David Roubik
Sakai, Shoko, Roubik, David W., and Hamid Karim, Abang A. . 2005. "Preface & Acknowledgments." In Pollination ecology and the rain forest: Sarawak studies. v–x. New York: Springer.
Roubik, David Ward. 2005. "Honeybees in Borneo." In Pollination ecology and the rain forest: Sarawak studies. Roubik, David Ward, Sakai, Shaoko, and Hamid Karim, Abang A. , editors. 89–103. Springer.
Roubik, David Ward. 2005. "Large Processes With Small Targets: Rarity and Pollination in Rain Forests." In Pollination ecology and the rain forest: Sarawak studies. Roubik, David Ward, Sakai, Shaoko, and Hamid Karim, Abang A. , editors. 1–12. Springer. In Ecological Studies, 174.
Suarez, Raul K., Darveau, Charles A., Welch, Kenneth C., O'Brien, Diane M., Roubik, David Ward, and Hochachka, Peter W. 2005. "Energy Metabolism in Orchid Bee Flight Muscles: Carbohydrate Fuels All." Journal of Experimental Biology, (18) 3573–3579.
Villanueva-Gutiérrez, Rogel, Roubik, David Ward, and Colli Ucan, Wilberto. 2005. "Extinction of Melipona Beecheii and Traditional Beekeeping in the Yucatán Peninsula." Bee World, (2) 35–41.
Cassia Oliveira, Rosana de, Franco Nunes, Francis de Morais, Soraggi Campos, Ana Paula, Matos de Vasconcelos, Soraya, Roubik, David Ward, Goulart, Luiz Ricardo, and Kerr, Warwick Estevam. 2004. "Genetic Divergence in Tetragonisca Angustula Latreille, 1811 (Hymenoptera, Meliponinae, Trigonini) Based on Rapid Markers." Genetics and Molecular Biology, (2) 181–186.
Degen, Bernd and Roubik, David Ward. 2004. "Effects of Animal Pollination on Pollen Dispersal, Selfing, and Effective Population Size of Tropical Trees: A Simulation Study." Biotropica, (2) 165-179.
Dick, Christopher W., Roubik, David Ward, Gruber, Karl F., and Bermingham, Eldredge. 2004. "Long-Distance Gene Flow and Cross-Andean Dispersal of Lowland Rainforest Bees (Apidae: Euglossini) Revealed by Comparative Mitochondrial DNA Phylogeography." Molecular Ecology, (12) 3775–3785.
Kawakita, Atsushi, Sota, Teiji, Ito, Masao, Ascher, John S., Tanaka, Hiroyuki, Kato, Makoto, and Roubik, David Ward. 2004. "Phylogeny, Historical Biogeography, and Character Evolution in Bumble Bees (Bombus: Apidae) Based on Simultaneous Analysis of Three Nuclear Gene Sequences." Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, (2) 799-804.
Roubik, David Ward. 2004. "Sibling Species of Glosurra and Glossuropoda in the Amazon Region (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Euglossini)." Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, (3) 235–253.
Roubik, David Ward and Hanson, Paul E. 2004. Abejas De Orquídeas De La América Tropical: Biología y Guía De Campo. Orchid Bees of Tropical America: Biology and Field Guide. Editorial INBio.
Villanueva-Gutiérrez, Rogel and Roubik, David Ward. 2004. "Why are African honey bees and not European bees invasive? Pollen diet diversity in community experiments." Apidologie, 35 481–491.
Eltz, Thomas, Roubik, David Ward, and Whitten, Mark W. 2003. "Fragrances, Male Display and Mating Behaviour of Euglossa Hemichlora: a Flight Cage Experiment." Physiological Entomology, (4) 251-260.
Roubik, David Ward, Sakai, Shoko, and Gattesco, Francesco. 2003. "Canopy Flowers and Certainty: Loose Niches Revisited." In Arthropods of Tropical Forests: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics and Resource Use in the Canopy. Basset, Yves, Novotny, Vojtech, Miller, Scott E., and Kitching, Roger L., editors. 360. Cambridge University Press.
Schiesti, F. P. and Roubik, David Ward. 2003. "Odor Compound Detection in Male Euglossine Bees." Journal of Chemical Ecology, (1) 253–257.
