STRI Coral Reef

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Hector M. Guzman


Breedy, Odalisca and Guzmán, Héctor M. 2014. A new species of alcyonacean octocoral from the Peruvian zoogeographic region. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, : 1-6

Guzman, Hector M., Condit, Richard S., Perez-Ortega, Betzi, Capella, Juan J. and Stevick, Peter T. 2014. Population size and migratory connectivity of humpback whales wintering in Las Perlas Archipelago, Panama. Marine Mammal Science, doi:10.1111/mms.12136


Breedy, Odalisca, Williams, Gary C. and Guzmán, Héctor M. 2013. Two new species of gorgonian octocorals from the Tropical Eastern Pacific Biogeographic Region (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Gorgoniidae). Zookeys, 350: 75-90


Barrios, L.M., S.J. Chambers, N. Ismail, H.M. Guzmán & J.M. Mair. 2009. Distribution of Idanthyrsus cretus (Polychaeta: Sabellariidae) in the Tropical Eastern Pacific and application of PCR-RAPD for population analysis. Zoosymposia 2: 487-503.

Rodriguez, S. A. Croquer, H.M. Guzmán & C. Bastidas. 2009. A mechanism of transmission and factors affecting coral susceptibility to Halofolliculina sp. infection. Coral Reefs 28: 67-77.

Ramos, R., R. Cipriani, H.M. Guzmán & E. García. 2009. Chronology of Mercury Enrichment Factors in Reef Corals from Western Venezuela. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 58: 222-229.


Oviedo, L., H.M. Guzmán, L. Florez-González, J. Capella Alzueta & J.M. Mair. 2008. The Song of the Southeast Pacific Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) off Las Perlas Archipelago, Panama: Preliminary Characterization. Aquatic Mammals. 34: 458-463.

Guzmán, H.M., S. Benfield, O. Breedy & J.M. Mair. 2008. Broadening reef conservation across the Tropical Eastern Pacific Seascape: Distribution and diversity of reefs in Las Perlas Archipelago, Panama. Environm. Conserv. 35: 1-9.

Carpenter, K.E., S.R. Livingstone, M. Abrar, G. Aeby, R.B. Aronson, S. Banks, A. Bruckner, A. Chiriboga, J. Cortés, J.C. Delbeek, L. DeVantier, G. Edgar, A.J. Edwards, D. Fenner, H.M. Guzmán, Bert W. Hoeksema, G. Hodgson, O. Johan, W.Y. Licuanan, E.R. Lovell, J.A. Moore, D.O. Obura, D. Ochavillo, B.A. Polidoro, W.F. Precht, M.C. Quibilan, C. Reboton, Z.T. Richards, A.D. Rogers, J. Sanciangco, A. Sheppard, C. Sheppard, J. Smith, S. Stuart, E. Turak, J.E.N. Veron, C. Wallace, E. Weil, & E. Wood. 2008. One third of reef-building corals face elevated extinction risk from climate change and local impacts. Science 231: 560-563.

Breedy, O. & H.M. Guzmán. 2008. Leptogorgia ignita, a new shallow-water coral species (Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) from the tropical eastern Pacific. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK. 88: 893-899.

Guzmán, H.M. & O. Breddy. 2008. Leptogorgia christiae (Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) a new shallow water gorgonian from Pacific Panama. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK. 88: 719-722.

Guzmán, H.M., R. Cipriani & J.B.C. Jackson. 2008. Historical decline in coral reef growth after the Panama Canal. Ambio 37: 342-346.

