Stephen Hubbell
Condit, Richard S., Aguilar, Salomón, Hernandez, Andres, Pérez, Rolando A., Lao, Suzanne, Angehr, George R., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 2004. "Tropical Forest Dynamics Across a Rainfall Gradient and the Impact of an El Niño Dry Season." Journal of Tropical Ecology, (1) 51–72.
Condit, Richard S., Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., Loo de Lao, Suzanne, Ashton, Mark S., Brokaw, Nicholas V. L., Bunyavejchwin, R., Chuyong, George B., Co, Leonardo, Dattaraja, H. S., Davies, Stuart James, Esufali, S., Ewango, Corneille E. N., Foster, Robin B., Gunatilleke, Nimal, Gunatilleke, Savithri, Hart, Terese H., Hernandez, Carlos, Hubbell, Stephen P., Itoh, Akira, John, Robert, Kanzaki, Mamoru, Kenfack, David, Kiratiprayoon, S., LaFrankie, James V., Lee, Hua-Seng et al. 2004. "Species-Area Relationships and Diversity Measures in the Forest Dynamics Plots." In Tropical Forest Diversity and Dynamism: Findings From a Large-Scale Plot Network. Losos, Elizabeth Claire and Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., editors. 79. University of Chicago Press.
Dalling, James W., Winter, Klaus, and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2004. "Variation in Growth Responses of Neotropical Pioneers to Simulated Forest Gaps." Functional Ecology, 18, (5) 725–736.
Hubbell, Stephen P. 2004. "Two Decades of Research on the BCI Forest Dynamics Plot." In Tropical Forest Diversity and Dynamism: Findings From a Large-Scale Plot Network. Losos, Elizabeth Claire and Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., editors. 8. University of Chicago Press.
Volkov, Igor, Banavar, Jayanth R., Maritan, Amos, and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2004. "Neutral theory (communication arising): The stability of forest biodiversity." Nature, 427, (6976) 696.
Jones, F. Andrew, Poelchau, M. F., Bouck, A. C., and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2004. "Eight microsatellite markers for the neotropical tree Luehea seemannii (Tiliaceae)." Molecular Ecology Notes, 4, (1) 5–8.
Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., Loo de Lao, Suzanne, Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., Foster, Robert B., and Pérez, Rolando A. 2004. "Barro Colorado Island Forest Dynamics Plot, Panamá." In Tropical Forest Diversity and Dynamism: Findings From a Large-Scale Plot Network. Losos, Elizabeth Claire and Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., editors. 451. University of Chicago Press.
Losos, Elizabeth Claire, Ashton, Mark S., Brokaw, Nicholas V. L., Bunyavejchwin, R., Condit, Richard S., Chuyong, George B., Co, Leonardo, Dattaraja, H. S., Davies, Stuart James, Esufali, S., Ewango, Corneille E. N., Foster, Robert B., Gunatilleke, Nimal, Gunatilleke, Savithri, Hart, Terese H., Hernandez, Carlos, Hubbell, Stephen P., Itoh, Akira, John, Robert, Kanzaki, Mamoru, Kenfack, David, Kiratiprayoon, S., LaFrankie, James V., Lee, Hua-Seng, Liengola, Innocent et al. 2004. "The Structure of Tropical Forests." In Tropical Forest Diversity and Dynamism: Findings From a Large-Scale Plot Network. Losos, Elizabeth Claire and Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., editors. 69. University of Chicago Press.
Muller-Landau, Helene C., Dalling, James W., Harms, Kyle Edward, Wright, S. Joseph, Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robert B. 2004. "Seed Dispersal and Density-Dependent Seed and Seedling Survival in Trichilia Tuberculata and Miconia Argentea." In Tropical Forest Diversity and Dynamism: Findings From a Large-Scale Plot Network. Losos, Elizabeth Claire and Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., editors. 340. University of Chicago Press.
Uriarte, Maria, Condit, Richard S., Canham, Charles D., and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2004. "A Spatially Explicit Model of Sapling Growth in a Tropical Forest: Does the Identity of Neighbours Matter?" Journal of Ecology, (2) 348-360.
Wills, Christopher, Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., Foster, Robert B., and Manokaran, N. 2004. "Comparable Nonrandom Forces Act to Maintain Diversity in Both a New World and Old World Rainforest Plot." In Tropical Forest Diversity and Dynamism: Findings From a Large-Scale Plot Network. Losos, Elizabeth Claire and Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., editors. 384. University of Chicago Press.
Zimmerman, Jess K., Waide, Robert B., Everham, III Edwing M., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robert B. 2004. "Disturbance and Canopy Structure in Two Tropical Forests." In Tropical Forest Diversity and Dynamism: Findings From a Large-Scale Plot Network. Losos, Elizabeth Claire and Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., editors. 177. University of Chicago Press.
