S. Joseph Wright
Wong, Marina, Wright, S. Joseph, Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1990. "The spatial pattern and reproductive consequences of outbreak defoliation in Quararibea asterolepis, a tropical tree." Journal of Ecology, 78, (3) 579–588.
Wright, S. Joseph. 1990. "Cumulative satiation of a seed predator over the fruiting season of its host." Oikos, 58, (3) 272–276.
Wright, S. Joseph. 1990. "Conservation in a Variable Environment: The Optimal Size of Reserves." In Living in a Patchy Environment. Shorrocks, B. and Swingland, A., editors. 187–196. Oxford University Press.
Wright, S. Joseph and Cornejo, Fernando H. 1990. "Seasonal drought and the timing of flowering and leaf fall in a neotropical forest." In The Reproductive Biology of Tropical Forest Plants. Bawa, K. S. and Hadley, M., editors. 49–61. Paris: UNESCO.
Wright, S. Joseph and Cornejo, Fernando H. 1990. "Seasonal drought and leaf fall in a tropical forest." Ecology, 71, (3) 1165–1175.
Sternberg, Leenel da Silveira Lobo, Mulkey, Stephen S., and Wright, S. Joseph. 1989. "Ecological Interpretation of Leaf Carbon Isotope Ratios: Influence of Respired Carbon Dioxide." Ecology, 70, (5) 1317–1324.
Sternberg, Leenel da Silveira Lobo, Mulkey, Stephen S., and Wright, S. Joseph. 1989. "Oxygen Isotope Ratio Stratification in a Tropical Moist Forest." Oecologia, 81 51–56.
Hamill, David N. and Wright, S. Joseph. 1988. "Interspecific Interaction and Similarity in Species Composition." American Naturalist, 131, (3) 412–423.
Wright, S. Joseph. 1988. "Patterns of Abundance and the Form of the Species-Area Relation." American Naturalist, 131, (3) 401–411.
Wright, S. Joseph and Howe, Henry F. 1987. "Pattern and Mortality in Colorado Desert Plants." Oecologia, 73, (4) 543–552.
Hamill, David N. and Wright, S. Joseph. 1986. "Testing the Dispersion of Juveniles Relative to Adults: A New Analytic Method." Ecology, 67, (4) 952–957.
Howe, Henry F. and Wright, S. Joseph. 1986. "Spatial Pattern and Mortality in the Desert Mallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua)." National Geographic Research, 2, (4) 491–499.
Wright, S. Joseph. 1985. "How isolation affects rates of turnover of species on islands." Oikos, 44 331–340.
Wright, S. Joseph, Faaborg, John, and Campbell, Claudia J. 1985. "Birds from tightly structured communities in the Pearl Archipelago, Panama." Ornithological Monographs, 36 798–812.
Wright, S. Joseph. 1984. "La extincion y las reservas naturales. Pueden los parques y reservas naturales prevenir la extincion?" Boletin Harpia May, 7, (1) 5.
Wright, S. Joseph, Kimsey, Robert, and Campbell, Claudia J. 1984. "Mortality rates of insular Anolis lizards: a systematic effect of island area." American Naturalist, 123, (1) 134–142.
Wright, S. Joseph. 1983. "The dispresion of eggs by a bruchid beetle among Scheelea palm seeds and the effect of distance to the parent palm." Ecology, 64, (5) 1016–1021.
Wright, S. Joseph and Biehl, Carl C. 1983. "Empty sites and the analysis of presence-absence data." American Naturalist, 122, (6) 833–834.
Wright, S. Joseph and Hubbell, Stephen P. 1983. "Stochastic extinction and reserve size: a focal species approach." Oikos, 41, (3) 466–476.
Wright, S. Joseph and Biehl, Carl C. 1982. "Island Biogeographic Distributions: Testing for Random, Regular, and Aggregated Patterns of Species Occurrence." American Naturalist, 119, (3) 345–357.
Wright, S. Joseph. 1981. "Intra-Archipelago Vertebrate Distributions: The Slope of the Species-Area Relation." American Naturalist, 118, (5) 726–748.
Wright, S. Joseph. 1981. "Extinction-Mediated Competition: The Anolis Lizards and Insectivorous Birds of the West Indies." American Naturalist, 117, (2) 181–192.
Wright, S. Joseph. 1980. "Density compensation in island avifaunas." Oecologia, 45 385–389.
Wright, S. Joseph. 1979. "Competition between insectivorous lizards and birds in Central Panama." American Zoologist, 19 1145–1156.