Sergio Vargas, Hector M. Guzmán and Odalisca Breedy. 2008. Distribution patterns of the genus Pacifigorgia (Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae): track compatibility analysis and parsimony analysis of endemicity. Journal of Biogeography (J. Biogeogr.) 35, 241–247


Guzmán, Héctor M., Cortes, Jorge. 2007. Reef recovery 20 years after the 1982–1983 El Niño massive mortality. Marine Biology, 151: 401-411

S. L. Benfield; H. M. Guzmán; J. M. Mair; J. A. T. Young. 2007. Mapping the distribution of coral reefs and associated sublittoral habitats in Pacific Panama: a comparison of optical satellite sensors and classification methodologies. International Journal of Remote Sensing. Vol. 28, No. 22, 20

Odalisca Breedy & Héctor M. Guzmán. 2007. A revision of the genus Leptogorgia Milne Edwards & Haime, 1857 (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) in the eastern Pacific. Magnolia Press


Pandolfi, John M., Jackson, Jeremy B.C., Baron, N., Bradbury, Roger H., Guzmán, Héctor M., Hughes, Terence P., Kappel, C.V., Micheli, F., Ogden, John C., Possingham, H.P., Sala, Enric, "Are U.S. coral reefs on the slippery slope to slime?", Science, vol. 307, no. 5716, pp. 1725-1726, 2005.

Guzmán, Héctor M., Barnes, Penelope A.G., Lovelock, Catherine E., Feller, Ilka C., "A site description of the CARICOMP mangrove, seagrass and coral reef sites in Bocas del Toro, Panama", Caribbean Journal of Science, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 430-440, 2005.

Gutierrez, Marcelino, Capson, Todd L., Guzmán, Héctor M., Gonzalez, Jose, Ortega Barria, Eduardo, Quiñoa, Emilio, Riguera, Ricardo. 2005. "Leptolide, a new Furanocembranolide diterpene from Leptogorgia alba", Journal of Natural Products, vol. 68, pp. 614-616

Forsman, Z.H., Guzmán, Héctor M., Chen, Chaolun Allen, Fox, G.E., Wellington, Gerard M., 2005. "An ITS region phylogeny of Siderastrea (Cnidaria: Anthozoa): is S. glynni endangered or introduced?", Coral Reefs, vol. 24, pp. 343-347

Diaz, M.C., Van Soest, R.W.M., Rutzler, K., Guzmán, Héctor M., "Aplysina chiriquiensis, a new pedunculate sponge from the Gulf of Chiriquí, Panamá, Eastern Pacific (Aplysinidae, Verongida)", Zootaxa, vol. 1012, pp. 1-12, 2005.

Defew, Lindsey H., Mair, James M., Guzmán, Héctor M., "An assessment of metal contamination in mangrove sediments and leaves from Punta Mala Bay, Pacific Panama", Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 547-552, 2005.

Breedy, Odalisca, Guzmán, Héctor M., "A new species of Leptogorgia (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) from the shallow waters of the eastern Pacific", Zootaxa, vol. 899, no. 1, pp. 1-11, 2005.

Breedy, Odalisca, Guzmán, Héctor M., "A new species of alcyonacean octocoral from the Galapagos Archipelago", Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, vol. 85, pp. 801-807, 2005.

Benfield, Sarah L., Guzmán, Héctor M., Maira, James M., "Temporal mangrove dynamics in relation to coastal development in Pacific Panama", Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 76, no. 3, pp. 263-276, 2005.

Andrefouet, Serge, Guzmán, Héctor M., "Coral reef distribution, status and geomorphology–biodiversity relationship in Kuna Yala (San Blas) archipelago, Caribbean Panama", Coral Reefs, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 31-42, 2005


Breedy, Odalisca, Guzmán, Héctor M., "New species of the gorgoniian genus Pacifigorgia (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) from Pacific Panama", Zootaxa, vol. 541, pp. 1-15, 2004

Lindner, Alberto, Cairns, Stephen D., Guzmán, Héctor M., "Distichopora robusta sp. nov., the first shallow-water stylasterid (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Stylasteridae) from the tropical eastern Pacific", Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, vol. 84, no. 6, pp. 943-947, 2004.

Guzmán, Héctor M., Guevara, Carlos A., Breedy, Odalisca, "Distribution, diversity, and conservation of coral reefs and coral communities in the largest marine protected area of Pacific Panama (Coiba Island)", Environmental Conservation, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 111-121, 2004.