Chave, Jerome, Condit, Richard S., Lao, Suzanne, Caspersen, John P., Foster, Robin B., and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2003. "Spatial and Temporal Variation of Biomass in a Tropical Forest: Results From a Large Census Plot in Panamá." Journal of Ecology, (2) 240.
Hubbell, Stephen P. 2003. "Foundations of Tropical Forest Biology, Edited by Robin L. Chazdon and Tim C. Whitmore." Trends in Ecology & Evolution, (7) 321–322.
Hubbell, Stephen P. 2003. "Modes of Speciation and the Lifespans of Species Under Neutrality: a Response to the Comment of Robert E. Ricklefs." Oikos, (1) 194–200.
Jones, F. Andrew and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2003. "Isolation and Characterization of Microsatellite Loci in the Tropical Tree Jacaranda Copaia (Bignoniaceae)." Molecular Ecology Notes, (3) 403–405.
Volkov, Igor, Banavar, Jayanth R., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Maritan, Amos. 2003. "Neutral Theory and Relative Species Abundance in Ecology." Nature, (6952) 1035–1037.
Wehncke, Elisabet V., Hubbell, Stephen P., Foster, Robin B., and Dalling, James W. 2003. "Seed Dispersal Patterns Produced by White-Faced Monkeys: Implications for the Dispersal Limitation of Neotropical Tree Species." Journal of Ecology, (4) 677-685.
Wright, S. Joseph, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Condit, Richard S., and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2003. "Gap-Dependent Recruitment, Realized Vital Rates, and Size Distributions of Tropical Trees." Ecology, (12) 3174–3185.
Borda-de-Água, Luis, Hubbell, Stephen P., and McAllister, Murdoch. 2002. "Species-Area Curves, Diversity Indices, and Species Abundance Distributions: A Multifractal Analysis." American Naturalist, (2) 138–155.
Condit, Richard S., Pitman, Nigel C. A., Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., Chave, Jerome, Terborgh, John W., Foster, Robin B., Nunez Vargas, Percy, Aguilar, Salomón, Valencia, Renato, Villa Munoz, Gorky, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Losos, Elizabeth Claire, and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2002. "Beta-Diversity in Tropical Forest Trees." Science, (5555) 666–669.
Dalling, James W. and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2002. "Seed Size, Growth Rate and Gap Microsite Conditions As Determinants of Recruitment Success for Pioneer Species." Journal of Ecology, (3) 557–568.
Dalling, James W., Muller-Landau, Helene C., Wright, S. Joseph, and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2002. "Role of Dispersal in the Recruitment Limitation of Neotropical Pioneer Species." Journal of Tropical Ecology, (4) 714–727.
Hubbell, Stephen P. 2002. "BCI Forest Dynamics Project: What We Have Learned and Where We Are Going." Inside CTFS, 6–7.
Muller-Landau, Helene C., Wright, S. Joseph, Calderon, Osvaldo, Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 2002. "Assessing Recruitment Limitation: Concepts, Methods and Case-Studies From a Tropical Forest." In Seed Disperal and Frugivory: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation. Levey, D. J., Silva, W. R., and Galetti, M., editors. 35. CAB International.
Ruokolainen, Kalle, Tuomisto, Hanna, Chave, Jerome, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Condit, Richard S., Pitman, Nigel C. A., Terborgh, John W., Hubbell, Stephen P., Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., Duivenvoorden, J. F., Svenning, Jens-Christian, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2002. "Beta-Diversity in Tropical Forests." Science, (5586) 1439a.
Dalling, James W., Winter, Klaus, Nason, John D., Hubbell, Stephen P., Murawski, Darlyne A., and Hamrick, James L. 2001. "The Unusual Life History of Alseis Blackiana: a Shade-Persistent Pioneer Tree?" Ecology, 82, (4) 933–945.[0933:TULHOA]2.0.CO;2.
Gilbert, Gregory S., Harms, Kyle Edward, Hamill, David N., and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2001. "Effects of Seedling Size, El Niño Drought, Seedling Density, and Distance to Nearest Conspecific Adult on 6-Year Survival of Ocotea Whitei Seedlings in Panamá." Oecologia, (4) 509–516.
Harms, Kyle Edward, Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 2001. "Habitat Associations of Trees and Shrubs in a 50-Ha Neotropical Forest Plot." Journal of Ecology, (6) 947–959.
Hubbell, Stephen P. 2001. The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography. Princeton University Press.
Hubbell, Stephen P., Ahumada, Jorge A., Condit, Richard S., and Foster, Robin B. 2001. "Local Neighborhood Effects on Long-Term Survival of Individual Trees in a Neotropical Forest." Ecological Research, (5) 859–875.
