STRI Coral Reef

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Rachel Collin

Collin, Rachel. 1997. "Hydrophobic larval shells: Another character for higher level systematics of gastropods." Journal of molluscan studies, 63, (3) 425–430.
Collin, Rachel and Janis, C. M. 1997. "Morphological constraints on tetrapod feeding mechanisms: why were there no suspension-feeding marine reptiles." In Ancient marine reptiles. Callaway, Jack M. and Nicholls, Elizabeth L., editors. 451–466. San Diego: Academic Press.
Voltzow, Janice and Collin, Rachel. 1995. "Flow through mantle cavities revisited: was sanitation the key to fissurellid evolution?" Invertebrate Biology, 114, (2) 145–150.
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