Females may also be prone to predation as they move toward a mating call
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& Stories
Barro Colorado
April 30, 2020
April 16, 2020
To understand the effects of urbanization and forest loss on insects, Dumas Gálvez studies the ability of ants to defend themselves against diseases in the city and in nature
March 10, 2020
A collaborative effort at Barro Colorado island described the daily rhythm of a rare half male-half female bee
December 12, 2019
How do microorganisms influence seed survival in the forest?
October 22, 2019
Eavesdropping behavior in the canopy may answer questions about how acoustic interplay among animals has developed over millions of years in the forest
October 17, 2019
Does a good leader have a better mental map of food in the forest? or is she simply driven by hunger?