STRI Coral Reef

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Rachel Collin


Collin, R. Chaparro, O. R., Winkler, F. and D. Veliz. 2007. Molecular phylogenetic and embryological evidence that feeding larvae have been reacquired in a marine gastropod. Biol. Bull. 212: 83-92


Collin, Rachel, Wonham, M. and Barr, Kelly R. 2006. Crepidula convexa Say 1822 (Caenogastropoda: Calyptraeidae) in Washington State, USA. American Malacological Bulletin, 21: 113-116.



Collin, R. M. C. Diaz, J. Norenburg, R. M. Rocha, J. A. Sanchez, A. Schulze, M. Schwartz, and A. Valdes 2005. Photographic Identification guide to some common invertebrates of Bocas del Toro, Panama. Caribbean Journal of Science. 41(3): 638-707.

Chaparro, O. R., C. L. Saldivia, S. V. Pereda, C. J. Segura, Y. A. Montiel and R. Collin. 2005. The reproductive cycle and development of Crepipatella fecunda (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) from sourthern Chile. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 85: 157-161.

Collin, R. 2005. Development, phylogeny, and taxonomy of Bostrycapulus (Caenogastropoda: Calyptraeidae), an ancient cryptic radiation. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 144: 75-101.

Collin, R., M. McLellan, K. Gruber, and C. Bailey-Jourdain. 2005. Effects of conspecific associations on size at sex change in three species of calyptraeid gastropods. Marine Ecology Progress Series 293: 89-97.

Collin, R. 2005. Ecological monitoring and biodiversity surveys at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute's Bocas Del Toro Research Station. Caribbean Journal of Science. 41(3): 367-373.

Collin, R. 2005. Crepidula badisparsa sp. nov. (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) from Bocas del Toro Province, Panama. Caribbean Journal of Science. 41(2): 269-276.

Cipriani, R. and R. Collin. 2005. Life-history Invariants with Bounded Variables Cannot be Distinguished from Data Generated by Random Processes Using Standard Analyses. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 18(6): 1613-1618.


Collin, R. 2004. Development of Cerithiopsis gemmulosum from Bocas del Toro, Panama. Caribbean Journal of Science. 40 (2): 192-197.

Collin, R. 2004. Phylogenetic effects, the loss of complex characters, and the evolution of development in calyptraeid gastropods. Evolution. 58 (7): 1488-1502.


Collin R., and R. Cipriani. 2003. Dollo’s law and the re-evolution of shell coiling. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B. 270: 2551-2555.

Collin R. 2003. Worldwide patterns in mode of development in calyptraeid gastropods. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 247: 103-122.

Collin R. 2003. Phylogenetic relationships among calyptraeid gastropods and their implications for the biogeography of marine speciation. Systematic Biology. 52: 618-640.

Collin R. 2003. The utility of morphological characters in gastropod phylogenitics: an example from the Calyptraidae. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 78: 541-593.


Collin, R. 2002. Another last word on Crepidula convexa and a description of C. ustulatulina sp. nov. (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) from the Gulf of Mexico. Bulletin of Marine Science. 70(1): 177-184.

Chaparro, O. R., J. L. Charpentier, and R. Collin. 2002. Embryonic velar structure and function of two sibling species of Crepidula with different modes of development. Biological Bulletin. 203: 80-86.


Collin R. 2001. The effects of mode of development on phylogeography and population structure of North Atlantic Crepidula (Gastropoda: Clayptraeidae). Molecular Ecology. 10: 2249-2262.


Collin, R. 2000. The development of three Californian heterobranch mollusks from California, USA. The Nautilus. 114(3): 117-119.

Collin, R. 2000. Sex change, reproduction and development of Crepidula adunca and C. lingulata (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) The Veliger. 43: 24-33.

Collin, R. 2000. Development and anatomy of Nitidiscala tincta (Carpenter 1865) (Gastropoda: Epitoniidae). The Veliger. 43(3): 302-312.

Collin, R. 2000. Phylogeny of the Crepidula plana (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) cryptic species complex in North America. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 78: 1500-1514.


Collin, R. and J. Voltzow. 1998. Initiation, calcification, and form of larval "archaeogastropod" shells. Journal of Morphology. 235(1): 77-89.


Collin R., and J. B. Wise. 1997. Morphology and development of Odostomia columbiana Dall and Bartsch (Pyramidellidae): implications for the evolution of gastropod development. Biological Bulletin. 192: 243-252.

Collin, R. and J. B. Wise. 1997. Morphology and development of Odostomia columbiana (Gastropoda: Pyramidellidae). Biological Bulletin. 192: 243-252.

Collin R. 1997. Ontogeny of subtle skeletal asymmetries in individual larvae of the sand dollar Dendraster excentricus. Evolution. 51 (3): 999-1005.

Collin, R. and C. M. Janis. 1997. Phylogenetic constraints on feeding adaptations: Why there were no suspension- feeding marine reptiles? E. Nichols and J. Calloway eds. Ancient Marine Reptiles. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology symposium on Mesozoic marine reptiles. Academic Press.

Collin, R. 1997. Hydrophobic larval shells: another character for higher level systematics of gastropods. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 63: 425-430.


Voltzow, J. and R. Collin. 1995. Flow through mantle cavities revisited: Was sanitation key to fissurellid evolution? Invertebrate Biology. 114 (2): 145-151.

Collin R. 1995. Sex, size, and position: A test of models predicting size at sex change in the protandrous gastropod Crepidula fornicata. American Naturalist. 146 (6): 815-831.

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