S. Joseph Wright
Kupers, Stefan J., Engelbrecht, Bettina M. J., Hernández, Andrés, Wright, S. Joseph, Wirth, Christian, and Rüger, Nadja. 2018. "Growth responses to soil water potential indirectly shape local species distributions of tropical forest seedlings." Journal of Ecology, 1–31.
Martínez Cano, Isabel, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Wright, S. Joseph, Bohlman, Stephanie A., and Pacala, Stephen W. 2018. "Interspecific variation in tropical tree height and crown allometries in relation to life history traits." Biogeosciences Discussions, 1–25.
Meakem, Victoria, Tepley, Alan J., González-Akre, Erika B., Herrmann, Valentine, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Wright, S. Joseph, Hubbell, Stephen P., Condit, Richard S., and Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina J. 2018. "Role of tree size in moist tropical forest carbon cycling and water deficit responses." New Phytologist, 219, (3) 947–958.
Mendoza, Irene, Condit, Richard S., Wright, S. Joseph, Caubère, Adeline, Châtelet, Patrick, Hardy, Isabelle, and Forget, Pierre-Michel. 2018. [Dataset] Inter-annual variability of fruit timing and quantity at Nouragues (French Guiana): insights from hierarchical Bayesian analyses. Supporting data. [text] Distributed by Edgewater, Maryland: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Mendoza, Irene, Condit, Richard S., Wright, S. Joseph, Caubère, Adeline, Châtelet, Patrick, Hardy, Isabelle, and Forget, Pierre-Michel. 2018. "Inter-annual variability of fruit timing and quantity at Nouragues (French Guiana): insights from hierarchical Bayesian analyses." Biotropica, 50, (3) 431–441.
Osnas, Jeanne L. D., Katabuchi, Masatoshi, Kitajima, Kaoru, Wright, S. Joseph, Reich, Peter B., Van Bael, Sunshine A., Kraft, Nathan J. B., Samaniego, Mirna J., Pacala, Stephen W., and Lichstein, Jeremy W. 2018. "Divergent drivers of leaf trait variation within species, among species, and among functional groups." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115, (21) 5480–5485.
Pau, Stephanie, Okamoto, Daniel K., Calderón, Osvaldo, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2018. "Long-term increases in tropical flowering activity across growth forms in response to rising CO2 and climate change." Global Change Biology, 24, (5) 2105–2116.
Powell, Thomas L., Koven, Charles D., Johnson, Daniel J., Faybishenko, Boris, Fisher, Rosie A., Knox, Ryan G., McDowell, Nate G., Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., Wright, S. Joseph, Chambers, Jeffrey Q., and Kueppers, Lara M. 2018. "Variation in hydroclimate sustains tropical forest biomass and promotes functional diversity." New Phytologist, 219, (3) 932–946.
Rüger, Nadja, Comita, Liza S., Condit, Richard S., Purves, Drew, Rosenbaum, Benjamin, Visser, Marco D., Wright, S. Joseph, and Wirth, Christian B. 2018. "Beyond the fast-slow continuum: demographic dimensions structuring a tropical tree community." Ecology Letters, 21, (7) 1075–1084.
Sedio, Brian E., Parker, John D., McMahon, Sean M., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2018. "Comparative foliar metabolomics of a tropical and a temperate forest community." Ecology, 99, (12) 2647–2653.
Sedio, Brian E., Parker, John D., McMahon, Sean M., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2018. "Comparative metabolomics of forest communities: Species differences in foliar chemistry are greater in the tropics." bioRxiv, 271361.
Sheldrake, Merlin, Rosenstock, Nicholas P., Mangan, Scott, Revillini, Daniel, Sayer, Emma J., Olsson, På, Verbruggen, Erik, Tanner, Edmund V. J., Turner, Benjamin L., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2018. "Responses of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to long-term inorganic and organic nutrient addition in a lowland tropical forest." The ISME journal, 12 2433–2445.
