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David Roubik

Kueneman, Jordan G., Bonadies, Ernesto, Thomas, Devin, Roubik, David W., and Wcislo, William T. 2023. "Neotropical bee microbiomes point to a fragmented social core and strong species-level effects." Microbiome, 11, (1).
Roubik, David W. 2023. "Stingless Bee (Apidae: Apinae: Meliponini) Ecology." Annual Review of Entomology, 68, (1) 231–256.
Harrison, Jon F., Duell, Meghan E., Roubik, David W., and Klok, C. Jaco. 2022. [Dataset] Body and wing morphology, flight metabolic rates, and wingbeat frequencies for 13 stingless bee species. Distributed by Dryad.
Duell, Meghan E., Klok, C. Jaco, Roubik, David W., and Harrison, Jon F. 2022. "Size-Dependent Scaling of Stingless Bee Flight Metabolism Reveals an Energetic Benefit to Small Body Size." Integrative and Comparative Biology,
Roubik, David W. 2021. "Following the Amazonian Cecropia Bees." Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 102, (3) 1–5.
Villacres-Granda, Irina, Coello, Dayana, Proano, Adrian, Ballesteros, Isabel, Roubik, David W., Jijon, Gabriela, Granda-Albuja, Genoveva, Granda-Albuja, Silvana, Abreu-Naranjo, Reinier, Maza, Favian, Tejera, Eduardo, Gonzalez-Paramas, Ana M., Bullon, Pedro, and Alvarez-Suarez, Jose M. 2021. "Honey quality parameters, chemical composition and antimicrobial activity in twelve Ecuadorian stingless bees (Apidae: Apinae: Meliponini) tested against multiresistant human pathogens." Lwt-Food Science and Technology, 140.
Basset, Yves and Roubik, David W. 2021. [Dataset] Long-term (1979-2019) dynamics of orchid bees in Panama. Distributed by Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Roubik, David W., Basset, Yves, Lopez, Yacksecari, Bobadilla, Ricardo, Perez, Filonila, and Ramirez S, Jose Alejandro. 2021. "Long-term (1979-2019) dynamics of protected orchid bees in Panama." Conservation Science and Practice,
Moreno, Enrique and Roubik, David W. 2021. [Dataset] Euglossini Pollen.
Crespo-Pérez, Verónica, Kazakou, Elena, Roubik, David W., and Cárdenas, Rafael E. 2020. "The importance of insects on land and in water: a tropical view." Current Opinion in Insect Science, 40 31–38.
Fujisawa, Natsuho, Roubik, David W., and Inoue, Makoto. 2020. "Farmer influence on shade tree diversity in rustic plots ofCoffea canephorain Panama coffee-agroforestry." Agroforestry Systems,
Roubik, David W. 2020. "Nest Structure: Stingless Bees." In Encyclopedia of Social Insects. Starr, Christopher K., editor. 1–6. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Roubik, David W. 2020. "Bees, Ecological Roles Bees: Ecological Roles." In Encyclopedia of Social Insects. Starr, Christopher K., editor. 1–6. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Baudier, Kaitlin M., Ostwald, Madeleine M., Grüter, Christoph, Segers, Francisca H. I. D., Roubik, David Ward, Pavlic, Theodore P., Pratt, Stephen C., and Fewell, Jennifer H. 2019. "Changing of the guard: mixed specialization and flexibility in nest defense (Tetragonisca angustula)." Behavioral Ecology, 30, (4) 1041–1049.
Galgani-Barraza, Paola, Moreno, Jorge Enrique, Lobo, Sofia, Tribaldos, Wendy, Roubik, David W., and Wcislo, William T. 2019. "Flower use by late nineteenth-century orchid bees (Eufriesea surinamensis, Hymenoptera, Apidae) nesting in the Catedral Basílica Santa María la Antigua de Panamá." Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 74 65–81.
Nogueira, David Silva, Mahlmann, Thiago, Teixeira, Juliana Stephanie Galaschi, Oliveira, Marcio Luiz de, and Roubik, David Ward. 2019. "Geometric morphometrics of wing venation to differentiates new species of Scaura Schwarz populations (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini)." Scientia Plena, 15, (1) 1–9.
