STRI Coral Reef

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S. Joseph Wright

Kunstler, Georges, Falster, Daniel, Coomes, David A., Hui, Frances, Kooyman, Robert M., Laughlin, Daniel C., Poorter, Lourens, Vanderwel, Mark, Vieilledent, Ghislain, Wright, S. Joseph, Aiba, Masahiro, Baraloto, Christopher, Caspersen, John, Cornelissen, J. Hans C., Gourlet-Fleury, Sylvie, Hanewinkel, Marc, Herault, Bruno, Kattge, Jens, Kurokawa, Hiroko, Peñuelas, Josep, Poorter, Hendrik, Richardson, Sarah, Ruiz-Benito, Paloma, Sung, I-Fang, Stahl, Goran et al. 2016. "Plant functional traits have globally consistent effects on competition." Nature, 529, (7585) 204–207.
Lebrija-Trejos, Edwin, Reich, Peter B., Hernández, Andres, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2016. "Species with greater seed mass are more tolerant of conspecific neighbours: a key driver of early survival and future abundances in a tropical forest." Ecology Letters, 19, (9) 1071–1080.
Ledo, Alicia, Illian, Janine B., Schnitzer, Stefan A., Wright, S. Joseph, Dalling, James W., and Burslem, David F. R. P. 2016. "Lianas and soil nutrients predict fine-scale distribution of above-ground biomass in a tropical moist forest." Journal of Ecology, 104, (6) 1819–1828.
Visser, Marco D., Bruijning, Marjolein, Wright, S. Joseph, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Jongejans, Eelke, Comita, Liza S., and de Kroon, Hans. 2016. "Functional traits as predictors of vital rates across the life cycle of tropical trees." Functional Ecology, 30 168–180.
Wright, S. Joseph and Calderon, Osvaldo. 2016. [Dataset] Seed data per trap for 18 Barro Colorado Island tree species for the period 2008-2012. [text; csv] Distributed by Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Research Online.
Wright, S. Joseph, Calderón, Osvaldo, Hernandéz, Andrés, Detto, Matteo, and Jansen, Patrick A. 2016. "Interspecific associations in seed arrival and seedling recruitment in a Neotropical forest." Ecology, 97, (10) 2780–2790.
Wright, S. Joseph and Hernandez, Andres. 2016. [Dataset] Heights of new recruits for 69 Barro Colorado Island tree species for the period 1995-2011. Distributed by Smithsonian Libraries.
Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina J., Davies, Stuart James, Bennett, Amy C., González-Akre, Erika B., Muller-Landau, Helene C., Wright, S. Joseph, Abu Salim, Kamariah, Almeyda Zambrano, Angélica M., Alonso, Alfonso, Baltzer, Jennifer L., Basset, Yves, Bourg, Norman A., Broadbent, Eben N., Brockelman, Warren Y., Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh, Burslem, David F. R. P., Butt, Nathalie, Cao, Min, Cardenas, Dairon, Chuyong, George B., Clay, Keith, Cordell, Susan, Dattaraja, Handanakere S., Deng, Xiaobao, Detto, Matteo et al. 2015. "CTFS-ForestGEO: a worldwide network monitoring forests in an era of global change." Global Change Biology, 21, (2) 528–549.
Baldeck, Claire A., Asner, Gregory P., Martin, Robin E., Anderson, Christopher B., Knapp, David E., Kellner, James R., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2015. "Operational Tree Species Mapping in a Diverse Tropical Forest with Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy." PloS One, 10, (7) 1–21.
Barberán, Albert, McGuire, Krista L., Wolf, Jeffrey A., Jones, F. Andrew, Wright, S. Joseph, Turner, Benjamin L., Essene, Adam, Hubbell, Stephen P., Faircloth, Brant C., and Fierer, Noah. 2015. "Relating belowground microbial composition to the taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional trait distributions of trees in a tropical forest." Ecology Letters, 18, (12) 1397–1405.
Gross, A., Turner, Benjamin L., Wright, S. Joseph, Tanner, Edmund V. J., Reichstein, M., Weiner, T., and Angert, A. 2015. "Oxygen isotope ratios of plant available phosphate in lowland tropical forest soils." Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 8 354–361.
Kraft, Thomas F., Wright, S. Joseph, Turner, Ian, Lucas, Peter W., Oufiero, Christopher E., Noor, Md Nur Supardi, Sun, I. F., and Dominy, Nathaniel J. 2015. "Seed size and the evolution of leaf defences." Journal of Ecology, 103, (4) 1057–1068.
