juan Díaz." Bioarchaeology International, 5, (1) 78–95.
Jiménez, Máximo, Wake, Thomas A., Martín, Juan Guillermo, and Cooke, Richard G. 2021. "Impactos de los primeros inmigrantes humanos en los mamiferos marinos y la fauna terrestre del archipielago de Las Perlas, Panamá." In Mucho mas que un puente terrestre: Avances de la arqueologia en Panamá. 213–237. Panama: Editora Novo Art.
Sharpe, Ashley E., Smith-Guzmán, Nicole, Curtis, Jason, Isaza-Aizpurúa, Ilean, Kamenov, George D., Wake, Thomas A., and Cooke, Richard G. 2021. "A preliminary multi-isotope assessment of human mobility and diet in pre-Columbian Panama." Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 36.
Lopez-Angarita, Juliana, Camilo Cubillos-M, Juan, Villate-Moreno, Melany, Del Cid, Annissamyd, Diaz, Juan M., Cooke, Richard, Cagua, E. Fernando, and Tilley, Alexander. 2021. "Bright spots for research and conservation of the largetooth sawfish Pristis pristis in Colombia and Panama." Endangered Species Research, 46 147–160.
Rambaldi Migliore, Nicola, Colombo, Giulia, Capodiferro, Marco Rosario, Mazzocchi, Lucia, Chero Osorio, Ana Maria, Raveane, Alessandro, Tribaldos, Maribel, Perego, Ugo Alessandro, Mendizabal, Tomas, Monton, Alejandro Garcia, Lombardo, Gianluca, Grugni, Viola, Garofalo, Maria, Ferretti, Luca, Cereda, Cristina, Gagliardi, Stella, Cooke, Richard, Smith-Guzman, Nicole, Olivieri, Anna, Aram, Bethany, Torroni, Antonio, Motta, Jorge, Semino, Ornella, and Achilli, Alessandro. 2021. "Weaving Mitochondrial DNA and Y-Chromosome Variation in the Panamanian Genetic Canvas." Genes, 12, (12).
Capodiferro, Marco Rosario, Aram, Bethany, Raveane, Alessandro, Migliore, Nicola Rambaldi, Colombo, Giulia, Ongaro, Linda, Rivera, Javier, Mendizabal, Tomas, Hernandez-Mora, Iosvany, Tribaldos, Maribel, Perego, Ugo Alessandro, Li, Hongjie, Scheib, Christiana Lyn, Modi, Alessandra, Gomez-Carballa, Alberto, Grugni, Viola, Lombardo, Gianluca, Hellenthal, Garrett, Miguel Pascale, Juan, Bertolini, Francesco, Grieco, Gaetano Salvatore, Cereda, Cristina, Lari, Martina, Caramelli, David, Pagani, Luca et al. 2021. "Archaeogenomic distinctiveness of the Isthmo-Colombian area." Cell, 184, (7) 1706.
Martínez-Polanco, María Fernanda, Ranere, Anthony, and Cooke, Richard G. 2020. "Following white-tailed deer to the hilltop: A zooarchaeological and taphonomic analysis of deer hunting at Cerro Mangote, a Late Preceramic (7800-4600 cal yr BP) site in central Pacific Panama." Quaternary International,
Martínez-Polanco, María Fernanda, Rivals, Florent, and Cooke, Richard G. 2020. "Behind white-tailed deer teeth: A micro- and mesowear analysis from three Panamanian pre-Columbian archaeological sites." Quaternary International, 557 70–79.
Sugiyama, Nawa, France, Christine A. M., Cooke, Richard G., and Martínez-Polanco, María Fernanda. 2020. "Collagen and carbonate isotope data of fauna from pre-Columbian Panama." Data in Brief, 31 105974.
Sugiyama, Nawa, Martínez-Polanco, María Fernanda, France, Christine A. M., and Cooke, Richard G. 2020. "Domesticated landscapes of the neotropics: Isotope signatures of human-animal relationships in pre-Columbian Panama." Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 59 Article 101195.