Condit, Richard S., Ashton, Peter S., Baker, Patrick J., Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh, Gunatilleke, Savithri, Gunatilleke, Nimal, Hubbell, Stephen P., Foster, Robin B., Itoh, Akira, LaFrankie, James V., Lee, Hua-Seng, Losos, Elizabeth Claire, Manokaran, N., Sukumar, Raman, and Yamakura, Takuo. 2000. "Spatial Patterns in the Distribution of Tropical Tree Species." Science, (5470) 1414–1418.
Condit, Richard S., Watts, Kristina, Bohlman, Stephanie A., Pérez, Rolando A., Foster, Robin B., and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2000. "Quantifying the deciduousness of tropical forest canopies under varying climates." Journal of Vegetation Science, 11, (5) 649–658.
Ellis, A., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Potvin, Catherine Jeanne. 2000. "A physiological basis for the ecological grouping of 21 species of neo-tropical trees." Canadian Journal of Botany, 78 1336–1347.
Paciorek, Christopher J., Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 2000. "The Demographics of Resprouting in Tree and Shrub Species of a Moist Tropical Forest." Journal of Ecology, (5) 765–777.
Plotkin, Joshua B., Potts, Matthew D., Yu, Douglas W., Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh, Condit, Richard S., Foster, Robin B., Hubbell, Stephen P., LaFrankie, James V., Manokaran, N., Lee, Hua-Seng, Sukumar, Raman, Nowak, Martin A., and Ashton, Peter S. 2000. "Predicting Species Diversity in Tropical Forests." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, (20) 10850–10854.
Sun, I-Fang and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2000. "Species Distribution Patterns in Nanjenshan Nature Reserve Southern Taiwan." Inside CTFS, 5, 12.
Condit, Richard S., Ashton, Peter S., Manokaran, N., LaFrankie, James V., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1999. "Dynamics of the Forest Communities at Pasoh and Barro Colorado: Comparing Two 50-Ha Plots." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, (1391) 1739–1748.
Dalling, James W., Lovelock, Catherine E., and Hubbell, Stephen P. 1999. "Growth Responses of Seedlings of Two Neotropical Pioneer Species to Simulated Forest Gap Environments." Journal of Tropical Ecology, 15, (6) 827–839.
Hubbell, Stephen P., Foster, Robin B., O'Brien, Sean T., Harms, Kyle Edward, Condit, Richard S., Wechsler, B., Wright, S. Joseph, and Loo de Lao, Suzanne. 1999. "Light-Gap Disturbances, Recruitment Limitation, and Tree Diversity in a Neotropical Forest." Science, 554–557.
Condit, Richard S., Sukumar, Raman, Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1998. "Predicting Population Trends From Size Distributions: A Direct Test in a Tropical Tree Community." American Naturalist, 152, (4) 495–509.
Dalling, James W., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Silvera, Katia. 1998. "Seed Dispersal, Seedling Establishment and Gap Partitioning Among Tropical Pioneer Trees." Journal of Ecology, (4) 674–689.
King, David A., Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., Condit, Richard S., Foster, Robin B., and Hubbell, Stephen P. 1997. "Relationships between branch spacing, growth rate and light in tropical forest saplings." Functional Ecology, 11, (5) 627–635.
Wills, Christopher, Condit, Richard S., Foster, Robin B., and Hubbell, Stephen P. 1997. "Strong density-and diversity-related effects help to maintain tree species diversity in a neotropical forest." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 94, (4) 1252–1257.
Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1996. "Assessing the response of plant functional types to climatic change in tropical forests." Journal of Vegetation Science, 7, (3) 405–416.
Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1996. "Changes in tree species abundance in a neotropical forest: Impact of climate change." Journal of Tropical Ecology, 12, (2) 231–256.
Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., LaFrankie, James V., Sukumar, Raman, Manokaran, N., Foster, Robin B., and Ashton, Mark S. 1996. "Species-area and species-individual relationships for tropical trees: A comparison of three 50-ha plots." Journal of Ecology, 84, (4) 549–562.
Gilbert, Gregory and Hubbell, Stephen P. 1996. "Plant diseases and the conservation of tropical forests." Bioscience, 46, (2) 98–106.
Stacy, Elizabeth A., Hamrick, James L., Nason, James D., Hubbell, Stephen P., Foster, Robin B., and Condit, Richard S. 1996. "Pollen dispersal in Low density populations of three neotropical tree species." American Naturalist, 148, (275-298).
Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1995. "Demography and harvest potential of Latin American timber species: Data from a large, permanent plot in Panama." Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 7, (4) 599–622.