Rachel Collin
Collin, Rachel. 2012. "Nontraditional Life-History Choices: What Can "Intermediates" Tell Us About Evolutionary Transitions Between Modes of Invertebrate Development?" Integrative and Comparative Biology, 52, (1) 128–137.
Collin, Rachel and Spangler, Abby. 2012. "Impacts of Adelphophagic Development on Variation in Offspring Size, Duration of Development, and Temperature-Mediated Plasticity." Biological Bulletin, 223, (3) 268–277.
Kerr, Kecia A., Christy, John H., Collin, Rachel, and Guichard, F. 2012. "Reducing error in reproductive timing caused by temperature variation: interspecific differences in behavioural adjustment by fiddler crabs." Marine Ecology Progress Series, 459 1–16.
Lessios, Harilaos A., Lockhart, S., Collin, Rachel, Sotil, G., Sanchez-Jerez, P., Zigler, K. S., Perez, A. F., Garrido, M. J., Geyer, L. B., Bernardi, G., Vacquier, V. D., Haroun, R., and Kessing, B. D. 2012. "Phylogeography and bindin evolution in Arbacia, a sea urchin genus with an unusual distribution." Molecular ecology, 21, (1) 130–144.
Mérot, Claire and Collin, Rachel. 2012. "Effects of food availability on sex change in two species of Crepidula (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae)." Marine Ecology Progress Series, 449 173–181.
Mérot, Claire and Collin, Rachel. 2012. "Effects of stress on sex change in Crepidula cf. marginalis (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae)." Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology, 416-417 68–71.
Veliz, David, Winkler, Federico M., Guisado, Chita, and Collin, Rachel. 2012. "A new species of Crepipatella (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) from northern Chile." Molluscan Research, 32, (3) 145–153.
Collin, Rachel. 2010. "Repeatability of egg size in two marine gastropods: brood order and female size do not contribute to intraspecific variation." Marine Ecology Progress Series, 410 89–96.
Collin, Rachel and Giribet, Gonzalo. 2010. "Report of a cohesive gelatinous egg mass produced by a tropical marine bivalve." Invertebrate Biology, 129, (2) 165–171.
Collin, Rachel, Mobley, Andrew S., Busutil Lopez, Linnet, Leys, Sally P., Diaz, Maria Cristina, and Thacker, Robert W. 2010. "Phototactic responses of larvae from the marine sponges Neopetrosia proxima and Xestospongia bocatorensis (Haplosclerida: Petrosiidae)." Invertebrate Biology, 129, (2) 121–128.
Collin, Rachel, Ramos-Espla, Alfonso, and Izquierdo, Andres. 2010. "Identification of the South Atlantic spiny slipper limpet Bostrycapulus odites Collin, 2005 (Caenogastropoda: Calyptraeidae) on the Spanish Mediterranean coast." Aquatic Invasions, 5, (2) 197–200.
Collin, Rachel and Rolan, Emilio. 2010. "Bostrycapulus heteropoma n. sp. and Bostrycapulus tegulicius (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) from western Africa." The Veliger, 51, (2008) 8–14.
Collin, Rachel and Salazar, Maricela. 2010. "Temperature-mediated plasticity and genetic differentiation in egg size and hatching size among populations of Crepidula (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae)." Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 99, (3) 489–499.
Henry, Jonathan J., Collin, Rachel, and Perry, Kimberly J. 2010. "The Slipper Snail, Crepidula: An emerging Lophotrochozoan model system." Biological Bulletin, 218, (3) 211–229.
Collin, Rachel, D'Croz, Luis, Gondola, Plinio, and Del Rosario, Juan B. 2009. "Climate and hydrological factors affecting variation in chlorophyll concentration and water clarity in the Bahia Almirante, Panama." In Proceedings of the Smithsonian Marine Science Symposium. 323–334. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences, 38.
