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Due to high demand for research boats, we can’t give visitors exclusive use of boats. Please plan accordingly. We can help visitors who need exclusive boat access to rent boats locally.

  1. Reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance. Please verify the availability of boats by consulting the following link and write to indicating the boat name, day and time of use to make your reservation.
  2. Boats can be signed out for use in the morning (7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.), afternoon (1 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.) or all day.
  3. With multiple users per boat, it is now no longer possible to charge exactly for gas used. We have developed a fee schedule based on our data on average gas use for each boat over the last three years.   
  4. Time to refuel the boats will be at 7:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Murray & Kais (the station boat mechanics) will not be available to dispatch before or after these times. If you need a special time to refuel your boats, please send a request to Murray/Kais or the Scientific Coordinator team so that you can refill them yourself.
  5. For trips to Escudo de Veraguas, Peninsula de Valiente, Zapatilla Islands, Punta Vieja, Cayo Agua island, Popa North/East Island and any place in Chiriquí Lagoon, researchers will pay for fuel as well as the boat fee.
  6. Boat maintenance, VIP visits, workshops and courses will have priority and the Scientific Coordinator will be in charge of booking the boats and assigning them for special events. Special events that could affect boat usage for research will be posted on the station calendar.

Small Boats Policies for STRI Marine Stations

  1. Users are responsible for ensuring that the boat contains sufficient fuel to reach their destination and return safely, a functioning radio for communication, basic spare parts, tools, life preservers for all people aboard, and a set of oars. Contact the facility manager if any of these items are missing.
  2. All small boats need to be operated by a person familiar with the machinery and with local waters. The Scientific Coordinator (or a person specifically designated by the manager) at the other facilities, will determine whether scientists, visitors, and students meet these conditions, or whether they need to be accompanied by an additional person who does.
  3. If the passengers will be scuba diving, a boat tender, who will remain on the boat, is necessary except under the following conditions:
    • Diving done within sight of the station
    • When the boat manager or the facility manager is satisfied that conditions at the diving site are such that the safety of the divers and the boat are assured, even in the absence of a boat tender.
  4. If the passengers will be snorkeling in the vicinity of the anchored boat, no tender is necessary, except in areas of high wave action or current flow. The boat manager or the facility manager (or a person designated by the facility manager) will determine whether the conditions require a tender or not.
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