Cooke, Richard G. and Sánchez H, Luis A. 2019. "Panama Indigena." In Nueva historia general de Panamá Tomo 1, Capítulo 1. Calvo, Alfredo Castillero and Aparicio, Fernando, editors. 115–160. Panamá: Editora Novo Art, S.A.
Cooke, Richard G., Sánchez H, Luis A., Smith-Guzmán, Nicole E., and Lara-Kraudy, Alexandra. 2019. "Panamá prehispánico." In Nueva Historia General de Panamá, Tomo 1, Capítulo 1. Calvo, Alfredo Castillero and Aparicio, Fernando, editors. 39–114. Panamá: Editora Novo Art, S.A.
Martínez-Polanco, María Fernanda and Cooke, Richard G. 2019. "Zooarchaeological and taphonomical study of the white-tailed deer (Cervidae: Odocoileus virginianus Zimmerman 1780) at Sitio Sierra, a pre-Columbian village in Pacific Coclé province, Panama, with an evaluation of its role in feasts." Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 1–18.
Smith-Guzmán, Nicole E. and Cooke, Richard G. 2019. "Response to Todd and Graham's "Letter to the editor concerning external auditory bony growths in pre-Columbian inhabitants of Panama"." American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 168, (4) 810–811.
Zohar, Irit and Cooke, Richard G. 2019. "The role of dried fish: A taphonomical model of fish butchering and long-term preservation." Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 26 1–18.
Smith-Guzmán, Nicole E. and Cooke, Richard G. 2018. "Interpersonal Violence at Playa Venado, Panama (550-850 AD): A Reevaluation of the Evidence." Latin American Antiquity, 29, (04) 718–735.
Smith‐Guzmán, Nicole E. and Cooke, Richard G. 2018. "Cold-water diving in the tropics? External auditory exostoses among the pre-Columbian inhabitants of Panama." American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 1–11.
Smith-Guzmán, Nicole E., Toretsky, Jeffrey A., Tsai, Jason, and Cooke, Richard G. 2018. "A probable primary malignant bone tumor in a pre-Columbian human humerus from Cerro Brujo, Bocas del Toro, Panamá." International Journal of Paleopathology, 21 138–146.
Buckley, Michael, Cooke, Richard G., Martínez, María Fernanda, Bustamante, Fernando, Jiménez, Máximo, Lara, Alexandra, and Martín, Juan Guillermo. 2017. "Archaeological Collagen Fingerprinting in the Neotropics; Protein Survival in 6000 Year Old Dwarf Deer Remains from Pedro González Island, Pearl Islands, Panama." In Zooarchaeology in the Neotropics. 157–175. Springer Nature.
Marceniuk, Alexandre P., Acero, Arturo P., Cooke, Richard G., and Betancur-R, Ricardo. 2017. "Taxonomic revision of the New World genus Ariopsis Gill (Siluriformes: Ariidae), with description of two new species." Zootaxa, 4290, (1).
Cooke, Richard G., Wake, Thomas, Martinez-Polanco, Maria, Jimenez-Acosta, Maximo, Bustamante, Fernando, Holst, Irene, Lara-Kraudy, Alexandra, Martin, Juan Guillermo, and Redwood, Stewart. 2016. "Exploitation of dolphins (Cetacea: Delphinidae) at a 6000 yr old Preceramic site in the Pearl Island archipelago, Panama." Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 6 733–756.
López-Angarita, Juliana, Roberts, Callum M., Tilley, Alexander, Hawkins, Julie P., and Cooke, Richard G. 2016. "Mangroves and people: Lessons from a history of use and abuse in four Latin American countries." Forest Ecology and Management, 368 151–162.
Martin, Juan Guillermo, Cooke, Richard G., Bustamante, Fernando, Holst, Irene, Lara, Alexandra, and Redwood, Stewart D. 2016. "Ocupaciones prehispanicas en Isla Pedro Gonzalez, Archipielago de las Perlas, Panama: Aproximacion a una cronologia con comentarios sobre las conexiones externas." Latin American Antiquity, 27, (3) 378–396.
