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S. Joseph Wright

Wright, I. J., Ackerly, D. D., Bongers, F., Harms, Kyle Edward, Ibarra-Manriquez, G., Martinez-Ramos, M., Mazer, S. J., Muller-Landau, Helene C., Paz, H., Pitman, N. C. A., Poorter, L., Silman, M. R., Vriesendorp, C. F., Webb, C. O., Westoby, M., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2007. "Relationships Among Ecologically Important Dimensions of Plant Trait Variation in Seven Neotropical Forests." Annals of Botany, 99, (5) 1003–1015.
Wright, S. Joseph, Carrasco, Claudio, Calderon, Osvaldo, and Paton, Steven R. 2007. "La oscilación austral de El Niño: producción variable de frutos y hambruna en un bosque tropical." In Ecología y evolución en los trópicos. Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., Herre, Edward Allen, Jackson, Jeremy B. C., and Santos-Granero, Fernando, editors. 359–378. Panama: Editora Nova Art.
Wright, S. Joseph, Sanchez-Azofeifa, Arturo, Portillo-Quintero, Carlos, and Davies, Diane. 2007. "Poverty and corruption compromise tropical forest reserves." Ecological Applications, 17, (5) 1259–1266.
Wright, S. Joseph, Stoner, Kathryn E., Beckman, Noelle G., Corlett, Richard T., Dirzo, Rodolfo, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Nunez-Iturri, Gabriela, Peres, Carlos A., and Wang, Benjamin C. 2007. "The plight of large animals in tropical forests and the consequences for plant regeneration." Biotropica, 39, (3) 289–291.
Zimmerman, Jess K., Wright, S. Joseph, Calderon, Osvaldo, Aponte Pagan, M., and Paton, Steven R. 2007. "Flowering and fruiting phenologies of seasonal and aseasonal neotropical forests: the role of annual changes in irradiance." Journal of Tropical Ecology, 23, (2) 231–251.
Castro-Esau, Karen L., Sanchez-Azofeifa, Arturo, Rivard, Benoit, Wright, S. Joseph, and Quesada, Mauricio. 2006. "Variability in Leaf Optical Properties of Mesoamerican Trees and the Potential for Species Classification." American Journal of Botany, (4) 517–530.
Gilbert, Benjamin, Wright, S. Joseph, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Kitajima, Kaoru, and Hernandez, Andres. 2006. "Life History Trade-Offs in Tropical Trees and Lianas." Ecology, (5) 1281–1288.[1281:LHTITT]2.0.CO;2.
King, David A., Wright, S. Joseph, and Connel, Joseph H. 2006. "The Contribution of Interspecific Variation in Maximum Tree Height to Tropical and Temperate Diversity." Journal of Tropical Ecology, 22, (1) 11–24.
Santiago, Louis S. and Wright, S. Joseph. 2006. "Leaf functional traits of tropical forest plants in relation to growth form." Functional Ecology, 21, (1) 19–27.
Svenning, Jens-Christian, Engelbrecht, Bettina M. J., Kinner, David A., Kursar, Thomas A., Stallard, Robert F., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2006. "The Relative Roles of Environment, History and Local Dispersal in Controlling the Distributions of Common Tree and Shrub Species in a Tropical Forest Landscape, Panamá." Journal of Tropical Ecology, (5) 575–586.
Wright, S. Joseph and Calderon, Osvaldo. 2006. "Seasonal, El Niño and Longer Term Changes in Flower and Seed Production in a Moist Tropical Forest." Ecology Letters, (1) 9: 35-44.
Wright, S. Joseph and Muller-Landau, Helene C. 2006. "The Future of Tropical Forest Species." Biotropica, (3) 287–301.
Wright, S. Joseph and Muller-Landau, Helene C. 2006. "The Uncertain Future of Tropical Forest Species." Biotropica, (4) 443–446.
Dick, Christopher W. and Wright, S. Joseph. 2005. "Tropical Mountain Cradles of Dry Forest Diversity." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, (31) 10757-10758.
Gamon, John A., Kitajima, Kaoru, Mulkey, Stephen S., Serrano, Lydia, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2005. "Diverse Optical and Photosynthetic Properties in a Neotropical Dry Forest During the Dry Season: Implications for Remote Estimation of Photosynthesis." Biotropica, (4) 547–560.
Kitajima, Kaoru, Mulkey, Stephen S., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2005. "Variation in Crown Light Utilization Characteristics Among Tropical Canopy Trees." Annals of Botany, (3) 535–547.
