Stephen Hubbell
Zhu, Y., Queenborough, S. A., Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, S. P., Ma, K. P., and Comita, Liza S. 2018. "Density-dependent survival varies with species life-history strategy in a tropical forest." Ecology Letters, 21, (4) 506–515.
Bruijning, Marjolein, Visser, Marco D., Muller-Landau, Helene C., Wright, S. Joseph, Comita, Liza S., Hubbell, Stephen P., de Kroon, Hans, and Jongejans, Eelke. 2017. "Surviving in a Cosexual World: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Dioecy in Tropical Trees." American Naturalist, 189, (3).
Chen, Yu-Yun, Satake, Akiko, Sun, I-F, Kosugi, Yoshiko, Tani, Makoto, Numata, Shinya, Hubbell, Stephen P., Fletcher, Christine, Nur Supardi, Md Noor, and Wright, S. Joseph. 2017. "Species-specific flowering cues among general flowering Shorea species at the Pasoh Research Forest, Malaysia." Journal of Ecology, 106 586–598.
Clark, Adam Thomas, Detto, Matteo, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Schnitzer, Stefan A., Wright, S. Joseph, Condit, Richard S., and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2017. "Functional traits of tropical trees and lianas explain spatial structure across multiple scales." Journal of Ecology, 106 795–806.
Condit, Richard S., Aguilar, Salomon, Pérez, Rolando A., Hubbell, Stephen, and Foster, Robin B. 2017. [Dataset] Barro Colorado 50-ha Plot Taxonomy 2017. Distributed by Smithsonian Research Online.
Francis, Emily J., Muller-Landau, Helene C., Wright, S. Joseph, Visser, Marco D., Iida, Yoshiko, Fletcher, Christine, Hubbell, Stephen P., and Kassim, Abd Rahman. 2017. "Quantifying the role of wood density in explaining interspecific variation in growth of tropical trees." Global Ecology and Biogeography, 26, (10) 1078–1087.
Grafström, A., Schnell, S., Saarela, S., Hubbell, S. P., and Condit, Richard S. 2017. "The continuous population approach to forest inventories and use of information in the design: Continuous population approach." Environmetrics, 28, (8).
Johnson, Daniel J., Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Comita, Liza S. 2017. "Abiotic niche partitioning and negative density dependence drive tree seedling survival in a tropical forest." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284, (1869).
Katabuchi, Masatoshi, Wright, S. Joseph, Swenson, Nathan G., Feeley, Kenneth J., Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Davies, Stuart J. 2017. "Contrasting outcomes of species- and community-level analyses of the temporal consistency of functional composition." Ecology, 98, (9) 2273–2280.
Kellner, James R. and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2017. "Adult mortality in a low-density tree population using high-resolution remote sensing." Ecology, 98, (6) 1700–1709.
LaManna, Joseph A., Mangan, Scott A., Alonso, Alfonso, Bourg, Norman A., Brockelman, Warren Y., Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh, Chang, Li-Wan, Chiang, Jyh-Min, Chuyong, George B., Clay, Keith, Condit, Richard S., Cordell, Susan, Davies, Stuart J., Furniss, Tucker J., Giardina, Christian P., Gunatilleke, I. A. U. Nimal, Gunatilleke, C. V. Savitri, He, Fangliang, Howe, Robert W., Hubbell, Stephen P., Hsieh, Chang-Fu, Inman-Narahari, Faith M., Janik, David, Johnson, Daniel J., Kenfack, David et al. 2017. "Plant diversity increases with the strength of negative density dependence at the global scale." Science, 356, (6345) 1389–1392.
Sugiyama, Anna, Shichi, Koji, Masaki, Takashi, and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2017. "The use of soil pollen to determine the sex of overhead individuals of a temperate dioecious shrub." American Journal of Botany, 104, (4) 632–638.
Visser, Marco D., Schnitzer, Stefan A., Muller-Landau, Helene C., Jongejans, Eelke, de Kroon, Hans, Comita, Liza S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Wright, S. Joseph. 2017. "Tree species vary widely in their tolerance for liana infestation: A case study of differential host response to generalist parasites." Journal of Ecology, 102–114.
Chen, Yuxin, Wright, S. Joseph, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Hubbell, Stephen P., Wang, YongFan, and Yu, Shixiao. 2016. "Positive effects of neighborhood complementarity on tree growth in a Neotropical forest." Ecology, 97, (3) 776–785.
Farrior, C. E., Bohlman, Stephanie, Hubbell, Stephen P., and Pacala, S. W. 2016. "Dominance of the suppressed: Power-law size structure in tropical forests." Science, 351, (6269) 155–157.
Gilbert, Gregory S., Ballesteros, Javier O., Barrios-Rodriguez, Cesar, Bonadies, Ernesto F., Cedeño-Sánchez, Marjorie L., Fossatti-Caballero, Nohely, Trejos-Rodríguez, Mariam M., Pérez-Suñiga, José Moises, Holub-Young, Katharine, Henn, Laura A. W., Thompson, Jennifer B., García-López, Cesar G., Romo, Amanda C., Johnston, Daniel C., Barrick, Pablo P., Jordan, Fulvia A., Hershcovich, Shiran, Russo, Natalie, Sánchez, Juan David, Fábrega, Juan Pablo, Lumpkin, Raleigh, McWilliams, Hunter A., Chester, Kathleen N., Burgos, Alana C., Wong, E. B. et al. 2016. "Use of sonic tomography to detect and quantify wood decay in living trees." Applications in Plant Sciences, 4, (12).
Inman-Narahari, Faith, Ostertag, Rebecca, Hubbell, Stephen P., Giardina, Christian P., Cordell, Susan, and Sack, Lawren. 2016. "Density-dependent seedling mortality varies with light availability and species abundance in wet and dry Hawaiian forests." Journal of Ecology, 104, (3) 773–780.
Wills, