STRI Coral Reef

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Rachel Collin

Lucey, Noelle, César-Ávila, Carolina, Eckert, Alaina, Veintimilla, Paul, and Collin, Rachel. 2025. "Locally Adapted Coral Species Withstand a 2-Week Hypoxic Event." Oceans, 6, (1) 5.
Collin, Rachel, Adelson, Anne E., Altieri, Andrew H., Clark, Kasey E., Davis, Kristen, Giddings, Sarah N., Kastner, Samuel, Mach, Leon, Pawlak, Geno, Sjögersten, Sofie, Torres, Mark, and Scott, Cinda P. 2024. "Using forty years of research to view Bahía Almirante on the caribbean coast of Panama as an integrated social-ecological system." Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 306.
De León, Alexandra and Collin, Rachel. 2024. "Once Is Not Enough: Seasonal Patterns in Abundance of Hydromedusae Are Not Consistent in the Coastal Waters of the Bay of Panama." Integrative and Comparative Biology, 64, (6) 1556–1567.
Kastner, S. E., Pawlak, G., Giddings, S. N., Adelson, A. E., Collin, Rachel, and Davis, K. A. 2024. "The influence of Caribbean Current eddies on coastal circulation in the Southwest Caribbean Sea." Journal of Physical Oceanography,
Leal, Ines, Thyrring, Jakob, Flores, Augusto A. V., Archambault, Philippe, Collin, Rachel, Sejr, Mikael K., Scrosati, Ricardo A., and Tremblay, Rejean. 2024. "Fatty acid composition as a function of latitude in barnacle cyprid larvae." Limnology and Oceanography,
Lucey, Noelle M., César‐Ávila, Carolina, Eckert, Alaina, Rajagopalan, Anushka, Brister, William C., Kline, Esme, Altieri, Andrew H., Deutsch, Curtis A., and Collin, Rachel. 2024. "Coral Community Composition Linked to Hypoxia Exposure." Global Change Biology, 30, (10).
Madrid C., Maycol E., De León, Alexandra, Vrdoljak, Dubravka, Macdonald,Kenneth S., III, Driskell, Amy C., and Collin, Rachel. 2024. "Shedding light on some dark branches: The under‐appreciated diversity of gymnosome pteropods and their coiled thecosome prey in the Neotropics." Invertebrate Biology,
Saltonstall, Kristin, Delgado, Jacqueline, Vargas, Marta, and Collin, Rachel. 2024. "Are passive collectors effective samplers of microbes in natural aquatic systems?" Frontiers in Freshwater Science, 2.
Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Cheng, Selina, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2023. [Dataset] 2022 Weekly Water Quality Campaign Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Edgewater, Maryland: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Cheng, Selina, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2023. [Dataset] 2019 Weekly Water Quality Campaign Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Edgewater, Maryland: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Cheng, Selina, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2023. [Dataset] 2020 Weekly Water Quality Campaign Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Edgewater, Maryland: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Cheng, Selina, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2023. [Dataset] 2021 Weekly Water Quality Campaign Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Edgewater, Maryland: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Cheng, Selina, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2023. [Dataset] 2023 Water Quality Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Edgewater, Maryland: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Collin, Rachel, Madrid, Maycol, Venera‐Pontón, Dagoberto E., Macdonald, Kenneth S., De León, Alexandra, Vrdoljak, Dubravka, Boyle, Michael J., Bryant, Peter, Arehart, Tim, and Driskell, Amy C. 2023. "Diversity and genetic connectivity of heteropod (Pterotracheoidea) gastropods in the Tropical Eastern Pacific." Invertebrate Biology, 142, (1).
Lucey, Noelle M., Deutsch, Curtis A., Carignan, Marie-Hélène, Vermandele, Fanny, Collins, Mary, Johnson, Maggie D., Collin, Rachel, and Calosi, Piero. 2023. "Climate warming erodes tropical reef habitat through frequency and intensity of episodic hypoxia." PLOS Climate, 2, (3).
Adelson, Anne E., Altieri, Andrew H., Boza, Ximena, Collin, Rachel, Davis, Kristen A., Gaul, Alan, Giddings, Sarah N., Reed, Victoria, and Pawlak, Geno. 2022. "Seasonal hypoxia and temperature inversions in a tropical bay." Limnology and Oceanography, 67, (10) 2174–2189.
Arlauskas, Hannah, Derobert, Lea, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. "Frequency of Temperature Fluctuations Subtly Impacts the Life Histories of a Tropical Snail." The Biological Bulletin,
Ashton, Gail V., Freestone, Amy L., Duffy, J. Emmett, Torchin, Mark E., Sewall, Brent J., Tracy, Brianna, Albano, Mariano, Altieri, Andrew H., Altvater, Luciana, Bastida-Zavala, Rolando, Bortolus, Alejandro, Brante, Antonio, Bravo, Viviana, Brown, Norah, Buschmann, Alejandro H., Buskey, Edward, Barrera, Rosita Calderón, Cheng, Brian, Collin, Rachel, Coutinho, Ricardo, De Gracia, Luis, Dias, Gustavo M., DiBacco, Claudio, Flores, Augusto A. V., Haddad, Maria Angélica et al. 2022. "Predator control of marine communities increases with temperature across 115 degrees of latitude." Science, 376, (6598) 1215–1219.
