STRI Coral Reef

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Matthew Larsen

Larsen, Matthew C., Stallard, Robert F., and Paton, Steven. 2021. "Lutz Creek watershed, Barro Colorado Island, Republic of Panama." Hydrological Processes, 35, (4).
Larsen, Matthew C. 2019. "Water supply and water quality challenges in Panama." In Advances in Water Purification Techniques. Ajuha, S., editor. 41–66. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Larsen, Matthew C. 2019. "Prologo." In Hierbas, bejucos y lianas en el parque natural metropolitano, Panama. 1st. ed. iv–v. Panama: Smithsonian; Universidad de Panama.
Larsen, Matthew C. 2017. "Forested Watersheds, Water Resources, and Ecosystem Services, with Examples from the United States, Panama, and Puerto Rico." In Chemistry and Water: The Science Behind Sustaining the World's Most Crucial Resource. Ahuja, Satinder, editor. 161–182. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Larsen, Matthew C. 2017. "Forested watersheds, climate change, ecosystem services, and natural hazards." In Facing the Threat: Climate Change, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Hydrometeorological Risks and Climate Change 2015, Colleción Memorias. Raynal Villaseñor, J. A., editor. 13–43. Puebla, Cholula, Mexico: Universidad de las Americas.
Larsen, Matthew C. 2017. "Water, hazard mitigation, and other ecosystem services derived from tropical forested watersheds: benefits and risks." In Managing Water and Biodiversity in Humid Areas, Proceedings if the 9th Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy. Vaux, H. J., editor. 3–32. Oakland, CA: University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Larsen, Matthew C. 2015. "Prefacio." In La gestion de las cuencas hidrograficas para asegurar los servicios ecosistemicos en las laderas del Neotropico. Hall, Jefferson S., Kirn, Vanessa, and Yanguas-Fernandez, Estrella, editors. 9–10. Balboa, Panama: Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales.
Larsen, Matthew C. 2015. "Preface." In Managing Watersheds for Ecosystem Services in the Steepland Neotropics. Hall, Jefferson S., Kirn, Vanessa, and Yanguas-Fernández, Estrella, editors. Inter-American Development Bank. In Inter-American Development Bank Monograph (340). (,
Larsen, Matthew C. 2015. Managing Watersheds for Ecosystem Services in the Steepland Neotropics [Gestión de Cuencas Hidrográficas para Servicios de Ecosistemas en el Neotrópico Steepland], Hall, Jefferson S., Kirn, Vanessa, and Yanguas-Fernández, Estrella, editors. Inter-American Development Bank. In Inter-American Development Bank Monograph (340).
Larsen, Matthew C. 2014. "Global change and water availability and quality: challenges ahead." In Comprehensive Water Quality in Purification. Ahuja, Satinder, editor. 11–20. Elsevier.
Larsen, Matthew C., Hamilton, Pixie A., and Werkheiser, William H. 2013. "Water quality status and trends in the United States." In Monitoring water quality: pollution assessment, analysis, and remediation. Ahuja, Satinder, editor. 19–57. Oxford: Elsevier.
Larsen, Matthew C. 2012. "Foreword." In Water quality and landscape processes of four watersheds in eastern Puerto Rico. Murphy, Sheila F. and Stallard, Robert F., editors. iv. Reston, Virginia: United States Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. In Professional Paper (1789).
Larsen, Matthew C. 2012. "Global Change and Water Resources: Where Are We Headed?" Water Resources Impact, 14, (5) 3–7.
Larsen, Matthew C. 2012. Informe Final Foro Internacional Sobre Conservación Sostenible De Las Fuentes Y Cuencas Hídricas Y Operación De Acueductos Veredales De Chocontá. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: American Chemical Society and Global Innovations Imperatives.
Larsen, Matthew C. 2012. "Landslides and sediment budgets in four watersheds in eastern Puerto Rico." In Water quality and landscape processes of four watersheds in eastern Puerto Rico. Murphy, Sheila and Stallard, Robert F., editors. 153–178. Reston, Virginia: United States Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey.
Larsen, Matthew C., Liu, Zhigang, and Zou, Xiaoming. 2012. "Effects of earthworms on slopewash, surface runoff, and fine-litter transport on a humid-tropical forested hillslope in eastern Puerto Rico." In Water quality and landscape processes of four watersheds in eastern Puerto Rico. Murphy, Sheila F. and Stallard, Robert F., editors. 179–198. Reston, Virginia: United States Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey.
Larsen, Matthew C., Liu, Zhigang, and Zou, Xiaoming. 2012. "Effects of earthworms on slopewash, surface runoff, and fine-litter transport on a humid-tropical forested hillslope in eastern Puerto Rico." In Water quality and landscape processes of four watersheds in eastern Puerto Rico. Murphy, Sheila F. and Stallard, Robert F., editors. 179–198. Reston, Virginia: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. In Professional Paper (1789).
Larsen, Matthew C. and Ryker, Sarah J. 2012. "Global change and water availability and quality: challenges ahead." US Geological Survey, 1.
Murphy, Sheila F., Stallard, Robert F., Larsen, Matthew C., and Gould, William A. 2012. "Physiography, geology, and land cover of four watersheds in Eastern Puerto Rico." In Water quality and landscape processes of four watersheds in eastern Puerto Rico. Murphy, Sheila F. and Stallard, Robert F., editors. 1–24. Reseton: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey.
Murphy, Sheila F., Stallard, Robert F., Larsen, Matthew C., and Gould, William A. 2012. "Physiography, geology, and land cover of four watersheds in eastern Puerto Rico." In Water quality and landscape processes of four watersheds in eastern Puerto Rico. Murphy, Sheila F. and Stallard, Robert F., editors. 1–24. Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey. 1789 in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper.
Larsen, Matthew C. 2011. "Foreward." In From Space to Place: An Image Atlas of World Heritage Sites on the 'in Danger' List. Sayer, Roger, Hernandez, Mario, Spencer, Doug, Cecere, Tom, Morganwalp, Carly, Hamman, Sharon, Fox, Courtney, Benson, Laurence, Cook, Sarah, Bunning, Jessica, Alvarado, Sandra Cabrera, and Cardenas, Maria Rosa, editors. 6. Paris: UNESCO.
Gray, John R., Gartner, Jeffrey W., Anderson, Chauncey W., Fisk, Gregory G., Glysson, G. D., Gooding, Daniel J., Hornewer, Nancy J., Larsen, Matthew C., Macy, Jamie P., and Rasmussen, Patrick P. 2010. "Surrogate Technologies for Monitoring Suspended-Sediment Transport in Rivers." In Sedimentology of Aqueous Systems. Poleto, Cristiano and Charlesworth, Sussane M., editors. 23–28. Wiley-Blackwell.
Larsen, Matthew C. 2010. "Global Change and Water Resources in the Next 100 Years." In AWRA 2010 Summer Specialty Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 1–7.
Larsen, Matthew C. and Evenson, Eric J. 2010. "A National water census: Quantifying, forecasting, and securing freshwater for America's future." In Hydrocomplexity: New tools for solving wicked water problems. Khan, Shahbaz, Savenije, Hubert H. G., Demuth, Siegfried, and Hubert, Pierre, editors. 41–42. Wallingford: International Association of Hydrological Sciences. In IAHS-AISH Publication, Vol. 338.
Larsen, Matthew C., Gellis, Allen C., Glysson, G. Douglas, Gray, John R., and Horowitz, Arthur J. 2010. "Fluvial sediment in the environment: a national challenge." from Proceedings of the Joint Federal Interagency Conference 2010: Hydrology and Sedimentation for a Changing Future: Existing and Emerging Issues. 1–15. ACWI.
Larsen, Matthew C., Hamilton, Pixie A., Haines, John W., and Mason, Robert R., Jr. 2010. "USGS perspectives on an integrated approach to watershed and coastal management." Marine Technology Society Journal, 44, (6) 18–21.
Glynn, Pierre D., Larsen, Matthew C., Greene, Earl A., Buss, Heather L., Clow, David W., Hunt, Randall J., Mast, M. A., Murphy, Sheila F., Peters, Norman E., Sebestyen, Stephen D., Shanley, James B., and Walker, John F. 2009. "Selected achievements, science directions, and new opportunities for the WEBB Small Watershed Research Program." from Planning for an uncertain future--monitoring, integration, and adaptation
Proceedings of the third interagency conference on research in the watersheds
. 39–52.
Larsen, Matthew C. and Webb, Richard M. T. 2009. "Potential Effects of Runoff, Fluvial Sediment, and Nutrient Discharges on the Coral Reefs of Puerto Rico." Journal of Coastal Research, 25, (1) 189–208.
Larsen, Matthew C. 2008. "Rainfall-triggered landslides, anthropogenic hazards, and mitigation strategies." Advances in Geosciences, 14 147–153.
Larsen, Matthew C. 2008. "Rainfall triggered landslides, anthropogenic hazards, and mitigation strategies." Advances in Geosciences, 14 147–153.
Keefer, David K. and Larsen, Matthew C. 2007. "Assessing Landslide Hazards." Science, 316, (5828) 1136–1138.
Larsen, Matthew C. and Wieczorek, G. F. 2006. "Geomorphic effects of large debris flows and flash floods, northern Venezuela, 1999." Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, Supplementband, 145 147–175.
Peters, N. E., Shanley, J. B., Aulenbach, B. T., Webb, R. M., Campbell, D. H., Hunt, R., Larsen, Matthew C., Stallard, Robert F., Troester, J., and Walker, J. F. 2006. "Water and solute mass balance of five small, relatively undisturbed watersheds in the U.S." Science of The Total Environment, 358, (1) 221–242.
Negri, Andrew J., Burkardt, Nina, Golden, Joseph H., Halverson, Jeffrey B., Huffman, George J., Larsen, Matthew C., McGinley, John A., Updike, Randall G., Verdin, James P., and Wieczorek, Gerald F. 2005. "The Hurricane–Flood–Landslide Continuum." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 86, (9) 1241–1247.
