S. Joseph Wright
Dalling, James W., Muller-Landau, Helene C., Wright, S. Joseph, and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2002. "Role of Dispersal in the Recruitment Limitation of Neotropical Pioneer Species." Journal of Tropical Ecology, (4) 714–727.
De Steven, Diane and Wright, S. Joseph. 2002. "Consequences of Variable Reproduction for Seedling Recruitment in Three Neotropical Tree Species." Ecology, (8) 2315–2327.
Duivenvoorden, J. F., Svenning, Jens-Christian, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2002. "Beta Diversity in Tropical Forests." Science, (5555) 636–637.
Engelbrecht, Bettina M. J., Wright, S. Joseph, and De Steven, Diane. 2002. "Survival and ecophysiology of tree seedlings during El Niño drought in a tropical moist forest in Panamá." Journal of Tropical Ecology, 18, (4) 569–579.
Ibáñez, Roberto D., Condit, Richard S., Angehr, George R., Aguilar, Salomón, Garcia, Tomas, Martinez, Raul, Sanjur, Amelia, Stallard, Robert F., Wright, S. Joseph, Rand, Austin Stanley, and Heckadon-Moreno, Stanley. 2002. "An Ecosystem Report on the Panamá Canal: Monitoring the Status of the Forest Communities and the Watershed." Environmental monitoring and assessment, (1) 65–95.
Kitajima, Kaoru, Mulkey, Stephen S., Samaniego, Mirna, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2002. "Decline of Photosynthetic Capacity With Leaf Age and Position in Two Tropical Pioneer Tree Species." American Journal of Botany, (12) 1925–1932.
Malhi, Yadvinder, Phillips, Oliver L., Lloyd, Jon, Baker, Timothy R., Wright, S. Joseph, Almeida, Samuel, Arroyo, Luzmilla, Frederiksen, T., Grace, J., Higuchi, Niro, Killeen, Timothy J., Laurance, William F., Leano, C., Lewis, Simon L., Meir, P., Monteagudo, Abel, Neill, David A., Nunez Vargas, Percy, Panfil, S. N., Patino, Sandra, Pitman, Nigel C. A., Quesada, C. A., Rudas-Ll., A., Salomao, R., Saleska, S. et al. 2002. "An international network to monitor the structure, composition and dynamics of Amazonian forests (RAINFOR)." Journal of Vegetation Science, 13, (3) 439–450.
Muller-Landau, Helene C., Wright, S. Joseph, Calderon, Osvaldo, Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 2002. "Assessing Recruitment Limitation: Concepts, Methods and Case-Studies From a Tropical Forest." In Seed Disperal and Frugivory: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation. Levey, D. J., Silva, W. R., and Galetti, M., editors. 35. CAB International.
Newell, Elizabeth A., Mulkey, Stephen S., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2002. "Seasonal patterns of carbohydrate storage in four tropical tree species." Oecologia, 131, (3) 333–342.
Ruokolainen, Kalle, Tuomisto, Hanna, Chave, Jerome, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Condit, Richard S., Pitman, Nigel C. A., Terborgh, John W., Hubbell, Stephen P., Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., Duivenvoorden, J. F., Svenning, Jens-Christian, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2002. "Beta-Diversity in Tropical Forests." Science, (5586) 1439a.
Wright, S. Joseph. 2002. "Fort Sherman and Parque Metropolitano Canopy Cranes, Panamá." In Global Canopy Handbook. Mitchell, Andrew W., Secoy, Katherine, and Jackson, Tobias, editors. 72. Global Canopy Programme.
Wright, S. Joseph. 2002. "Density Dependence Among Tropical Trees: Case Studies From Barro Colorado Island, Panamá." In Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Diversity and Human Welfare. Ganeshaiah, K. N., Uma Shaanker, R., and Bawa, K. S., editors. 239. Oxford and IBH Publishing Company.
Wright, S. Joseph. 2002. "La Influencia Del Fenómeno Climático El Niño Sobre La Fenología Del Bosque Neotropical." In Ecología y Conservación De Bosques Neotropicales. Guariguata, Manuel R. and Kattan, Gustavo, editors. 418. Libro Universitario Regional.
Wright, S. Joseph. 2002. "Plant Diversity in Tropical Forests: a Review of Mechanisms of Species Coexistence." Oecologia, (1) 1–14.
Yavitt, Joseph B. and Wright, S. Joseph. 2002. "Charge characteristics of soil in a lowland tropical moist forest in Panamá in response to dry-season irrigation." Australian Journal of Soil Research, 40, (2) 269–281.