Visser, Marco D. and Wright, S. Joseph. 2018. [Dataset] Data from "A host-parasite model explains variation in liana infestation among co-occurring tree species". [csv, text] Distributed by Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Research Online.
Visser, Marco D., Muller-Landau, Helene C., Schnitzer, Stefan A., Kroon, Hans de, Jongejans, Eelke, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2018. "A host–parasite model explains variation in liana infestation among co-occurring tree species." Journal of Ecology, 106, (6) 2435–2445.
Woods, Carrie L., DeWalt, Saara J., Cardelús, Catherine L., Harms, Kyle E., Yavitt, Joseph B., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2018. "Fertilization influences the nutrient acquisition strategy of a nomadic vine in a lowland tropical forest understory." Plant and Soil, 431, (1-2) 389–399.
Wright, S. Joseph and Calderón, Osvaldo. 2018. "Solar irradiance as the proximate cue for flowering in a tropical moist forest." Biotropica, 50, (3) 374–383.
Wright, S. Joseph, Turner, Benjamin L., Yavitt, Joseph B., Harms, Kyle E., Kaspari, Michael, Tanner, Edmund V. J., Bujan, Jelena, Griffin, Eric A., Mayor, Jordan R., Pasquini, Sarah C., Sheldrake, Merlin, and Garcia, Milton N. 2018. "Plant responses to fertilization experiments in lowland, species-rich, tropical forests." Ecology, 99, (5) 1129–1138.
Yao, Qiuming, Li, Zhou, Song, Yang, Wright, S. Joseph, Guo, Xuan, Tringe, Susannah G., Tfaily, Malak M., Pasa-Tolic, Ljiljana, Hazen, Terry C., Turner, Benjamin L., Mayes, Melanie A., and Pan, Chongle. 2018. "Community proteogenomics reveals the systemic impact of phosphorus availability on microbial functions in tropical soil." Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2 499–509.
Alfaro-Sánchez, Raquel, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Wright, S. Joseph, and Camarero, J. Julio. 2017. "Growth and reproduction respond differently to climate in three Neotropical tree species." Oecologia, 184, (2) 531–541.
Bruijning, Marjolein, Visser, Marco D., Muller-Landau, Helene C., Wright, S. Joseph, Comita, Liza S., Hubbell, Stephen P., de Kroon, Hans, and Jongejans, Eelke. 2017. "Surviving in a Cosexual World: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Dioecy in Tropical Trees." American Naturalist, 189, (3).
Chen, Yu-Yun, Satake, Akiko, Sun, I-F, Kosugi, Yoshiko, Tani, Makoto, Numata, Shinya, Hubbell, Stephen P., Fletcher, Christine, Nur Supardi, Md Noor, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2017. "Species-specific flowering cues among general flowering Shorea species at the Pasoh Research Forest, Malaysia." Journal of Ecology, 106 586–598.
Clark, Adam Thomas, Detto, Matteo, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Schnitzer, Stefan A., Wright, S. Joseph, Condit, Richard S., and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2017. "Functional traits of tropical trees and lianas explain spatial structure across multiple scales." Journal of Ecology, 106 795–806.
Francis, Emily J., Muller-Landau, Helene C., Wright, S. Joseph, Visser, Marco D., Iida, Yoshiko, Fletcher, Christine, Hubbell, Stephen P., and Kassim, Abd Rahman. 2017. "Quantifying the role of wood density in explaining interspecific variation in growth of tropical trees." Global Ecology and Biogeography, 26, (10) 1078–1087.
Fricke, Evan C. and Wright, S. Joseph. 2017. "Measuring the demographic impact of conspecific negative density dependence." Oecologia, 184, (1) 259–266.
Gargallo-Garriga, Albert, Wright, S. Joseph, Sardans, Jordi, Pérez-Trujillo, Míriam, Oravec, Michal, Vecerová, Kristýna, Urban, Otmar, Fernández-Martínez, Marcos, Parella, Teodor, and Peñuelas, Josep. 2017. "Long-term fertilization determines different metabolomic profiles and responses in saplings of three rainforest tree species with different adult canopy position." PLOS ONE, 12, (5) 1–21.