Pando, M. A., Ruiz, M. E., and Larsen, Matthew C. 2005. "Rainfall-Induced Landslides in Puerto Rico: An Overview." In Slopes and Retaining Structures Under Seismic and Static Conditions. Gabr, Mohamed A., Bowders, John J., Elton, David, and Zornberg, Jorge G., editors. 1–15. In Geotechnical Special Publication: Proceedings of Sessions of The Geo-Frontiers 2005 Congress.
Pando, M. A., Ruiz, M. E., and Larsen, Matthew C. 2005. "Rainfall-induced landslides in Puerto Rico: An overview." from Slopes and Retaining Structures Under Seismic and Static Conditions. 2911–2925. American Society of Civil Engineers, Geo-Institute & Geosynthetics 2005 Conference (Austin, Texas) 2005-01-24.
Smith, James A., Sturdevant‐Rees, Paula, Baeck, Mary Lynn, and Larsen, Matthew C. 2005. "Tropical cyclones and the flood hydrology of Puerto Rico." Water Resources Research, 41, (6) 1–16.
Warne, Andrew G., Webb, Richard M. T., and Larsen, Matthew C. 2005. Water, Sediment, and Nutrient Discharge Characteristics of Rivers in Puerto Rico, and their Potential Influence on Coral Reefs. Reston, Virginia: United States Department of the Interiror, United States Geological Survey.
Larsen, Matthew C., Santiago, Marilyn, Jibson, Randall W., and Questell, Eduardo. 2004. "Map showing landslide susceptibility in the municipality of Ponce, Puerto Rico." USGS Scientific Investigations Map Reports I-2818, Puerto Rico: USGS Scientific Investigations Map Reports, 1:30000.
Parise, Mario, Calcaterra, Domenico, and Larsen, Matthew C. 2004. "Introduction to Weathering and Slope Movement papers." Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 37, (2) 76.
Gray, John R., Melis, Theodore S., Patiño, Eduardo, Larsen, Matthew C., Topping, David J., Rasmussen, Patrick P., and Figueroa-Alamo, Carlos. 2003. "U.S. Geological Survey Research on Surrogate Measurements for Suspended Sediment." 95–100. Benson, Arizona: United States Department of Agriculture.
Gray, John R., Patiño, Eduardo, Rasmussen, Patrick P., Larsen, Matthew C., Melis, Theodore S., Runner, Michael S., Alamo, Carlos Figueroa, and U.S. Geological Survey. 2003. "Evaluation of sediment surrogate technologies for computation of suspended-sediment transport." In Proceedings of the 1st International Yellow River Forum on River Basin Management.the Yellow River Conservancy Publishing House. Volume III.. 314–323.
Larsen, Matthew C., Wieczorek, G. F., Eaton, L. S., Morgan, B. A., and Torres-Sierra, Heriberto. 2002. Natural hazards on alluvial fans; the Venezuela debris flow and flash flood disaster.
Larsen, Matthew C., Wieczorek, G. F., Eaton, L. S., Morgan, B. A., and Torres-Sierra, Heriberto. 2002. Peligros Naturales en los Abanicos Aluviales: El Desastre Ocasionado por Flujos Detríticos e Inundaciones Repentinas en Venezuela. Fact Sheet 103-01. U.S. Geological Survey.
Wieczorek, Gerald F., Larsen, Matthew C., Eaton, L. S., Morgan, Benjamin A., and Blair, J. L. 2002. "Debris-flow and flooding deposits in coastal Venezuela associated with the storm of December 14-16, 1999 (Map)." US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey.
Carter, Lynne M., Shea, Eileen, Hammett, Mike, Anderson, Cheryl, Dolcemascolo, Glenn, Chip'Guard, Charles, Taylor, Melissa, Barnston, Tony, He, Yuxiang, Larsen, Matthew C., Loope, Lloyd, Malone, LaShaunda, and Meehl, Gerald. 2001. "Potential consequences of climate variability and change for the US-affiliated islands of the pacific and caribbean." In Climate Change impacts on the United States: the potential consequences of climate variability and change.Report for the US global change research program.. 315–349. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Larsen, Matthew C. 2001. "Evaluation of Temporal and Spatial Factors that Control the Susceptibility to Rainfall-Triggered Landslides." In Coping With Flash Floods. Gruntfest, Eve and Handmer, John, editors. 277–288. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. In NATO Science Series.
Larsen, Matthew C., Alamo, Carlos Figueroa, Gray, John R., and Fletcher, William. 2001. "Continuous Automated Sensing of Streamflow Density as a Surrogate for Suspended-Sediment Concentration Sampling." In Proceedings of the Seventh Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, March 25 through 29, 2001.. 102–109.
Larsen, Matthew C. and Román, Abigail Santiago. 2001. "Mass wasting and sediment storage in a small montane watershed: An extreme case of anthropogenic disturbance in the humid tropics." In Water Science and Application. Dorava, Joseph M., Montgomery, David R., Palcsak, Betty B., and Fitzpatrick, Faith A., editors. 119–138. Washington, D. C.: American Geophysical Union. 4
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