Stange, Madlen, Aguirre-Fernández, Gabriel, Cooke, Richard G., Barros, Tito, Salzburger, Walter, and Sánchez-Villagra, Marcelo R. 2016. "Evolution of opercle bone shape along a macrohabitat gradient: species identification using mtDNA and geometric morphometric analyses in neotropical sea catfishes (Ariidae)." Ecology and Evolution, 6, (16) 5817–5830.
Grugni, Viola, Battaglia, Vincenza, Perego, Ugo Alessandro, Raveane, Alessandro, Lancioni, Hovirag, Olivieri, Anna, Ferretti, Luca, Woodward, Scott R., Pascale, Juan Miguel, Cooke, Richard G., Myres, Natalie, Motta, Jorge, Torroni, Antonio, Achilli, Alessandro, and Semino, Ornella. 2015. "Exploring the Y Chromosomal Ancestry of Modern Panamanians." PloS One, 10, (12) 1–24.
Martín, Juan G., Mendizábal, Tomás, Schreg, Rainer, Cooke, Richard G., and Piperno, Dolores R. 2015. "Pre-Columbian raised fields in Panama: First evidence." Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 3 558–564.
Martinez-Polanco, Maria, Jimenez, Maximo, Buckley, Mike, and Cooke, Richard G. 2015. "Impactos humanos tempranos en fauna insular: El caso de los venados enanos de Pedro González (Archipiélago de las Perlas, Panamá)." Revista Archaebios, 9, (1) 202–214.
Cooke, Richard G. 2014. Origenes, Dispersion Y Supervivencia De Las Sociedades Originarias De La Sub-Region IstmeÑa De America: Una ReseÑa En El Marco De La Historia Profunda. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Pre-Columbian Studies.
Iizuka, Fumie, Cooke, Richard G., Frame, Lesley, and Vandiver, Pamela B. 2014. "Inferring provenance, manufacturing technique, and firing temperatures of the Monagrillo ware (3520-1300 cal BC), Panama's first pottery." In Craft and science: International perspectives on archaeological ceramics. Martinon-Torres, Marcos, editor. 19–29. Doha, Qatar: Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation.
Martin, Juan G., Mendizabal, Tomas, Schreg, Rainer, Piperno, Dolores R., and Cooke, Richard G. 2014. "First evidence for pre-Columbian raised fields in Central America." Antiquity, 89, (343).
Cooke, Richard G., Ranere, Anthony, Pearson, Georges, and Dickau, Ruth. 2013. "Radiocarbon chronology of early human settlement on the Isthmus of Panama (13,000-7,000 BP) with comments on cultural affinities, environments, subsistence, and technological change." Quaternary International, 801 3–22.
Cooke, Richard G., Steadman, David, Jimenez, Maximo, and Isaza-Aizpurua, Ilean. 2013. "Pre-Columbian Exploitation of Birds Around Panama Bay." In The Archaeology of Mesoamerican Animals. Gotz, Christopher M. and Emery, Kitty F., editors. Lockwood Press. 1 in Archaeobiology Series G - Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary Subjects Series.
Dickau, Ruth, Redwood, Stewart D., and Cooke, Richard G. 2013. "A 4,000-year-old shaman’s stone cache at Casita de Piedra,western Panama." Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 5, (4) 331–349.
Perego, Ugo A., Lancioni, Hovirag, Tribaldos, Maribel, Angerhofer, Norman, Ekins, Jayne E., Olivieris, Anna, Woodward, Scott R., Pascales, Juan Miguel, Cooke, Richard G., Motta, Jorge, and Achilli, Alessandro. 2012. "Decrypting the mitochondrial gene pool of modern Panamanians." PLoS ONE, 7, (6) 1–10.
Cooke, Richard G. 2011. "The Gilcrease Collection and Gran Coclé." In To Capture the Sun: Gold Ancient Panama. 115–160. Tulsa, Oklahoma: Gilcrease Museum.
