Visitor Services Office

Join our

More than 1,400 scientists from around the world do research at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama every year.
Our vibrant international research community collaborates on hundreds of projects at remote field sites and in our laboratories in Panama City.

Visitor Services Office

Join our

More than 1,400 scientists from around the world do research at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama every year.
Our vibrant international research community collaborates on hundreds of projects at remote field sites and in our laboratories in Panama City.

Visitor Services Office

Join our

More than 1,400 scientists from around the world do research at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama every year.
Our vibrant international research community collaborates on hundreds of projects at remote field sites and in our laboratories in Panama City.

You are here

Registration Process Overview

The planning and registration process varies depending on your research needs. We strongly recommend you register as far in advance as possible (at least four months) due to the high demand for housing, laboratory space and equipment, and in order to obtain research and import/export permits in time. Below you will find all you need to know to make your stay productive and to successfully conclude your visit.


Please check our immigration site for last minute information, even if you have visited Panama before.

We recommend that before leaving the immigration post at airport, please check that the entrance seal stamped in your passport has the correct date of entrance and/or check that it is readable, to avoid future inconveniences.

Plan your visit

Registering for research, submitting proposals, requesting permits, preparing travel documents, getting vaccinations, and obtaining health insurance are just a few of the details you need to do before starting or joining a project at the STRI.

Register for Research

The Visitor Services Office (VSO) is the main point of contact for visiting researchers. All visiting researchers, visiting scholars, fellows, interns, and students must register with the Visitor Services Office to start a research project or join an existing one.

While you are here

Checking in at the STRI Visitor’s Office, exploring its facilities, getting around Panama, and grocery shopping are common activities during a visit.

Checking out

Following these few key steps will help you successfully wrap up your visit.

Visitor Service Office

The Visitor Services Office (VSO) provides services to more than 1,400 visitors from around the world who come to the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama for scientific purposes.

These services include project registration process, coordination of scientific visits, visitor statistics, and housing reservations at each facility based on availability.

The VSO also strives to create a positive climate for all visitors during their stay and thus is available to assist them in channeling the help with various STRI services such as STRI ID, Scientific Permits, and Vehicles, as well as non-STRI related services such as transportation contacts, nearby places to shop, and what to do in Panama.

The Visitor Services Office is located on level 300, next to the main lobby of STRI, and is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

If you need help with the Registration of Projects and Visits in the VSO system, please contact

For everything related to the STRI Housing Program, please contact

For any other issues, please contact

Meylín Hernández Ying

Meylín Hernández Ying

Visitors Services Office Manager

Scientific Permits Office

Our Scientific Permits Office handles all permits related to your research that are required by the government of Panama and the Smithsonian Institution. Please contact us well in advance of your proposed research dates to discuss your permits needs.

Juan Maté

Juan Maté

Manager for Scientific Affairs and Operations

Zurenayka Alain

Zurenaika Alain

Scientific Permits Officer

Lil Marie Camacho

Lil Marie Camacho

Scientific Permits Officer


Security information or issues.
+507 212-8911/8211
+507 6615-9191

Research Permits

Applications for research permits from local government authorities.
+507 212-8253


Information on STRI’s plant specimens
+507 212-8138


Office of Information Technology

For technical troubleshooting


Books and reference material;
open to the public
+507 212-8113


STRI books and educational gifts
+507 212-8029

Communications Office

Communicates STRI research and recent publications
+507 212-8111

General Inquiries

Main reception and call routing
+507 212-8000

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