Kurten, Erin L., Wright, S. Joseph, and Carson, Walter P. 2015. "Hunting alters seedling functional trait composition in a Neotropical forest." Ecology, 96, (7) 1923–1932.
Laliberté, Etienne, Lambers, Hans, Burgess, Treena I., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2015. "Phosphorus limitation, soil-borne pathogens and the coexistence of plant species in hyperdiverse forests and shrublands." New Phytologist, 206, (2) 507–521.
Letcher, Susan G., Lasky, Jesse R., Chazdon, Robin L., Norden, Natalia, Wright, S. Joseph, Meave, Jorge A., Pérez-García, Eduardo A., Muñoz, Rodrigo, Romero-Pérez, Eunice, Andrade, Ana, Andrade, José Luis, Balvanera, Patricia, Becknell, Justin M., Bentos, Tony V., Bhaskar, Radika, Bongers, Frans, Boukili, Vanessa, Brancalion, Pedro H. S., César, Ricardo G., Clark, Deborah A., Clark, David B., Craven, Dylan, DeFrancesco, Alexander, Dupuy, Juan M., Finegan, Bryan et al. 2015. "Environmental gradients and the evolution of successional habitat specialization: a test case with 14 Neotropical forest sites." Journal of Ecology, 103, (5) 1276–1290.
Paine, C. E. T., Amissah, Lucy, Auge, Harald, Baraloto, Christopher, Baruffol, Martin, Bourland, Nils, Bruelheide, Helge, Daïnou, Kasso, de Gouvenain, Roland C., Doucet, Jean-Louis, Doust, Susan, Fine, Paul V. A., Fortunel, Claire, Haase, Josephine, Holl, Karen D., Jactel, Hervé, Li, Xuefei, Kitajima, Kaoru, Koricheva, Julia, Martínez-Garza, Cristina, Messier, Christian, Paquette, Alain, Philipson, Christopher, Piotto, Daniel, Poorter, Lourens et al. 2015. "Globally, functional traits are weak predictors of juvenile tree growth, and we do not know why." Journal of Ecology, 103, (4) 978–989.
Pasquini, Sarah Cecilia, Wright, S. Joseph, and Santiago, Louis. 2015. "Lianas always outperform tree seedlings regardless of soil nutrients: results from a long-term fertilization experiment." Ecology, 96, (7) 1866–1876.
Schrodt, Franziska, Kattge, Jens, Shan, Hanuai, Fazayeli, Farideh, Joswig, Julia, Banerjee, Arindam, Reichstein, Markus, Bonisch, Gerhard, Diaz, Sandra, Dickie, John, Gillison, Andy, Karpatne, Anuj, Lavorel, Sandra, Leadley, Paul, Wirth, Christian B., Wright, Ian J., Wright, S. Joseph, and Reich, Peter B. 2015. "BHPMF - a hierarchical Bayesian approach to gap-filling and trait prediction for macroecology and functional biogeography." Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24, (12) 1510–1521.
Somers, Ben, Asner, Gregory P., Martin, Roberta E., Anderson, Christopher B., Knapp, David E., Wright, S. Joseph, and Kerchove, Van De. 2015. "Mesoscale assessment of changes in tropical tree species richness across a bioclimatic gradient in Panama using airborne imaging spectroscopy." Remote Sensing of Environment, 167 111–120.
Turner, Benjamin L., Yavitt, Joseph B., Harms, Kyle E., Garcia, Milton N., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2015. "Seasonal changes in soil organic matter after a decade of nutrient addition in a lowland tropical forest." Biogeochemistry, 123, (1-2) 221–235.
Wright, S. Joseph, Sun, I-F, Pickering, Maria, Fletcher, Christine D., and Chen, Yu-Yun. 2015. "Long-term changes in liana loads and tree dynamics in a Malaysian forest." Ecology, 96, (10) 2748–2757.
Erickson, David L., Jones, Frank A., Swenson, Nathan G., Pei, Nancai, Bourg, Norman, Chen, Wenna, Davies, Stuart James, Ge, Xue-jun, Hao, Zhanqing, Howe, Robert W., Huang, Chun Lin, Larson, Andrew J., Lum, Shawn K., Lutz, James, Ma, Keping, Meegaskumbura, Madhava, Mi, Xiangcheng, Parker, John D., Sun, I. Fang, Wright, S. Joseph, Wolf, Amy T., Xing, Dinglian, Zimmerman, Jess K., and Kress, W. John. 2014. "Comparative evolutionary diversity and phylogenetic structure across multiple forest dynamics plots: a mega-phylogeny approach." Frontiers in Genetics, 5 358.
Higgins, Mark A., Asner, Gregory P., Martin, Roberta E., Knapp, David E., Anderson, Christopher, Kennedy-Bowdoin, Ty, Saenz, Roni, Aguilar, Antonio, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2014. "Linking imaging spectroscopy and LiDAR with floristic composition and forest structure in Panama." Remote Sensing of Environment, 154 358–367.
Jansen, Patrick A., Visser, Marco D., Wright, S. Joseph, Rutten, Gemma, and Muller-Landau, Helene C. 2014. "Negative density dependence of seed dispersal and seedling recruitment in a Neotropical palm." Ecology Letters, 17, (9) 1111–1120.
Kembel, Steven W., O'Connor, Timothy K., Arnold, Holly K., Hubbell, Stephen P., Wright, S. Joseph, and Green, Jessica L. 2014. "Relationships between phyllosphere bacterial communities and plant functional traits in a neotropical forest." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, (38) 13715–13720.
Mayor, Jordan R., Wright, S. Joseph, Schuur, Edward A. G., Brooks, Mollie E., and Turner, Benjamin L. 2014. "Stable nitrogen isotope patterns of trees and soils altered by long-term nitrogen and phosphorus addition to a lowland tropical rainforest." Biogeochemistry, 119, (1-3) 293–306.
Mayor, Jordan R., Wright, S. Joseph, and Turner, Benjamin L. 2014. "Species-specific responses of foliar nutrients to long-term nitrogen and phosphorus additions in a lowland tropical forest." Journal of Ecology, 102, (1) 36–44.
Osazuwa-Peters, Oyomoare L., Wright, S. Joseph, and Zanne, Amy E. 2014. "Radial variation in wood specific gravity of tropical tree species differing in growth–mortality strategies." American Journal of Botany, 101, (5) 803–811.
Schreeg, L. A., Santiago, Louis, Wright, S. Joseph, and Turner, Benjamin L. 2014. "Stem, root, and older leaf N:P ratios are more responsive indicators of soil nutrient availability than new foliage." Ecology, 95, (8) 2062–2068.
Asner, Gregory P., Mascaro, Joseph, Anderson, Christopher, Knapp, David E., Martin, Roberta E., Kennedy-Bowdoin, Ty, van Breugel, Michiel, Davies, Stuart James, Hall, Jefferson S., Muller-Landau, Helene C., Potvin, Catherine Jeanne, Sousa, Wayne, Wright, S. Joseph, and Bermingham, Eldredge. 2013. "High-fidelity national carbon mapping for resource management and REDD+." Carbon Balance and Management, 8, (7) 1–14.
Cernusak, Lucas A., Winter, Klaus, Dalling, James W., Holtum, Joseph A. M., Jaramillo, Carlos A., Korner, Christian, Leakey, Andrew A. B., Norby, Richard J., Poulter, Benjamin, Turner, Benjamin L., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2013. "Tropical forest responses to increasing atmospheric CO2: current knowledge and opportunities for future research." Functional Plant Biology, 40, (6) 531–551.
Hietz, Peter, Valencia, Renato, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2013. "Strong radial variation in wood density follows a uniform pattern in two neotropical rain forests." Functional Ecology, 27, (3) 684–692.
Kitajima, Kaoru, Cordero, Roberto A., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2013. "Leaf life span spectrum of tropical woody seedlings: effects of light and ontogeny and consequences for survival." Annals of Botany, 112, (4) 685–699.
Mirabello, M. J., Yavitt, J. B., Garcia, Milton N., Harms, Kyle Edward, Turner, Benjamin L., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2013. "Soil phosphorus responses to chronic nutrient fertilisation and seasonal drought in a humid lowland forest, Panama." Soil Research, 51, (3) 215–221.
Puerta-Piñero, Carolina, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Calderón, Osvaldo, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2013. "Seed arrival in tropical forest tree fall gaps." Ecology, 94, (7) 1552–1562.
Queenborough, Simon A., Metz, Margaret R., Valencia, Renato, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2013. "Demographic consequences of chromatic leaf defence in tropical tree communities: do red young leaves increase growth and survival?" Annals of Botany, 112, (4) 674–684.
Turner, Benjamin L., Yavitt, Joseph B., Harms, Kyle Edward, Garcia, Milton N., Romero, Tania, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2013. "Seasonal changes and treatment effects on soil inorganic nutrients following a decade of fertilizer addition in a lowland tropical forest." Soil Science Society of America Journal, 77, (4) 1357–1369.