Collin, Rachel, Farrell, Paul, and Cragg, Simon. 2009. "Confirmation of the identification and establishment of the South American slipper limpet Crepipatella dilatata (Lamark 1822) (Caenogastropoda: Calyptraeidae) in Northern Spain." Aquatic Invasions, 4, (2) 377–380.
Holford, Mande, Puillandre, Nicolas, Modica, Maria Vittoria, Watkins, Maren, Collin, Rachel, Bermingham, Eldredge, and Olivera, Baldomero M. 2009. "Correlating molecular phylogeny with venom apparatus occurrence in Panamic auger snails (Terebridae)." Plos One, 4, (11) 1–8.
Li, Carter and Collin, Rachel. 2009. "Imposex in one of the world’s busiest shipping zones." In Proceedings of the Smithsonian Marine Science Symposium. First ed. Lang, Michael A., Macintyre, Ian G., and Ruetzler, Klaus, editors. 189–196. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences, 38.
Robertson, D. Ross, Christy, John H., Collin, Rachel, Cooke, Richard G., D'Croz, Luis, Kaufmann, Karl W., Moreno, Stanley Heckadon, Maté, Juan L., O'Dea, Aaron, and Torchin, Mark E. 2009. "The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute: Marine Research, Education, and Conservation in Panama." In Proceedings of the Smithsonian Marine Science Symposium. 73–93. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences.
Collin, Rachel. 2008. "Development of Tylodina fungina Gabb, 1865 (Gastropoda: Notaspidea) from the Pacific Coast of Panama." The Veliger, 50, (1) 51–56.
Collin, Rachel and Miglietta, Maria Pia. 2008. "Reversing opinions on Dollo's Law." Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 23, (11) 602–609.
Miglietta, Maria Pia, Rossi, Marco, and Collin, Rachel. 2008. "Hydromedusa blooms and upwelling event in the Bay of Panama, tropical east Pacific." Journal of Plankton Research, 30, (7) 783–793.
Baeza, J. Antonio, Reitz, Jennifer M., and Collin, Rachel. 2007. "Protandric simultaneous hermaphroditism and sex ratio in Lysmata nayaritensis Wicksten, 2000 (Decapoda: Caridea)." Journal of Natural History, 41, (45-48) 2843–2850.
Collin, Rachel, Chaparro, Oscar R., Winkler, Federico, and Veliz, David. 2007. "Molecular phylogenetic and embryological evidence that feeding larvae have been reacquired in a marine gastropod." Biological Bulletin, 212 83–92.
Collin, Rachel. 2006. "Sex Ratio, Life-History Invariants, and Patterns of Sex Change in a Family of Protandrous Gastropods." Evolution, 60, (4) 735–745.
Collin, Rachel, Wonham, M., and Barr, Kelly R. 2006. "Crepidula convexa Say 1822 (Caenogastropoda: Calyptraeidae) in Washington State, USA." American Malacological Bulletin, 21 113–116.
Chaparro, O. R., Saldivia, C. L., Pereda, S. V., Segura, C. J., Montiel, Y. A., and Collin, Rachel. 2005. "The Reproductive Cycle and Development of Crepipatella Fecunda (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) From Southern Chile." Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 85, (1) 157–161.
Cipriani, R. and Collin, Rachel. 2005. "Life-History Invariants With Bounded Variables Cannot Be Distinguish From Data Generated by Random Processes Using Standard Analyses." Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 18, (6) 1613–1618.
Collin, Rachel. 2005. "Development, Phylogeny, and Taxonomy of Bostrycapulus (Caenogastropoda: Calyptraeidae), an Ancient Cryptic Radiation." Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 144, (1) 75–101.
Collin, Rachel. 2005. "Ecological Monitoring and Biodiversity Surveys at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute’s Bocas Del Toro Research Station." Caribbean Journal of Science, 41, (3) 367–373.
Collin, Rachel. 2005. "Crepidula Badisparsa Sp. Nov. (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) From Bocas Del Toro Province, Panamá." Caribbean Journal of Science, (2) 269–276.
