S. Joseph Wright
Seasonal drought and dry-season irrigation influence leaf-litter nutrients and soil enzymes in a moist, lowland forest in Panama. Joseph B. Yavitt, S. Joseph Wright and R. Kelman Wieder. Austral Ecology (2004) 29, 177–188
REVIEW. Biodiversity Meets the Atmosphere: A Global View of Forest Canopies. C. M. P. Ozanne, D. Anhuf, S. L. Boulter, M. Keller, R. L. Kitching, C. Körner, F. C. Meinzer, A. W. Mitchell, T. Nakashizuka, P. L. Silva Dias, N. E. Stork, S. J. Wright, M. Yoshimura - SCIENCE VOL. 301 - JULY 2003
The myriad consequences of hunting for vertebrates and plants in tropical forests. S. Joseph Wright. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. Vol. 6/1,2, pp. 73–86 © Urban & Fischer Verlag, 2003
Cloud cover limits net CO2 uptake and growth of a rainforest tree during tropical rainy seasons. Eric A. Graham, Stephen S. Mulkey, Kaoru Kitajima, Nathan G. Phillips, and S. Joseph Wright
Ecology, 84(12), 2003, pp. 3174–3185 © 2003 by the Ecological Society of America. GAP-DEPENDENT RECRUITMENT, REALIZED VITAL RATES, AND SIZE DISTRIBUTIONS OF TROPICAL TREES. S. Joseph Wright, Helene C. Muller-Landau, Richard Condit, and Stephen P. Hubbell
Seed dispersal and density-dependent seed and seedling survival in Trichilia tuberculata and Miconia argentea. H. C. Muller-Landau, J. W. Dalling, K. E. Harms, S. J. Wright, Condit, S. P. Hubbell, R. B. Foster. Chicago University Press.
Beta-Diversity in Tropical. Forests, S. J. Wright., SCIENCE VOL. 297. 30 August 2002
Beta Diversity in Tropical Forests. J. F. Duivenvoorden, J.-C. Svenning, S. J.Wright. 25 JANUARY 2002 VOL. 295 SCIENCE
Elizabeth A. Newell · Stephen S. Mulkey S. Joseph Wright. Seasonal patterns of carbohydrate storage in four tropical tree species Received: 3 July 2001 / Accepted: 3 January 2002 / Published online: 14 March 2002 © Springer-Verlag 2002. Oecologia (2002) 131:333–342 DOI 10.1007/ s00442-002-0888-6 ECOPHYSIOLOGY
Plant diversity in tropical forests: a review of mechanisms of species coexistence. S. Joseph Wright. Oecologia (2002) 130:1–14 DOI 10.1007/s004420100809. Springer-Verlag 2001
Assessing Recruitment Limitation: Concepts, Methods and Case-studies from a Tropical Forest. Helene C. Muller-Landau, S. Joseph Wright, Osvaldo Calderón, Stephen P. Hubbell, and Robin B. Foster. © CAB International2002. Seed Dispersal and Frugivory: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation (eds D.J. Levey, W.R. Silva and M. Galetti)
Survival and ecophysiology of tree seedlings during El Niño drought in a tropical moist forest in Panama. Bettina M. J. Engelbrecht, S. Joseph Wright and Diane de Steven. Journal of Tropical Ecology (2002) 18:569–579. With 2 figures. Copyright © 2002 Cambridge University Press. DOI:10.1017/ S0266467402002377 Printed in the United Kingdom
Role of dispersal in the recruitment limitation of neotropical pioneer species. J. W. Dalling, H. C. Muller-Landau, S. J. Wright and S. P. Hubbell. Journal of Ecology 2002 90, 714–727
An Ecosystem Report on the Panama Canal; Monitoring the Status of the Forest Communities and the Watershed. Roberto Ibáñez, Richard Condit, George Angehr, Salomón Aguilar, Tomas García, Raul Martínez, Amelia Sanjur, Robert Stallard, S. Joseph Wright, A. Stanley Rand and Stanley Heckadon. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 80: 65-95, 2002
Consequences of Variable Reproduction for Seedling Recruitment in Three Neotropical Tree Species. Diane de Steven and S. Joseph Wright. Ecology, 83(8), 2002, pp. 2315–2327 © 2002 by the Ecological Society of America
Intrinsic water-use efficiency and heterotrophic investment in tropical leaf growth of two Neotropical pioneer tree species as estimated from δ13C values. V. J. Terwilliger, K. Kitajima, D. J. Le Roux-Swarthout, S. Mulkey and S. Joseph. Wright.