Milton, Katharine, Giacalone, Jacalyn, Wright, S. Joseph, and Stockmayer, Gretchen. 2005. "Do Frugivore Population Fluctuations Reflect Fruit Production? Evidence From Panamá." In Tropical Fruits and Frugivores: The Search for Strong Interactors. Dew, J. Lawrence and Boubi, Jean Philippe, editors. 5. Springer.
Svenning, Jens-Christian and Wright, S. Joseph. 2005. "Seed Limitation in a Panamanian Forest." Journal of Ecology, (5) 853–862.
Wright, S. Joseph. 2005. "Tropical Forests in a Changing Environment." Trends in Ecology & Evolution, (10) 553–560.
Wright, S. Joseph. 2005. "The El Niño Southern Oscillation Influences Tree Performance in Tropical Rainforests." In Tropical Rainforests: Past, Present, and Future. Bermingham, Eldredge, Dick, Christopher W., and Moritz, Craig, editors. 295. University of Chicago Press.
Wright, S. Joseph, Jaramillo, Maria Alejandra, Pavon, Javier, Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 2005. "Reproductive Size Thresholds in Tropical Trees: Variation Among Individuals, Species and Forests." Journal of Tropical Ecology, (3) 307–315.
Wright, S. Joseph, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Calderon, Osvaldo, and Hernandez, Andres. 2005. "Annual and Spatial Variation in Seedfall and Seedling Recruitment in a Neotropical Forest." Ecology, (4) 848–860.
Wuerth, Mirjam K. R., Riedl, Susanna Pelaez, Wright, S. Joseph, and Korner, Christian. 2005. "Non-Structural Carbohydrate Pools in a Tropical Forest." Oecologia, (1) 11–24.
Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., Davidar, Priya, Dick, Christopher W., Puyravaud, Jean Philippe, Terborgh, John W., Steege, Has ter, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2004. "Why Do Some Tropical Forests Have So Many Species of Trees?" Biotropica, (4) 447–473.
Muller-Landau, Helene C., Dalling, James W., Harms, Kyle Edward, Wright, S. Joseph, Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robert B. 2004. "Seed Dispersal and Density-Dependent Seed and Seedling Survival in Trichilia Tuberculata and Miconia Argentea." In Tropical Forest Diversity and Dynamism: Findings From a Large-Scale Plot Network. Losos, Elizabeth Claire and Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., editors. 340. University of Chicago Press.
Pearcy, Robert W., Valladares, Fernando, Wright, S. Joseph, and Lasso de Paulis, Eloisa. 2004. "A Functional Analysis of the Crown Architecture of Tropical Forest Psychotria Species: Do Species Vary in Light Capture Efficiency and Consequently in Carbon Gain and Growth?" Oecologia, (2) 163–177.
Santiago, Louis S., Kitajima, Kaoru, Wright, S. Joseph, and Mulkey, Stephen S. 2004. "Coordinated Changes in Photosynthesis, Water Relations and Leaf Nutritional Traits of Canopy Trees Along a Precipitation Gradient in Lowland Tropical Forest." Oecologia, (4) 495–502.
Svenning, Jens-Christian, Kinner, D. A., Stallard, Robert F., Engelbrecht, Bettina M. J., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2004. "Ecological Determinism in Plant Community Structure Across a Tropical Forest Landscape." Ecology, (9) 2526-2538.
Van Bael, Sunshine A., Aiello, Annette, Valderrama Cumbrera, Anayansi, Medianero, Enrique, Samaniego, Mirna, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2004. "General Herbivore Outbreak Following an El Niño-Related Drought in a Lowland Panamanian Forest." Journal of Tropical Ecology, 20, (6) 625–633.
Wright, S. Joseph, Calderon, Osvaldo, Hernandez, Andres, and Paton, Steven R. 2004. "Are Lianas Increasing in Importance in Tropical Forests? A 17-Year Record From Panamá." Ecology, (2) 484–489.
Yavitt, Joseph B., Wright, S. Joseph, and Wieder, R. Kelman. 2004. "Seasonal drought and dry-season irrigation influence leaf-litter nutrients and soil enzymes in a moist, lowland forest in Panamá." Austral Ecology, 29, (2) 177–188.
Basset, Yves, Horlyck, Vibeke, and Wright, S. Joseph, editors. 2003. Studying Forest Canopies From Above: The International Canopy Crane Network. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and UNEP.
Basset, Yves, Horlyck, Vibeke, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2003. "The Study of Forest Canopies." In Studying Forest Canopies From Above: The International Canopy Crane Network. Basset, Yves, Horlyck, Vibeke, and Wright, S. Joseph, editors. 57. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and UNEP.