Rozen, Jerome G., Quezada-Euán, J. Javier G., Roubik, David Ward, and Smith, Corey Shepard. 2019. "Immature Stages of Selected Meliponine Bees (Apoidea: Apidae)." American Museum Novitates, 2019, (3924) 1–28.
Roubik, David Ward, editor. 2018. Pollination of cultivated plants: a compendium for practitioners; Volume 2. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Jernigan, Christopher M., Birgiolas, Justas, McHugh, Cora, Roubik, David Ward, Wcislo, William T., and Smith, Brian H. 2018. "Colony-level non-associative plasticity of alarm responses in the stingless honey bee, Tetragonisca angustula." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72, (3).
Kajobe, Robert and Roubik, David W. 2018. "Nesting ecology of stingless bees in Africa." In Pot-pollen in stingless bee melittology. Vit, Patricia, Pedro, Silvia R. M., and Roubik, David W., editors. 229–240. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Macfarlane, R. C., Davis, A. R., and Roubik, David Ward. 2018. "Evaluating pollinators." In Pollination of cultivated plants: a compendium for practitioners: Volume 2. 129–138. Roma, Italia: FAO.
Padrón, Pablo S., Roubik, David Ward, and Picón, Ruben P. 2018. "A Preliminary Checklist of the Orchid Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Euglossini) of Ecuador." Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, 1–15.
Quezada-Euán, José,Javier G., Nates-Parra, Guiomar, Maués, Marcia M., Roubik, David Ward, and Imperatriz-Fonseca, Vera. 2018. "The economic and cultural values of stingless bees (Hymenoptera: Meliponini) among ethnic groups of tropical America." Sociobiology, 65, (4) 534–557.
Roubik, David Ward. 2018. "Applied pollination and selected studies." In The pollination of cultivated plants: A compendium for practitioners: Volume 1. 183–285. Roma, Italia: FAO.
Roubik, David Ward. 2018. "100 Species of Meliponines (Apidae: Meliponini) in a Parcel of Western Amazonian Forest at Yasuní Biosphere Reserve, Ecuador." In Pot-Pollen in Stingless Bee Melittology. 189–206. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Roubik, David Ward. 2018. "Lessons learned over the last 20 years." In The pollination of cultivated plants: A compendium for practitioners: Volume 1. 1–17. Roma, Italia: FAO.
Roubik, David Ward, Heard, T. A., and Kwapong, P. 2018. "Stingless bee colonies and pollination." In Pollination of cultivated plants: a compendium for practitioners: Volume 2. 39–58. Roma, Italia: FAO.
Roubik, David Ward and Moreno Patiño, Jorge Enrique. 2018. "The Stingless honey bees (Apidae, Apinae: Meliponini) in Panama and Pollination ecology from pollen analysis." In Pot-pollen in stingless bee melittology. Vit, Patricia, Pedro, Silvia R. M., and Roubik, David W., editors. 47–66. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Roubik, David Ward and Moreno, Jorge Enrique. 2018. "A pollen atlas of cultivated plants." In Pollination of cultivated plants: a compendium for practitioners: Volume 2. 185–213. Roma, Italia: FAO.
Roubik, David Ward and Patiño, Jorge Enrique Moreno. 2018. "Pot-Pollen as a Discipline: What Does It Include?" In Pot-Pollen in Stingless Bee Melittology. 3–15. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Villanueva-Gutiérrez, Rogel, Roubik, David Ward, Colli-Ucán, Wilberto, and Tuz-Novelo, Margarito. 2018. "The Value of Plants for the Mayan Stingless Honey Bee Melipona beecheii (Apidae: Meliponini): A Pollen-Based Study in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico." In Pot-Pollen in Stingless Bee Melittology. Vit, Patricia, Pedro, Silvia R. M., and Roubik, David Ward, editors. 67–76. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Vit, Patricia, Pedro, Silvia R. M., and Roubik, David Ward. 2018. Pot-Pollen in Stingless Bee Melittology. Springer.