Condit, Richard S., Robinson, Douglas W., Ibáñez, Roberto D., Aguilar, Salomón, Sanjur, Amelia, Martinez, Raul, Stallard, Robert F., Garcia, Tomas, Angehr, George R., Petit, Lisa J., Wright, S. Joseph, Robinson, Tara Rodden, and Heckadon-Moreno, Stanley. 2001. "The Status of the Panamá Canal Watershed and Its Biodiversity at the Beginning of the 21st Century." Bioscience, 51, (5) 389–398.[0389:TSOTPC]2.0.CO;2.
Miriti, Maria N., Wright, S. Joseph, and Howe, Henry F. 2001. "The Effects of Neighbors on the Demography of a Dominant Desert Shrub (Ambrosia Dumosa)." Ecological Monographs, (1) 491–509.
Terwilliger, Valery J., Kitajima, Kaoru, Le Roux-Swarthout, D. J., Mulkey, Stephen S., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2001. "Intrinsic water-use efficiency and heterotrophic investment in tropical leaf growth of two neotropical pioneer tree species as estimated from d13C values." New Phytologist, 152, (2) 267–281.
Terwilliger, Valery J., Kitajima, Kaoru, Le Roux-Swarthout, D. J., Mulkey, Stephen S., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2001. "Influences of Heterotrophic and Autotrophic Resource Use on Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopic Compositions of Tropical Tree Leaves." Isotopes in environmental and health studies, (2) 133–160.
Wright, S. Joseph. 2001. "El Fenómeno De El Niño y Los Bosques De La Isla De Barro Colorado." In Panamá: Puente biológico: Las Charlas Smithsonian del Mes, 1996-1999. Heckadon-Moreno, Stanley, editor. 112–116. Balboa, Panamá: Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales..
Wright, S. Joseph. 2001. "General Flowering: Experiments to Distinguish Among Possible Proximate Cues." In Canopy Processes and Ecological Roles of Tropical Rain Forest. Ichioka, T., Nakashizuka, Tohru, and Chong, L., editors. 8. Japan Science Technology Corporation.
Wright, S. Joseph and Duber, Herbert C. 2001. "Poachers and Forest Fragmentation Alter Seed Dispersal, Seed Survival, and Seedling Recruitment in the Palm Attalea Butyraceae, With Implications for Tropical Tree Diversity." Biotropica, (4) 583–595.
Yavitt, Joseph B. and Wright, S. Joseph. 2001. "Drought and Irrigation Effects on Fine Root Dynamics in a Tropical Moist Forest, Panamá." Biotropica, (3) 421–434.
Cordero, Roberto A., Pearcy, Robert W., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2000. "Parámetros Alométricos y Biomecánicos De Nueve Arbustos De Psychotria (Rubiaceae) Del Bosque Húmedo Del Centro De Panamá." In IV Congreso De La Sociedad Mesoamericana Para La Biología y La Conservación. Libro De Resúmenes. Jaramillo, Cesar A., Ibáñez, Roberto D., Solis, Frank A., and Luna, Iván, editors. 36. Sociedad Mesoamericana para la Biología y la Conservación.
Harms, Kyle Edward, Wright, S. Joseph, Calderon, Osvaldo, Hernandez, Andres, and Herre, Edward Allen. 2000. "Pervasive Density-Dependent Recruitment Enhances Seedling Diversity in a Tropical Forest." Nature, (6777) 493–495.
Valladares, Fernando, Wright, S. Joseph, Lasso, Eloisa, Kitajima, Kaoru, and Pearcy, Robert W. 2000. "Plastic Phenotypic Response to Light of 16 Congeneric Shrubs From a Panamanian Rainforest." Ecology, (7) 1925–1936.
Wright, S. Joseph, Zeballos, Horacio, Dominguez, Ivan, Gallardo, Marina M., Moreno, Marta C., and Ibáñez, Roberto D. 2000. "Poachers Alter Mammal Abundance, Seed Dispersal, and Seed Predation in a Neotropical Forest." Conservation Biology, (1) 227–239.
Cavalier, Jaime, Wright, S. Joseph, and Santamaria, Johana. 1999. "Effects of Irrigation on Litterfall, Fine Root Biomass and Production in a Semidecidouos Lowland Forest in Panamá." Plant and Soil, (2) 207–213.
Hubbell, Stephen P., Foster, Robin B., O'Brien, Sean T., Harms, Kyle Edward, Condit, Richard S., Wechsler, B., Wright, S. Joseph, and Loo de Lao, Suzanne. 1999. "Light-Gap Disturbances, Recruitment Limitation, and Tree Diversity in a Neotropical Forest." Science, 554–557.
Ibáñez, Roberto D., Angehr, George R., and Wright, S. Joseph. 1999. "Las Poblaciones De Animales Vertebrados." In La Cuenca Del Canal: Deforestación, Urbanización y Contaminación. Heckadon-Moreno, Stanley and Ibáñez, Roberto D., editors. 47. Imprelibros.