Gutierrez, Marcelino V., Capson, Todd L., Guzmán, Héctor M., Quinoa, Emilio, Riguera, Ricardo, "L-Galactose as a natural product: isolation from a marine octocoral of the first a-L-galactosyl saponin", Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 45, no. 42, pp. 7833-7836, 2004.

Guzmán, Héctor M., Tewfik, Alexander, "Population characteristics and co-occurrence of three exploited decapods (Panulirus argus, P. guttatus, Mithrax spinosissimus) in Bocas del Toro, Panama", Journal of Shellfish Research, vol. 23, pp. 575-580, 2004.


Villamizar, E., Guzmán, Héctor M., Rodriguez, J., Estevez, A., "Gradiente de recuperación de los arrecifes coralinos del Parque Nacional Morrocoy", Resumenes del V Congreso Venezolano de Ecología, Isla Margarita, Venezuela, 2003.

Guzmán, Héctor M., Guevara, Carlos A., Castillo, Arcadio, "Natural disturbances and mining of Panamanian coral reefs by indigenous people", Conservation Biology, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 1396-1401, 2003.

Guzmán, Héctor M., Guevara, Carlos A., Hernandez, Ileana C., "Reproductive cycle of two commercial species of sea cucumber (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from Caribbean Panama", Marine Biology, vol. 142, no. 2, pp. 271–279, 2003.

Breedy, Odalisca, Guzmán, Héctor M., "A new species of Pacifigorgia (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) from Panamá", Zootaxa, vol. 128, no. 1, pp. 1-10, 2003

Breedy, Odalisca, Guzmán, Héctor M., "Octocorals from Costa Rica: The genus Pacifigorgia (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae)", Zootaxa, vol. 281, pp. 1-60, 2003


Guzmán, Héctor M., Garcia, Elia M., "Mercury levels in coral reefs along the Caribbean coast of Central America", Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 44, pp. 1415-1420, 2002.

Guzmán, Héctor M., Guevara, Carlos A., "Population structure, distribution and abundance of three commercial species of sea cucumber (Echinodermata) in Panama", Caribbean Journal of Science, vol. 38, no. 3-4, pp. 230-238, 2002.

Guzmán, Héctor M., Guevara, Carlos A., "Annual reproductive cycle, spatial distribution, abundance, and size structure of Oreaster reticulatus (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) in Bocas del Toro, Panama", Marine Biology, vol. 141, no. 6, pp. 1077-1084, 2002.

Garzon-Ferreira, Jaime, Cortes, Jorge, Croquer, Aldo, Guzmán, Héctor M., Leao, Zelinda, Rodriguez-Ramirez, Alberto, "Status of coral reefs in southern tropical America in 2000-2002: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and Venezuela", Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2002, pp. 344-360, 2002 .

Andrefouet, Serge, Akl, John, Müller-Karger, Frank, Hu, Chuanmin, Guzmán, Héctor M., Kramer, Philip, Ginsburg, Robert, Cerdeira, Sergio, Lorenzo, Sergio, Alcolado, Pedro, Membrillo-Venegas, Nestor, Garza-Perez, Rodrigo, Arias-Gonzales, Ernesto, "Regional scale assessment of coral reefs in the Caribbean using Landsat 7 imagery: the case of Panama, Mexico and Cuba", 7th Int. Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, 20-22 May, 2002, Miami Fl, USA, Miami, FL, 2002 .


Gilbert, Aubrey L., Guzmán, Héctor M., "Bioindication potential of carbonic anhdrase activity in anemones and corals", Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 42, no. 9, pp. 742-744, 2001

Guzmán, Héctor M., Guevara, Carlos A., "Arrecifes coralinos de Bocas del Toro, Panamá: IV. Distribución, estructura y estado de conservación de los arrecifes continentales de Península Valiente", Revista de Biología Tropical, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 53-66, 2001

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