First “Virtual Gigante” is a success
After being taught annually for three decades, the Smithsonian Introductory Field Life Sciences Course was suspended due to the pandemic, but it made a digital comeback in 2021.
First “Virtual Gigante” is a success
After being taught annually for three decades, the Smithsonian Introductory Field Life Sciences Course was suspended due to the pandemic, but it made a digital comeback in 2021.
Interns and fellows’ display their photographic skills
Each year since 2018 (with the exception of 2020), the Office of Academic Programs sends a call for interns and fellows (graduate students and postdoc fellows) to submit photos and videos while doing research at STRI as a way to recognize the talent of our academic community.
The Independence of Panama from Spain in 9 scenes
In this talk, Dr. Marixa Lasso, director of Panama’s Center for Historical Anthropological and Cultural Research AIP, will talk about the history of the independence of Panama from Spain and will talk about the process of research and selection of topics for the exhibition “Camino a la Independencia” and the challenges of telling a story of the Independence of Panama from Spain to a wide...
The Adventures of Wounaan Children and Many Birds
An illustrated children’s book published in the Wounaan language, Spanish and English aims to preserve, value and respect the stories and lifeworlds of the Wounaan indigenous people of Panama.
Squatina mapama, new species from Panama: first report of an angel shark from the Central American Caribbean
Genetic analyses helped identify a new cryptic species of the genus Squatina from the Western Atlantic Ocean.
Predicting uncertain futures for tropical landscapes
Deforestation scenarios show the importance of secondary forest for meeting Panama’s carbon goals.
Accidental tree wound reveals novel symbiotic behavior
A group of high school students describe how Azteca alfari ants respond to damage to their host plant
Congratulations to Dolores Piperno and Helene Muller-Landau!
Congratulations to Dolores Piperno and Helene Muller-Landau!
STRI Director Josh Tewksbury’s Remarks on Harassment
We are all working together to make tropical biology research safe for everyone by eliminating harassment.
A young biologist shares her love for eight-legged creatures
Self-professed spider-fan and arachnid systematist Stephany Arizala would like more people to study this megadiverse group, so that we can do a better job of protecting them.