Griffin, Eric A., Wright, S. Joseph, Morin, Peter J., and Carson, Walter P. 2017. "Pervasive interactions between foliar microbes and soil nutrients mediate leaf production and herbivore damage in a tropical forest." New Phytologist, 216, (1) 99–112.
Hietz, Peter, Rosner, Sabine, Hietz-Seifert, Ursula, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2017. "Wood traits related to size and life history of trees in a Panamanian rainforest." New Phytologist, 213, (1) 170–180.
Hosaka, Tetsuro, Yumoto, Takakazu, Chen, Yu-Yun, Sun, I-F, Wright, S. Joseph, Numata, Shinya, and Nur Supardi, Noor Md. 2017. "Responses of pre-dispersal seed predators to sequential flowering of Dipterocarps in Malaysia." Biotropica, 49, (2) 177–185.
Kaspari, Michael, Bujan, Jelena, Weiser, Michael D., Ning, Daliang, Michaletz, Sean T., Zhili, He, Enquist, Brian J., Waide, Robert B., Zhou, Jizhong, Turner, Benjamin L., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2017. "Biogeochemistry drives diversity in the prokaryotes, fungi, and invertebrates of a Panama forest." Ecology, 98, (8) 2019–2028.
Katabuchi, Masatoshi, Wright, S. Joseph, Swenson, Nathan G., Feeley, Kenneth J., Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Davies, Stuart J. 2017. "Contrasting outcomes of species- and community-level analyses of the temporal consistency of functional composition." Ecology, 98, (9) 2273–2280.
Luskin, Matthew Scott, Brashares, Justin S., Ickes, Kalan, Sun, I. F., Fletcher, Christine, Wright, S. Joseph, and Potts, Matthew D. 2017. "Cross-boundary subsidy cascades from oil palm degrade distant tropical forests." Nature Communications, 8, (1) 2231.
Osazuwa-Peters, Oyomoare, Wright, S. Joseph, and Zanne, Amy E. 2017. "Linking wood traits to vital rates in tropical rainforest trees: Insights from comparing sapling and adult wood." American Journal of Botany, 104, (10) 1464–1473.
Peguero, Guille, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Jansen, Patrick A., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2017. "Cascading effects of defaunation on the coexistence of two specialized insect seed predators." Journal of Animal Ecology, 86, (1) 136–146.
Pierce, Simon, Negreiros, Daniel, Cerabolini, Bruno E. L., Kattge, Jens, Diaz, Sandra, Kleyer, Michael, Shipley, Bill, Wright, S. Joseph, Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda A., Onipchenko, Vladimir G., van Bodegom, Peter M., Frenette-Dussault, Cedric, Weiher, Evan, Pinho, Bruno X., Cornelissen, Johannes H. C., Grime, John Philip, Thompson, Ken, Hunt, Roderick, Wilson, Peter J., Buffa, Gabriella, Nyakunga, Oliver C., Reich, Peter B., Caccianiga, Marco, Mangili, Federico, Ceriani, Roberta M. et al. 2017. "A global method for calculating plant CSR ecological strategies applied across biomes world-wide." Functional Ecology, 31, (2) 444–457.
Sedio, Brian E., Rojas Echeverri, Juan C., Boya P., Cristopher A., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2017. "Sources of variation in foliar secondary chemistry in a tropical forest tree community." Ecology, 98, (3) 616–623.
Sheldrake, Merlin, Rosenstock, Nicholas P., Revillini, Daniel, Olsson, På, Wright, S. Joseph, and Turner, Benjamin L. 2017. "A phosphorus threshold for mycoheterotrophic plants in tropical forests." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284, (1848).
Turner, Benjamin L., Zalamea, Paul-Camilo, Condit, Richard S., Winter, Klaus, Wright, S. Joseph, and Dalling, James W. 2017. "No evidence that boron influences tree species distributions in lowland tropical forests of Panama." New Phytologist, 214, (1) 108–119.