Meinzer, Frederick C., Andrade, Jose Luis, Goldstein, Guillermo, Holbrook, N. Michele, Cavalier, Jaime, and Wright, S. Joseph. 1999. "Partitioning of Soil Water Among Canopy Trees in a Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest." Oecologia, (3) 293–301.
Phillips, Nathan, Oren, Ram, Zimmermann, Reiner, and Wright, S. Joseph. 1999. "Temporal Patterns of Water Flux in Trees and Lianas in a Panamanian Moist Forest." Trees, (3) 116–123.
Poulin, Brigitte, Wright, S. Joseph, and Calderon, Osvaldo. 1999. "Interspecific Synchrony and Asynchrony in the Fruiting Phenologies Bird-Dispersed Plants in Panamá." Journal of Tropical Ecology, 213–227.
Poulin, Brigitte, Wright, S. Joseph, Lefebvre, Gaetan, and Calderon, Osvaldo. 1999. "Interspecific Synchrony and Asynchrony in the Fruiting Phenologies of Congeneric Bird-Dispersed Plants in Panamá." Journal of Tropical Ecology, (2) 213–227.
Wright, S. Joseph. 1999. "Plant Diversity in Tropical Forests." In Handbook of Functional Plant Ecology. Pugnaire, F. I. and Valladares, F., editors. 449. M. Dekker.
Wright, S. Joseph and Calderon, Osvaldo. 1999. "El Niño Events Influence Plant Reproduction in a Wet Tropical Forest." Inside CTFS, 3, 12.
Wright, S. Joseph, Carrasco, Claudio, Calderon, Osvaldo, and Paton, Steven R. 1999. "The El Nino Southern Oscillation, Variable Fruit Production, and Famine in a Tropical Forest." Ecology, 80, (5) 1632–1647.
Miriti, Maria N., Howe, Henry F., and Wright, S. Joseph. 1998. "Spatial Patterns of Mortality in a Colorado Desert Plant Community." Plant Ecology, (1) 41–51.
Asquith, Nigel M., Wright, S. Joseph, and Clauss, Maria J. 1997. "Does mammal community composition control recruitment in neotropical forests? Evidence from Panama." Ecology, 78, (3) 941–946.
Kitajima, Kaoru, Mulkey, Stephen S., and Wright, S. Joseph. 1997. "Seasonal leaf phenotypes in the canopy of a tropical dry forest: Photosynthetic characteristics and associated traits." Oecologia, 109, (4) 490–498.
Kitajima, Kaoru, Mulkey, Stephen S., and Wright, S. Joseph. 1997. "Decline of photosynthetic capacity with leaf age in relation to leaf longevities for five tropical canopy tree species." American Journal of Botany, 84, (5) 702–708.
Stork, Nigel E., Wright, S. Joseph, and Mulkey, Stephen S. 1997. "Craning for a better view: the canopy crane network." Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 12 418–420.
Mulkey, Stephen S., Kitajima, Kaoru, and Wright, S. Joseph. 1996. "Plant physiological ecology of tropical forest canopies." Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 11, (10) 408–412.
Mulkey, Stephen S. and Wright, S. Joseph. 1996. "Influence of seasonal drought on the carbon balance of tropical forest plants." In Tropical Forest Plant Ecophysiology. Mulkey, Stephen S., Chazdon, Robin L., and Smith, Alan P., editors. 187–216. New York: Chapman and Hall.
Wright, S. Joseph. 1996. "Phenological responses to seasonality in tropical forest plants." In Tropical forest plant ecophysiology. Mulkey, Stephen S., Chazdon, Robin L., and Smith, Alan P., editors. 440–496. New York: Chapman and Hall.
Wright, S. Joseph. 1996. "Plant species diversity and ecosystem functioning in tropical forests." In Biodiversity and Ecosystem Processes in Tropical Forests. Orians, Gordon H., Dirzo, D., and Cushman, J. H., editors. 11–31. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Wright, S. Joseph. 1996. "Canopy crane: methods." In Forest canopies - a review of research on the biological frontier. Lowman, Margaret and Nadkarni, Nalini, editors. 15. New York: Academic Press.
Wright, S. Joseph and Calderon, Osvaldo. 1996. "Phylogenetic patterns among tropical flowering phenologies." Journal of Ecology, 83, (5) 937–948.
Wright, S. Joseph and Colley, Mart. 1996. Tropical Forest Canopy Programme. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environmental Programme, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and Parque Natural Metropolitano.
Yavitt, Joseph B. and Wright, S. Joseph. 1996. "Temporal patterns of soil nutrients in a Panamanian moist forest revealed by ion-exchange resin and experimental irrigation." Plant and Soil, 183, (1) 117–129.