Collin, Rachel, Diaz, Maria Cristina, Norenburg, Jon L., Rocha, R. M., Sanchez, Juan A., Schulz, A., Schwartz, Megan L., and Valdes, A. 2005. "Photographic Identification Guide to Some Common Marine Invertebrates of Bocas Del Toro, Panamá." Caribbean Journal of Science, 41, (3) 638–707.
Collin, Rachel, McLellan, Michelle, Gruber, Karl F., and Bailey-Jourdain, Catherine. 2005. "Effects of Conspecific Associations on Size at Sex Change in Three Species of Calyptraeid Gastropods." Marine Ecology Progress Series, (1) 89–97.
Collin, Rachel. 2004. "Phylogenetic Effects, the Loss of Complex Characters, and the Evolution of Development in Calyptraeid Gastropods." Evolution, (7) 1488–1502.
Collin, Rachel. 2004. "Development of Cerithiopsis Gemmulosum (Gastropoda: Cerithiopsidae) From Bocas Del Toro, Panamá." Caribbean Journal of Science, (2) 192–197.
Collin, Rachel. 2003. "Phylogenetic Relationships Among Calyptraeid Gastropods and Their Implications for the Biogeography of Marine Speciation." Systematic Biology, (5) 618–640.
Collin, Rachel. 2003. "The Utility of Morphological Characters in Gastropod Phylogenetics: An Example From the Calyptraeidae." Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, (4) 541-593.
Collin, Rachel. 2003. "Worldwide Patterns in Mode of Development in Calyptraeid Gastropods." Marine Ecology Progress Series, (2) 103–122.
Collin, Rachel and Cipriani, Roberto. 2003. "Dollo's Law and the Re-Evolution of Shell Coiling." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, (1533) 2551–2555.
Chaparro, O. R., Charpentier, J. L., and Collin, Rachel. 2002. "Embryonic Velar Structure and Function of Two Sibling Apecies of Crepidula With Different Modes of Development." Biological Bulletin, 203 80–86.
Collin, Rachel. 2002. "Evolution of Mode of Development in Crepidula (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae): Causes and Consequences." University of Chicago.
Collin, Rachel. 2002. "Another Last Word on Crepidula Convexa With a Description of C. Ustulatulina N. Sp. (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) From the Gulf of Mexico and Southern Florida." Bulletin of Marine Science, (1) 177–184.
Collin, Rachel. 2001. "The effects of mode of development on phylogeography and population structure of North Atlantic Crepidula (Gastropoda : Calyptraeidae)." Molecular Ecology, 10, (9) 2249–2262.
Collin, Rachel. 2001. "The effects of mode of development on phylogeography and population structure of North Atlantic Crepidula (Gastropoda : Calyptraeidae)." Molecular ecology, 10, (9) 2249–2262.
Collin, Rachel. 2000. "Phylogeny of the Crepidula plana (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) cryptic species complex in North America." Canadian Journal of Zoology, 78 1500–1514.
Collin, Rachel. 2000. "Development and anatomy of Nitidiscala tincta (Carpenter, 1865) (Gastropoda: Epitoniidae)." The Veliger, 43, (4) 302–312.
Collin, Rachel. 2000. "Sex change, reproduction, and development of Crepidula adunca and Crepidula lingulata (Gastropoda : Calyptraeidae)." The Veliger, 43, (1) 24–33.
Collin, Rachel. 2000. "Development and anatomy of Nitidiscala tincta (Carpenter, 1865) (Gastropoda: Epitoniidae)." The Veliger, 43, (4) 302–312.
Collin, Rachel. 2000. "The development of three heterobranch mollusks from California, USA." Nautilus, 114, (3) 117–119.
Collin, Rachel. 2000. "Sex change, reproduction, and development of Crepidula adunca and Crepidula lingulata (Gastropoda : Calyptraeidae)." The Veliger, 43, (1) 24–33.