Visser, Marco D., Muller-Landau, Helene C., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2017. [Dataset] R-code from "Tree species vary widely in their tolerance for liana infestation: a case study of differential host response to generalist parasites". [R] Distributed by Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Research Online.
Visser, Marco D., Schnitzer, Stefan A., Muller-Landau, Helene C., Jongejans, Eelke, de Kroon, Hans, Comita, Liza S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2017. "Tree species vary widely in their tolerance for liana infestation: A case study of differential host response to generalist parasites." Journal of Ecology, 102–114.
Xu, Xiangtao, Medvigy, David, Wright, S. Joseph, Kitajima, Kaoru, Wu, Jin, Albert, Loren P., Martins, Giordane A., Saleska, Scott R., and Pacala, Stephen W. 2017. "Variations of leaf longevity in tropical moist forests predicted by a trait-driven carbon optimality model." Ecology Letters, 20, (9) 1097–1106.
Bujan, Jenela, Wright, S. Joseph, and Kaspari, Michael. 2016. "Biogeochemical drivers of Neotropical ant activity and diversity." Ecosphere, 7, (12).
Chan, Kit Yu Karen, Collin, Rachel, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2016. [Dataset] The sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus lives close to the upper thermal limit for early development in a tropical lagoon. Distributed by Panama: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Chen, Yuxin, Wright, S. Joseph, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Hubbell, Stephen P., Wang, YongFan, and Yu, Shixiao. 2016. "Positive effects of neighborhood complementarity on tree growth in a Neotropical forest." Ecology, 97, (3) 776–785.
Collins, Courtney G., Wright, S. Joseph, and Wurzburger, Nina. 2016. "Root and leaf traits reflect distinct resource acquisition strategies in tropical lianas and trees." Oecologia, 180, (4) 1037–1047.
Dalling, James W., Heineman, Katherine, Lopez, Omar R., Wright, S. Joseph, and Turner, Benjamin L. 2016. "Nutrient Availability in Tropical Rain Forests: The Paradigm of Phosphorus Limitation." In Tropical Tree Physiology. Goldstein, Guillermo and Santiago, Louis S., editors. 261–273. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 6 in Tree Physiology.
Díaz, Sandra, Kattge, Jens, Cornelissen, Johannes H. C., Wright, Ian J., Lavorel, Sandra, Dray, Stéphane, Reu, Björn, Kleyer, Michael, Wirth, Christian, Prentice, I. C., Garnier, Eric, Bönisch, Gerhard, Westoby, Mark, Poorter, Hendrik, Reich, Peter B., Moles, Angela T., Dickie, John, Gillison, Andrew N., Zanne, Amy E., Chave, Jé, Wright, S. Joseph, Sheremet'ev, Serge N., Jactel, Hervé, Baraloto, Christopher, Cerabolini, Bruno et al. 2016. "The global spectrum of plant form and function." Nature, 529, (7585) 167–171.
Fortunel, Claire, Valencia, Renato, Wright, S. Joseph, Garwood, Nancy C., and Kraft, Nathan J. B. 2016. "Functional trait differences influence neighbourhood interactions in a hyperdiverse Amazonian forest." Ecology Letters, 19, (9) 1062–1070.
Fricke, Evan C. and Wright, S. Joseph. 2016. "The mechanical defence advantage of small seeds." Ecology Letters, 19, (8) 987–991.
Griffin, Eric A., Traw, M. Brian, Morin, Peter J., Pruitt, Jonathan N., Wright, S. Joseph, and Carson, Walter P. 2016. "Foliar bacteria and soil fertility mediate seedling performance: a new and cryptic dimension of niche differentiation." Ecology, 97, (11) 2998–3008.
Kitajima, Kaoru, Wright, S. Joseph, and Westbrook, Jared W. 2016. "Leaf cellulose density as the key determinant of inter- and intra-specific variation in leaf fracture toughness in a species-rich tropical forest." Interface Focus, 6, (3) 20150100.