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High Performance Computing

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High-performance computing generally refers to the practice of aggregating computing power to deliver much higher performance than one could get out of a typical desktop computer in order to solve large problems in science and engineering.

Plato Server

At STRI we use the high-performance server Plato, which is run on a Dell PowerEdge R630 computer. The system provides the STRI bioinformatics research community with tools to analyze big data. The system is capable of running bioinformatics analysis programs that require a high number of processors and a large amount of disk space. The server has software packages commonly used in scientific research including R, Java, Python (SyPy, MatPlotLib, etc.) and Bioinformatics Piplines (Stacks, Trinity, Qiime, etc.)


Projects on Plato:

  • Phylogeny of the Sand Dollar
  • Population Genetics of Crabs
  • Phylogenies of Brittle Stars
  • Metagenomics: Leaf-cutter ant fungal garden microbiome and associated plants
  • Restriction site-associated DNA Sequencing (RAD-seq) analysis

Contact us

For assistance with research
computing projects

Eugenio Valdes

Research Information Analyst
+507 212-8241
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