Start here to learn about project opportunities for internships at STRI!
Kindly note that an internship placement depends on finding a match between your interests and a suitable research project mentored by a scientist at STRI. After you have reviewed the project opportunities, you may leave your contact information by filling out the form at the end of the page. However, to apply for any of our programs, you will need to follow the guidelines of each program to complete an application to the Smithsonian Institution Online Academic Appointments system (SOLAA). Only complete applications submitted through SOLAA by the deadline stablished on the program description will be considered.
Application Deadline Update
The STRI General Internship Program will not be available for the February 15 deadline. The next application deadline will be October 15.
Thank you for your interest in the program!
Click on each project title to learn more about the project summary and objectives.
- NEW Transforming a 100-yr old discipline: PollenGeo, a first in digital palynology
- NEW Quantifying landscape-level variation in tropical forest structure, function, and composition and their change over time
- NEWHitch-hiking in a changing environment: Understanding effects of microclimate change on animal-mediated dispersal behavior
- NEWPost-zygotic isolation in sympatric species of the sea urchins Echinometra and Lytechinus
- NEWOrigin and mechanism of transmission of the ciliate that killed millions of sea urchins
- NEWNovel insights into coral coexistence through early life competition studies
- NEWHost-Symbiont Interactions across a Sociality Continuum: Insights from Bees & Nematodes
- NEWHow do climatic conditions and floral resource availability impact bee social behavior and chemical communication?
- Death from Above: Microbial communities & disease pressure from forest floor to canopy
- Exploring the potential for automated species identification of tropical plants from hyperspectral and 3D scanning data
- Characterizing the climate sensitivity of tropical tree woody growth
- Spider Communication in a Variable World
- Mating systems and reproductive behaviour of marine crabs (Decapoda: Anomura & Brachyura)
- Understanding how mangroves capture carbon
- Curation of STRI's legacy archaeology collections
- Resilience of Tropical East Pacific Reef Corals
- Feeding Trait Plasticity and Adaptation in Reef Fishes Across the Isthmus of Panama
- Diversity and distribution of sharks and rays in the Tropical Eastern Pacific using environmental DNA
- Species coexistence, commonness, and rarity in high-diversity ecosystems
- The Intersection Between Cell Fate Decisions and Phenotypic Diversification in a Rapidly Radiating Butterfly Lineage
- NOT ACTIVEEffects of upwelling events on herbivory and predation on Pacific coral-reefs
- NOT ACTIVEPopulation Genetics and Environmental DNA Assessment of the Manatee Population in the Panama Canal
- NOT ACTIVEComparison of the growth and development of juveniles of the Hammerhead shark Sphyrna lewini in the Gulf of Panamá and Gulf of Chiriquí
- NOT ACTIVEGenetic Diversity of Vertebrates in the Panama Canal Region
- NOT ACTIVESorting the smooth from the grooved: Documenting taxonomic and functional diversity of tropical marine invertebrates
- NOT ACTIVEQuantifying landscape-level variation in forest structure and dynamics with mobile laser scanning and drone photogrammetry
- NOT ACTIVEEvaluating microbial-driven internal decay of living trees over time and space, and implications for tree mortality and forest dynamics
- NOT ACTIVEResearch about Birds in Coffee-Growing Landscapes
- NOT ACTIVEWhen continents join: Insights from the great american schism on the general basis of marine adaptation and resilience
- NOT ACTIVEThe effect of climate change on butterfly coloration