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MiCultura Scientific
Research Permit

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Ministry of Culture (MiCultura)

(For exclusive use on scientific, academic, and educational work on Archaeology or Socio-Cultural Anthropology)

To apply for a Scientific Research Permit for Archaeology or Socio-Cultural Anthropology work from the Ministry of Culture (MiCultura), you MUST include the following information/documents in your application package:

STRI Permits Frequently Asked Questions

Your application package contains sensitive privacy information. The document (s) must be submitted through a secure transfer or an encrypted email, with the password called in by phone or on a separate email.

  1. Ministerio de Cultura Research Proposal duly completed in Spanish
    (For your convenience we can provide a list of independent translators that you may contact directly).
  2. For each member of the personnel included in the Ministerio de Cultura Research Proposal (Item 1 above) you MUST include in your permit application package:
    1. Curriculum Vitae (English or Spanish)
    2. A Copy of the passport photo page. For Panama Citizens, include a copy of their Cédula instead of the passport photo page.
  3. If you have been granted a permit from the Ministerio de Cultura in the past, you MUST include in your permit application package:
    1. Documents outlined in points #1 and #2 above
    2. Publications resulting from research conducted under those permits, including their abstracts in Spanish. If publications are not available, you MUST submit a progress report in Spanish.

Please send the duly completed permit application package to the scientific permits office: stri-permits@si.edu

Panamanian authorities can take up to 45 working days to issue a permit (not counting holidays), in addition, the STRI office often requires a 2-week processing period, we therefore recommend that you submit your permit requests at least 3 months prior to the planned start of your work.

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