Soucy, S. L., Giray, Tugrul, and Roubik, David Ward. 2003. "Solitary and Group Nesting in the Orchid Bee Euglossa Huacinthina (Hymenoptera, Apidae)." Insectes Sociaux, (3) 248–255.
Tanaka, Hiroyuki, Suka, Takeshi, Kahono, Sih, Samejima, Hiromitsu, Mohamed, Maryati, and Roubik, David Ward. 2003. "Mitochindrial Variation and Genetic Differentiation in Honey Bees (Apis Cerana, A. Koschevnikovi and A. Dorsata) of Borneo." Tropics, (2) 107–117.
Wright, S. Joseph, Horlyck, Vibeke, Basset, Yves, Barrios, Hector, Bethancourt, Ariadna, Bohlman, Stephanie A., Gilbert, Gregory S., Goldstein, Guillermo, Graham, Eric A., Kitajima, Kaoru, Lerdau, Manuel T., Meinzer, Frederick C., Odegaard, Frode, Reynolds, Don R., Roubik, David Ward, Sakai, Shoko, Samaniego, Mirna, Sparks, Jed P., Van Bael, Sunshine A., Winter, Klaus, and Zotz, Gerhard. 2003. "Tropical Canopy Biology Porgram, Republic of Panamá." In Studying Forest Canopies From Above: The International Canopy Crane Network. Basset, Yves, Horlyck, Vibeke, and Wright, S. Joseph, editors. 137. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and UNEP.
Zayed, Amro, Roubik, David Ward, and Packer, Laurence. 2003. "Use of diploid male frequency data as an indicator of pollinator decline." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 271, (Suppl 3) S9–S12.
Roubik, David Ward. 2002. "Feral African Bees Augment Neotropical Coffee Yield." In Pollinating Bees: The Conservation Link Betseen Agriculture and Nature. Kevan, Peter G. and Imperatriz-Fonseca, Vera L., editors. 255. Ministry of Environment: Secretariat for Biodiversity and Forests.
Roubik, David Ward. 2002. "Tropical agriculture: The value of bees to the coffee harvest." Nature, 417 708–708.
Roubik, David Ward. 2002. "Tropical Bee Colonies, Pollen Dispersal and Reproductive Gene Flow in Forest Trees." In Proceedings of the Symposium "Modeling and Experimental Research on Genetic Processes in Tropical and Temperate Forests. Degen, B., Loveless, Marilyn D., and Kremer, A., editors. 30. Documentos de Embrapa Amazônia Oriental.
Roubik, David Ward. 2001. "Searching for Genetic Patterns in Orchid Bees: a Reply to Takahashi Et Al." Evolution, 55, (9) 1900–1901.
Roubik, David Ward. 2001. "Las Abejas Africanas y El Café En Panamá." In Panamá: Puente biológico: Las Charlas Smithsonian del Mes, 1996-1999. Heckadon-Moreno, Stanley, editor. 131–137. Balboa, Panamá: Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales.
Roubik, David Ward. 2001. "Ups and Downs in Pollinator Populations: When Is There a Decline?" Conservation Ecology, (1) 1–30.
Roubik, David Ward and Skelley, Paul E. 2001. "Stenotarsus Subtilis Arrow, the Aggregating Fungus Beetle of Barro Colorado Island Nature Monument, Panamá (Coleoptera: Endomychidae)." The Coleopterists Bulletin, (3) 249–263.
Roubik, David Ward and Wolda, Henk. 2001. "Do Competing Honey Bees Matter? Dynamics and Abundance of Native Bees Before and After Honey Bee Invasion." Population Ecology, (1) 53–62.
Tanaka, H., Roubik, David Ward, Kato, Makoto, Liew, F., and Gunsalam, G. 2001. "Phylogenetic Position of Apis Nuluensis of Northern Borneo and Phylogeography of A. Cerana As Inferred From Mitochondrial DNA Sequences." Insectes Sociaux, (1) 44–51.
Roubik, David Ward. 2000. [Book review] "A Framework for Melittology: Review Of The Bees of the World, by Charles D. Michener." Science, (5491), 461.
Roubik, David Ward. 2000. "Deceptive Orchids With Meliponini As Pollinators." Plant Systematics and Evolution, (1-4) 271–279.
Roubik, David Ward. 2000. "Pollination System Stability in Tropical America." Conservation Biology, (5) 1235–1236.