Kitajima, Kaoru, Llorens, Anna-Maria, Stefanescu, Carla, Timchenko, Marta Vargas, Lucas, Peter W., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2012. "How cellulose-based leaf toughness and lamina density contribute to long leaf lifespans of shade-tolerant species." New Phytologist, 195, (3) 640–652.
Laurance, William F., Carolina Useche, D., Rendeiro, Julio, Kalka, Margareta, Bradshaw, Corey J. A., Sloan, Sean P., Laurance, Susan G., Campbell, Mason, Abernethy, Kate, Alvarez, Patricia, Arroyo-Rodriguez, Victor, Ashton, Peter, Benítez-Malvido, Julieta, Blom, Allard, Bobo, Kadiri S., Cannon, Charles H., Cao, Min, Carroll, Richard, Chapman, Colin, Coates, Rosamond, Cords, Marina, Danielsen, Finn, De Dijn, Bart, Dinerstein, Eric, Donnelly, Maureen A. et al. 2012. "Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas." Nature, 489 290–294.
Liu, Xiaojuan, Swenson, Nathan G., Wright, S. Joseph, Zhang, Liwen, Song, Kai, Du, Yanjun, Zhang, Jinlong, Mi, Xiangcheng, Ren, Haibao, and Ma, Keping. 2012. "Covariation in Plant Functional Traits and Soil Fertility within Two Species-Rich Forests." Plos One, 7, (4) e34767.
Markl, Julia S., Schleuning, Matthias, Forget, Pierre Michel, Jordano, Pedro, Lambert, Joanna E., Traveset, Anna, Wright, S. Joseph, and Böning-Gaese, Katrin. 2012. "Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Human Disturbance on Seed Dispersal by Animals." Conservation Biology, 26, (6) 1072–1081.
Rueger, Nadja, Wirth, Christian, Wright, S. Joseph, and Condit, Richard S. 2012. "Functional traits explain light and size response of growth rates in tropical tree species." Ecology, 93, (12).
Santiago, Louis S., Wright, S. Joseph, Harms, Kyle Edward, Yavitt, Joseph B., Korine, Carmi, Garcia, Milton N., and Turner, Benjamin L. 2012. "Tropical tree seedling growth responses to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium addition." Journal of Ecology, 100, (2) 309–316.
Sayer, Emma J., Wright, S. Joseph, Tanner, Edmund V. J., Yavitt, Joseph B., Harms, Kyle Edward, Powers, Jennifer S., Kaspari, Michael E., Garcia, Milton N., and Turner, Benjamin L. 2012. "Variable Responses of Lowland Tropical Forest Nutrient Status to Fertilization and Litter Manipulation." Ecosystems, 15, (3) 387–400.
Sedio, Brian E., Wright, S. Joseph, and Dick, Christopher W. 2012. "Trait evolution and the coexistence of a species swarm in the tropical forest understorey." Journal of Ecology, 100, (5) 1183–1193.
Swenson, Nathan G., Enquist, Brian J., Pither, Jason, Kerkhoff, Andrew J., Boyle, Brad, Weiser, Michael D., Elser, James J., Fagan, William F., Forero-Montana, Jimena, Fyllas, Nikolaos, Kraft, Nathan J. B., Lake, Jeffrey K., Moles, Angela T., Patino, Sandra, Phillips, Oliver L., Price, Charles A., Reich, Peter B., Quesada, Carlos A., Stegen, James C., Valencia, Renato, Wright, Ian J., Wright, S. Joseph, Andelman, Sandy, Jorgensen, Peter M., Lacher, Thomas E., Jr. et al. 2012. "The biogeography and filtering of woody plant functional diversity in North and South America." Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21, (8) 798–808.
Swenson, Nathan G., Erickson, David L., Mi, Xiangcheng, Bourg, Norman Alan, Forero-Montana, Jimena, Ge, Xuejun, Howe, Robert, Lake, Jeffrey K., Liu, Xiaojuan, Ma, Keping, Pei, Nancai, Thompson, Jill, Uriarte, María, Wolf, Amy T., Wright, S. Joseph, Ye, Wanhu, Zhang, Jinlong, Zimmerman, Jess, and Kress, W. John. 2012. "Phylogenetic and Functional Alpha and Beta Diversity in Temperate and Tropical Tree Communities." Ecology, 93, (8) S112–S125.
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