Cooke, Richard G. and Jimenez, Maximo. 2010. "Animal-derived artefacts at two pre-Columbian sites in the ancient savannas of central Panama. An update on their relevance to studies of social hierarchy and cultural attitudes towards animals." In Anthropological Approaches to Zooarchaeology: Colonialism, Complexity and Animal Transformations. Campana, Douglas V., Crabtree, P., deFrance, S. D., Lev-Tov, J., and Choyke, A., editors. 30–55. Oxford, England: Oxbow Books.
Cooke, Richard G. and Martin Rincon, Juan Guillermo. 2010. "Arqueozoologia en la Baja América Central (Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Panama)." In Estado actual de la arqueozoologia latinoamericana: Current advances for the Latin-American archaeozoology. Mengoni Goñalons, Guillermo, Arroyo-Cabrales, Joaquin, Polaco, Oscar J., and Aguilar, Felisa J., editors. 105–131. Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia.
Cooke, Richard G. and Jimenez, Maximo. 2009. "Fishing a pre-Hispanic settlements on the Pearl Island archipelago (Panama, Pacific), 1: Pedro Gonzalez Island (4030-3630 cal BCE)." In Fishes-Culture-Environment Through Archaeoichthyology, Ethnography and History: The 15th Meeting of the ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group (FRWG), September 3-9, 2009 in Poznan & Turun, Poland. Makowiecki, Daniel, Hamilton-Dyer, Sheila, Riddler, Ian, Trzaska-Nartowski, N., and Makohonienko, Miroslaw, editors. 167–171. Poznan: Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe. 7 in Srodowisko i Kultura = Environment and Culture.
Martinez, Maria Fernanda, Jimenez, Maximo, and Cooke, Richard G. 2009. "Fishing at pre-Hispanic settlements on the Pearl Island archipelago (Panama, Pacific), II: Bayoneta Island (900-1300 CE)." In Fishes-Culture-Environment Through Archaeoichthyology, Ethnography & History. Makowiecki, Daniel, Hamilton-Dyer, Sheila, Riddler, Ian, Trzaska-Nartowski, N., and Makohonienko, Miroslaw, editors. 172–175. Poznan: Bogucki WynadwictwoNaukowe. 7 in Srodowisko i Kultura = Environment and Culture.
Robertson, D. Ross, Christy, John H., Collin, Rachel, Cooke, Richard G., D'Croz, Luis, Kaufmann, Karl W., Moreno, Stanley Heckadon, Maté, Juan L., O'Dea, Aaron, and Torchin, Mark E. 2009. "The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute: Marine Research, Education, and Conservation in Panama." In Proceedings of the Smithsonian Marine Science Symposium. 73–93. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences.
Carvajal-Contreras, Diani Rocio, Cooke, Richard G., and Jimenez, Maximo. 2008. "Taphonomy at Two Contiguous Coastal Rockshelters in Panama: Preliminary Observations Focusing on Fishing and Curing Fish." Quaternary International, 180 90–106.
Cooke, Richard G. and Jimenez, Maximo. 2008. "Marine catfish (Ariidae) of the Tropical Eastern Pacific: An update emphasising taxonomy, zoogeography and interpretation of Pre-Columbian fishing practices." In Archéologie du Poisson: 30 Ans d'Archéo-Ichtyologie au CNRS: Hommage aux Travaux de Jean Desse et Nathalie Desse-Berset: Actes des Rencontres, 18-20 Octobre 2007/XXVIIIe Rencontres Internationales d'Archéologie et d'Histoire d'Antibes. Bearez, Philippe, Grouard, Sandrine, and Clavel, Benoît, editors. 161–180. Antibes: Éditions APDCA. In
Cooke, Richard G. and Jimenez, Maximo. 2008. "Pre-Columbian Use of Freshwater Fish in the Santa Maria Biogeographical Province, Panamá." Quaternary International, 185 48–58.