The Effects of Neighbors on the Demography of a Dominant Desert Shrub (Ambrosia Dumosa). Maria N. Miriti, S. Joseph Wright, and Henry F. Howe. Ecological Monographs, 71(4), 2001, pp. 491–509 © 2001 by the Ecological Society of America
Drought and Irrigation Effects on Fine Root Dynamics in a Tropical Moist Forest, Panama Joseph B. Yavitt Department of Natural Resources, Fernow Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, U.S.A. and S. Joseph Wright Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado 2072, Balboa, Republic of Panama. BIOTROPICA 33(3): 421–434 2001
Poachers and Forest Fragmentation Alter Seed Dispersal, Seed Survival, and Seedling Recruitment in the Palm Attalea butyraceae, with Implications for Tropical Tree Diversity. S. Joseph Wright and Herbert C. Duber Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado 2072, Balboa, Ancón, Republic of Panama. BIOTROPICA 33(4): 583–595 2001
The Status of the Panama Canal Watershed and Its Biodiversity at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Richard Condit, W. Douglas Robinson, Roberto Ibáñez, Salomón Aguilar, Amelia Sanjur, Raúl Martínez, Robert F. Stallard, Tomas García, George R. Angehr, Liza Petit, S. Joseph Wright, Tara R. Robinson, and Stanley Heckadon. May 2001-Vol. 51 No. 5 - BioScience 389 - 398
Letters to Nature, Pervasive density-dependent recruitment enhances seedling diversity in a tropical forest. Kyle E. Harms, S. Joseph Wright, Osvaldo Calderón, Andrés Hernández & Edward Allen Herre. NATURE, VOL 404, 30 MARCH 2000,
Fernando Valladares, S. Joseph Wright, Eloisa Lasso, Kaoru Kitajima, and Robert W. Pearcy. Plastic Phenotypic Response to Light of 16 Congeneric Shrubs from a Panamanian Rainforest. Ecology, 81(7), 2000, pp. 1925–1936 © 2000 by the Ecological Society of America
Poachers Alter Mammal Abundance, Seed Dispersal, and Seed Predation in a Neotropical Forest. S. Joseph Wright, Horacio Zeballos, Iván Domínguez, Marina M. Gallardo, Marta C. Moreno, and Roberto Ibáñez. Conservation Biology, Pages 227–239. Volume 14, No. 1, February 2000
La Cuenca del Canal: Deforestación, urbanización y contaminación. Proyecto de monitoreo de la cuenca del canal de Panama - Sumario Ejecutivo. Roberto Ibáñez D. George Angehr and Joseph Wright.
Effects of irrigation on litterfall, fine root biomas and production in a semifeciduous lowland forest in Panama. Jaime Cavelier, S. Joseph Wright and Johanna Santamaria. Plant and Soil 211: 207-213, 1999.
Partitioning of soil water among canopy trees in a seasonally dry tropical forest. Frederick C. Meinzer, José Luis Andrade, Guillermo Goldstein, N. Michele Holbrook, Jaime Cavelier, S. Joseph Wright. Oecologia (1999) 121:293–301 © Springer-Verlag 1999.
Interspecific synchrony and asynchrony in the fruiting phenologies of congeneric bird-dispersed plants in Panama. Brigitte Poulin, S. Joseph Wright, Gaetan Lefebvre and Osvaldo Calderon. Journal of Tropical Ecology (1999) 15:213-227. With 6 figures.
La oscilación austral de "El Niño": Producción variable de frutos y hambruna en un bosque tropical. S. Joseph Wright, Claudio Carrasco, Osvaldo Calderón y Steve Paton.
The el Niño southern oscillation, Variable fruit production, and famine in a tropical forest. S. Joseph Wright, Claudio Carrasco, Osvaldo Calderon, and Steve Paton, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado 2072, Balboa, Ancon, Republic of Panama. Ecology, 80(5), 1999, pp. 1632–1647
Craning for a better view: the Canopy Crane Network. S. Joseph Wright, Stephen S. Mulkey. Tree vol. 12, no. 11 november 1997
Decline of phosotynthetic capacity with leaf age in realtion to leaf longevities for five tropical canopy tree species. Kaoru Kitajima, Stephen S. Mulkey and S. Joseph Wright. American Journal of Botany 84(5): 702-708.
