A mobile hearing test determined that the hearing sensitivity of Neotropical bats is associated with the sounds generated by their prey, demonstrating how hearing ability may relate directly to niche differentiation.
Rachel Page
September 08, 2021
August 31, 2021
Colorful female Jacobins in the wild may feed more frequently and for longer periods than their drab counterparts
Similar to human babies, this bat species learns to communicate through babbling and vocal imitation
August 23, 2021
Long-term monitoring of the bat species Saccopteryx bilineata in their natural setting revealed that pups display babbling behavior strikingly similar to that of human infants
August 10, 2021
How does having a third choice (a decoy) change the way fruit-eating bats choose what to eat?
February 09, 2021
The strong relationship formed between two female adult vampire bats may have motivated one of the bats to adopt the other’s baby.
January 29, 2021
A literature review revealed that odor-producing glands and tissues in bats may play a prominent role in mating behavior