Roubik, David Ward. 2000. "The De-Flowering of Central America: a Current Perspective." from Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Apiculture in Tropical Climates. 144–151. International Bee Research Association.
Roubik, David Ward, Inoue, Tamiji, Hamid, Abdul, and Harrison, Rhett D. 2000. "Height Communication by Bornean Honey Bees (Apiformes: Apidae; Apini)." Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 72, (3) 256–261.
Roubik, David Ward and Moreno, Jorge Enrique. 2000. "Generalization and Specialization by Stingless Bees." In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Apiculture in Tropical Climates : Costa Rica, 13-19 August 1996. 112–118. Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom: International Bee Research Association.
Roubik, David Ward and Wolda, Henk. 2000. "Male and Female Bee Dynamics in a Lowland Tropical Forest." from 6th International Conference on Apiculture in Tropical Climates. 167–174. International Bee Research Association.
Eltz, Thomas, Whitten, W. M., Roubik, David Ward, and Linsenmair, K. Eduard. 1999. "Fragrance Collection, Storage, and Accumulation by Individual Male Orchid Bees." Journal of Chemical Ecology, (1) 157–176.
Inoue, Tamiji, Roubik, David Ward, and Suka, Takeshi. 1999. "Nestmate Recognition in the Stingless Bee Melipona Panamica (Apidae, Meliponini)." Insectes Sociaux, (3) 208–218.
Koulianos, S., Schmid-Hempel, R., Roubik, David Ward, and Schmid-Hempel, P. 1999. "Phylogenetic Relationships Within the Corbiculate Apinae (Hymenoptera) and the Evolution of Eusociality." Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 380–384.
Nagamitsu, T., Momose, K., Inoue, Tamiji, and Roubik, David Ward. 1999. "Preference in Flower Visits and Partitioning in Pollen Diets of Stingless Bees in an Asian Tropical Rain Forest." Population Ecology, 195–202.
Peters, John M., Queller, David C., Imperatriz-Fonseca, Vera L., Roubik, David Ward, and Strassmann, Joan E. 1999. "Mate Number, Kin Selection and Social Conflicts in Stingless Bees and Honeybees." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 266, (1417) 379–384.
Rincon, Manuel, Roubik, David Ward, Finegan, Bryan, Delgado, Diego, and Zamora, Nelson. 1999. "Understory Bees and Floral Resources in Logged and Silviculturally Treated Costa Rican Rainforest Plots." Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, (4) 379–393.
Roubik, David Ward. 1999. "The Foraging and Potential Outcrossing Pollination Ranges of African Honey Bees (Apiformes: Apidae; Apini) in Congo Forest." Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, (4) 394–401.
Nieh, James C. and Roubik, David Ward. 1998. "Potential Mechanisms for the Communication of Height and Distance by a Stingless Bee, Melipona Panamica." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, (6) 387–399.
Roubik, David Ward. 1998. "The Killer Bee Saga." Subtropical Fruit News, (1) 13–14.
Roubik, David Ward. 1998. "Grave-Robbing by Male Eulaema (Hymenoptera, Apidae): Implications for Euglossine Biology." Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, (2) 188–191.
Roubik, David Ward. 1998. "Inoue-San." Researchers in Population Ecology, (2) 262–264.
Eltz, Thomas, Schmid, Michael, and Roubik, David Ward. 1997. "Haploid karyotypes of two species of orchid bees (Hymenoptera: apidae, Euglossini)." Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 70, (2) 142–144.
Roubik, David Ward, Segura, Jorge Arturo Lobo, and Camargo, Joao Maria Franco de. 1997. "New stingless bee genus endemic to Central American cloudforests: Phylogenetic and biogeographic implications (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini)." Systematic Entomology, 22, (1) 67–80.
Roubik, David Ward. 1996. "African honey bees as exotic pollinators in French Guiana." In The Conservation of Bees. Matheson, A., Buchmann, Stephen L., O'Toole, C., Westrich, P., and Williams, I. H., editors. 173–182. London: Academic Press.
Roubik, David Ward. 1996. "Order and chaos in tropical bee communities." In Encontro Sobre Abelhas de Ribeirao Preto. Garófalo, C. A.,et al., editor. 122–132. Sao Paulo, Brazil.