Basset, Yves, Horlyck, Vibeke, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2003. "The Conservation of Forest Canopies: Policy and Science." In Studying Forest Canopies From Above: The International Canopy Crane Network. Basset, Yves, Horlyck, Vibeke, and Wright, S. Joseph, editors. 37. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and UNEP.
Basset, Yves, Horlyck, Vibeke, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2003. "Executive Summary." In Studying Forest Canopies From Above: The International Canopy Crane Network. Basset, Yves, Horlyck, Vibeke, and Wright, S. Joseph, editors. 21. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and UNEP.
Basset, Yves, Horlyck, Vibeke, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2003. "Forest Canopies and Their Importance." In Studying Forest Canopies From Above: The International Canopy Crane Network. Basset, Yves, Horlyck, Vibeke, and Wright, S. Joseph, editors. 27. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and UNEP.
Basset, Yves, Horlyck, Vibeke, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2003. "Preface." In Studying Forest Canopies From Above: The International Canopy Crane Network. Basset, Yves, Horlyck, Vibeke, and Wright, S. Joseph, editors. 17. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and UNEP.
Basset, Yves, Horlyck, Vibeke, Wright, S. Joseph, and Stork, Nigel E. 2003. "The International Canopy Crane Network." In Studying Forest Canopies From Above: The International Canopy Crane Network. Basset, Yves, Horlyck, Vibeke, and Wright, S. Joseph, editors. 63. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and UNEP.
Basset, Yves, Kitajima, Kaoru, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2003. "The International Canopy Crane Network: Key Findings in Canopy Science." In Studying Forest Canopies From Above: The International Canopy Crane Network. Basset, Yves, Horlyck, Vibeke, and Wright, S. Joseph, editors. 159. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and UNEP.
Basset, Yves, Wright, S. Joseph, and Stork, Nigel E. 2003. "Conclusion: The Future of the International Canopy Crane Network." In Studying Forest Canopies From Above: The International Canopy Crane Network. Basset, Yves, Horlyck, Vibeke, and Wright, S. Joseph, editors. 175. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and UNEP.
Dominy, Nathaniel J., Lucas, Peter W., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2003. "Mechanics and Chemistry of Rain Forest Leaves: Canopy and Understory Compared." Journal of Experimental Botany, (390) 2007–2014.
Graham, Eric A., Mulkey, Stephen S., Kitajima, Kaoru, Phillips, Nathan G., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2003. "Cloud Cover Limits Net CO2 Uptake and Growth of a Rainforest Tree During Tropical Rainy Seasons." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, (2) 572-576.
Ozanne, C. M. P., Anhuf, D., Boulter, S. L., Keller, Michael, Kitching, Roger L., Korner, Christian, Meinzer, Frederick C., Mitchell, A. W., Nakashizuka, Tohru, Dias, Silva, Stork, Nigel E., Wright, S. Joseph, and Yoshimura, M. 2003. "Biodiversity Meets the Atmosphere: Global View of Forest Canopies." Science, (5630) 183–186.
Wright, S. Joseph. 2003. "Dedication." In Studying Forest Canopies From Above: The International Canopy Crane Network. Basset, Yves, Horlyck, Vibeke, and Wright, S. Joseph, editors. 19. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and UNEP.
Wright, S. Joseph. 2003. [Dataset] Tree mortality, growth and liana infestation on Barro Colorado Island. Distributed by Panama: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Wright, S. Joseph. 2003. "The Myriad Consequences of Hunting for Vertebrates and Plants in Tropical Forests." Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, (1-2) 73–86.
Wright, S. Joseph, Horlyck, Vibeke, Basset, Yves, Barrios, Hector, Bethancourt, Ariadna, Bohlman, Stephanie A., Gilbert, Gregory S., Goldstein, Guillermo, Graham, Eric A., Kitajima, Kaoru, Lerdau, Manuel T., Meinzer, Frederick C., Odegaard, Frode, Reynolds, Don R., Roubik, David Ward, Sakai, Shoko, Samaniego, Mirna, Sparks, Jed P., Van Bael, Sunshine A., Winter, Klaus, and Zotz, Gerhard. 2003. "Tropical Canopy Biology Porgram, Republic of Panamá." In Studying Forest Canopies From Above: The International Canopy Crane Network. Basset, Yves, Horlyck, Vibeke, and Wright, S. Joseph, editors. 137. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and UNEP.
Wright, S. Joseph, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Condit, Richard S., and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2003. "Gap-Dependent Recruitment, Realized Vital Rates, and Size Distributions of Tropical Trees." Ecology, (12) 3174–3185.
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