Seasonal leaf phenotypes in the canopy of a tropical dry forest: photosynthetic characteristics and associated traits, Kaoru Kitajima, Stephen S. Mulke and S. Joseph Wright. Oecologia (1997) 109:490–498 © Springer-Verlag 1997
Does Mammal community composition control recruitment in neotropical forests? Evidence from Panama. Nigel M. Asquith, S. Joseph Wright, and Maria J. Clauss. Ecology, Vol. 78, No. 3
15 Phenological Responses to Seasonality in Tropical Forest Plants, S. Joseph Wright.
The Effects of the rainy season and irrigation on soil water and oxygen in a seasonal forest in Panama. Thomas A. Kursar, S. Joseph Wright and Ricardo Radulovich. Journal of Tropical Ecology (1995) 11:497-516. With 7 figures.
Phylogenetic Patterns among tropical Flowering Phenologies. S. Joseph Wright, Osvaldo Calderon, Journal of Ecology, Volume 83, Issue 6 (Dec., 1995), 937-948.
Dendroecological Analysis of Cordia Alliodora Pseudobombax Septenatum and Annona Spraguei in Central Panama. Margaret S. Devall, Bernard R. Parresol & S. Joseph Wright. IAWA Journal, Vol. 16 (4), 1995: 411-424.
Tropical Forest Litter Dynamics and Dry Season Irrigation on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. R. Kelman Wieder, S. Joseph Wright. Ecology, Volume 76, Issue 6 (Sep., 1995), 1971-1979.
Effects of Mammalian Hebivores on plant recruitment in two neotropical forest. John Terborg, S. Joseph Wright. Ecology, Volume 75, Issue 6 (Sep., 1994), 1829-1833.
Chapter 12. Long term Population fluctuations of a tropical Lizard; A test of casuality. Robin M. Andrews And S. Joseph Wright.
Light and the Phenology of Tropical Trees. S. Joseph Wright, Carel P. van Shaik. American Naturalist, Volume 143, Issue 1 (Jan., 1994), 192-199
Evolutionary Ecology. The decline of tree diversity on newly isolated tropical islands: a test of a null hypothesis and some implicantions. Egbert G. Leigh Jr, S. Joseph Wright and Edward Allen Herre, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Francis E. Putz, Department of Botany, University of Florida, Gainesville. 1993, 7, 76-102 Chapman & Hall.
The Pheonology of tropical forest: Adaptive Significance and Consequences for Primary consumers. Carel P. van Shaik, John W. Terborgh, S. Joseph Wright. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, Volume 24 (1993), 353-377.
Seasonal Drought and Phenology of Understory shrubs in a tropical moist forest. S. Joseph Wright. Ecology, Volume 72, Issue 5 (Oct., 1991), 1643-1657.
The Spatial pattern and Reproductive Consequences of Outbreak Defoliation in Quararibea Asterolepis, A Tropical Tree. Marina Wong, S. Joseph Wright, Stephen P. Hubbell, Robin B. Foster. Journal of Ecology, Volume 78, Issue 3 (Sep., 1990), 579-588
Seasonal Drought and Leaf fall in a Tropical Forest. S. Joseph Wright, Fernando H. Cornejo. Ecology, Volume 71, Issue 3 (Jun., 1990), 1165-1175
Barro Colorado Island and Tropical Biology, Egbert Giles Leigh, JR, and S. Joseph Wright
Ecological Interpretation of Leaf Carbon Isotope Ratios: Influence of Respired Carbon Dioxide. Leonel Da Silvera, Lobo Sternberg, Stephen S. Mulkey, S. Joseph Wright. Ecology, Volume 70, Issue 5 (Oct., 1989), 1317-1324
Patterns of Abundance and the Form of the Species-Area Relation. S. Joseph Wright. American Naturalist, Volume 131, Issue 3 (Mar., 1988), 401-411.
Interspecific Interaction and Similarity in Species Composition. David H. Hamill, S. Joseph Wright. American Naturalist, Volume 131, Issue 3, (Mar., 1988), 412-423.