Imbach, Pablo, Fung, Emily, Hannah, Lee, Navarro-Racines, Carlos, Roubik, David Ward, Ricketts, Taylor H., Harvey, Celia A., Donatti, Camila I., Läderach, Peter, Locatelli, Bruno, and Roehrdanz, Patrick R. 2017. "Coupling of pollination services and coffee suitability under climate change." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114, (39) 10438–10442.
Jalil, Abuhassan and Roubik, David Ward. 2017. Handbook of Meliponiculture: Indo-Malayan Stingless Bees. Akademi Lelulut Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
Roubik, David Ward and Villanueva-Gutierrez, Rogel. 2017. "Have native Hymenoptera or Africanized bees become aggressive foragers due to resource competition?" Trends in Entomology, 13 95–102.
McCravy, Kenneth W., Van Dyke, Joseph, Creedy, Thomas J., and Roubik, David Ward. 2016. "Orchid bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Euglossini) of Cusuco National Park, State of Cortés, Honduras." The Florida Entomologist, 99, (4) 765–768.
Roubik, David Ward and Gemmill-Herren, Barbara. 2016. "Developing pollination management plans across agricultural landscapes: quo vadis, sustainable crop pollination?" In Pollination Services to Agriculture: Sustaining and enhancing a key ecosystem service. Gemmill-Herren, Barbara, editor. 131–152. New York: Routledge;Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Villanueva-Gutiérrez, Rogel and Roubik, David Ward. 2016. "More than protein? Bee–flower interactions and effects of disturbance regimes revealed by rare pollen in bee nests." Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 10, (1) 9–20.
Basset, Yves, Cizek, Lukas, Cuénoud, Philippe, Didham, Raphael K., Novotny, Vojtech, Ødegaard, Frode, Roslin, Tomas, Tishechkin, Alexey K., Schmidl, Jü, Winchester, Neville N., Roubik, David Ward, Aberlenc, Henri-Pierre, Bail, Johannes, Barrios, Héctor, Bridle, Jonathan R., Castaño-Meneses, Gabriela, Corbara, Bruno, Curletti, Gianfranco, Duarte, da Rocha, De Bakker, Domir, Delabie, Jacques H. C., Dejean, Alain, Fagan, Laura L., Floren, Andreas, Kitching, Roger L. et al. 2015. "Arthropod Distribution in a Tropical Rainforest: Tackling a Four Dimensional Puzzle." PLOS ONE, 10, (12) 1–22.
Deng, Xiaobao, Mohandass, Dharmalingam, Katabuchi, Masatoshi, Hughes, Alice C., and Roubik, David Ward. 2015. "Impact of Striped-Squirrel Nectar-Robbing Behaviour on Gender Fitness in Alpinia roxburghii Sweet (Zingiberaceae)." PloS One, 10, (12).
Lebuhn, Gretchen, Droege, Sam, Connor, Edward F., Gemmill-Herren, Barbara, Potts, Simon G., Minckley, Robert L., Jean, Robert P., Kula, Emmanuel, Roubik, David Ward, Wright, Karen W., Frankie, Gordon, and Parker, Frank. 2015. "Evidence-based conservation: reply to Tepedino et al." Conservation Biology, 29, (1) 283–285.
Rodríguez, Enrique, Weber, Jean-Michel, Pagé, Benoît, Roubik, David Ward, Suarez, Raul K., and Darveau, Charles-A. 2015. "Setting the pace of life: membrane composition of flight muscle varies with metabolic rate of hovering orchid bees." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282, (1802).
Villanueva-Gutierrez, Rogel, Roubik, David Ward, and Porter-Bolland, Luciana. 2015. "Bee–Plant Interactions: Competition and Phenology of Flowers Visited by Bees." In Biodiversity and conservation of the Yucatan Peninsula. Islebe, Gerald Alexander, Calme, Sophie, Leon-Cortes, Jorge L., and Schmook, Birgit, editors. 131–152. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Roubik, David Ward, editor. 2014. Pollinator Safety in Agriculture. Rome: FAO.
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