Castelin, M., Collin, Rachel, Harbo, R., Spence, E., Aschenbrenner, K., Merilees, W., Gilmore, S. R., Abbott, C., and Eernisse, D. J. 2022. "Size Doesn't Matter: Integrative Taxonomy Shows Crepidula adunca and Crepidula norrisiarum Have Overlapping Shell Sizes and Broadly Concordant Distributions." The Biological Bulletin,
Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Tashjian, Allegra, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. [Dataset] 2021 Meteorological Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Tashjian, Allegra, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. [Dataset] 2022 Water Quality Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Collin, Rachel. 2022. [Dataset] Data from Arlauskas et al. in Biological Bulletin. Distributed by Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Clark, Kasey E., Bravo, Viviana D., Giddings, Sarah N., Davis, Kristen A., Pawlak, Geno, Torres, Mark A., Adelson, Anne E., César-Ávila, Carolina I., Boza, Ximena, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. "Land Use and Land Cover Shape River Water Quality at a Continental Caribbean Land-Ocean Interface." Frontiers in Water, 4.
Lucey, Noelle, Aube, Camille, Herwig, Antonia, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. "Compound Extreme Events Induce Rapid Mortality in a Tropical Sea Urchin." The Biological Bulletin, 243, (2).
Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Tashjian, Allegra, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. [Dataset] 2021 Water Level Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Tashjian, Allegra, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. [Dataset] 2019 Water Quality Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Tashjian, Allegra, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. [Dataset] 2020 Water Quality Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Tashjian, Allegra, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. [Dataset] 2022 Meteorological Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Tashjian, Allegra, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. [Dataset] 2021 Water Quality Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Tashjian, Allegra, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. [Dataset] 2019 Water Level Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Tashjian, Allegra, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. [Dataset] 2022 Water Level Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Tashjian, Allegra, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. [Dataset] 2020 Meteorological Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Tashjian, Allegra, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. [Dataset] 2020 Water Level Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Gondola, Plinio, Seemans, Janina, Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Tashjian, Allegra, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. [Dataset] 2017 Water Quality Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Gondola, Plinio, Seemans, Janina, Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Tashjian, Allegra, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. [Dataset] 2018 Water Quality Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Gondola, Plinio, Seemans, Janina, Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Tashjian, Allegra, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. [Dataset] 2016 Water Quality Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Woods, H. A., Moran, Amy L., Atkinson, David, Audzijonyte, Asta, Berenbrink, Michael, Borges, Francisco O., Burnett, Karen G., Burnett, Louis E., Coates, Christopher J., Collin, Rachel, Costa-Paiva, Elisa, Duncan, Murray I., Ern, Rasmus, Laetz, Elise M. J., Levin, Lisa A., Lindmark, Max, Lucey, Noelle M., McCormick, Lillian R., Pierson, James J., Rosa, Rui, Roman, Michael R., Sampaio, Eduardo, Schulte, Patricia M., Sperling, Erik A., Walczyńska, Aleksandra et al. 2022. "Integrative Approaches to Understanding Organismal Responses to Aquatic Deoxygenation." The Biological bulletin, 243, (2) 85–103.
Lucey, Noelle and Collin, Rachel. 2022. [Dataset] Raw data and code for analysis. Distributed by Barro Colorado Island, Panama: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Maslakova, Svetlana, Ellison, Christina I., Hiebert, Terra C., Conable, Frances, Heaphy, Maureen C., Venera-Pontón, Dagoberto E., Norenburg, Jon L., Schwartz, Megan L., Moss, Nicole D., Boyle, Michael J., Driskell, Amy C., MacDonald, Kenneth S., III, Zattara, Eduardo E., and Collin, Rachel. 2022. "Sampling multiple life stages significantly increases estimates of marine biodiversity." Biology Letters, 18, (4).
Boza, Ximena, Bravo, Viviana D., Cesar, Carolina I., Rich, Roy L., Tashjian, Allegra, Lonneman, Michael, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. [Dataset] 2019 Meteorological Data, Bocas del Toro, MarineGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Distributed by Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Weinstock, Jane B., Vargas, Lourdes, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. "Zooplankton Abundance Reflects Oxygen Concentration and Dissolved Organic Matter in a Seasonally Hypoxic Estuary." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10, (3).
Collin, Rachel, Rebolledo, Adriana P., and Karen, Kit Yu. 2021. [Dataset] Data from thermal tolerance trials. Distributed by The Smithsonian Institution.
Collin, Rachel, Karen, Kit Yu, and Rebolledo, Adriana P. 2021. [Dataset] Warming and Cooling Tolerance data for Collin et al. 2021. Distributed by The Smithsonian Institution.
Collin, Rachel, Shishido, Caitlin M., Cornejo, Anabell J., and Lesoway, Maryna P. 2021. "Ancestral form and function of larval feeding structures are retained during development of non-planktotrophic gastropods." The International journal of developmental biology, 65 413-425.
Collin, Rachel, Venera-Ponton, Dagoberto E., Macdonald, Kenneth, Driskell, Amy C., and Boyle, Michael J. 2021. "Knots, spoons, and cloches: DNA barcoding unusual larval forms helps document the diversity of Neotropical marine annelids." Invertebrate Biology, e12311–e12311.
Weinstock, Jane B. and Collin, Rachel. 2021. "Hypoxia and warming are associated with reductions in larval bivalve abundance in a tropical lagoon." Marine Ecology Progress Series, 662 85–95.
Lucey, Noelle M., Haskett, Eileen, and Collin, Rachel. 2021. "Hypoxia from depth shocks shallow tropical reef animals." Climate Change Ecology, 2.
Collin, Rachel, Rebolledo, Adriana P., Smith, Emily, and Chan, Kit Yu Karen. 2021. "Thermal tolerance of early development predicts the realized thermal niche in marine ectotherms." Functional Ecology,
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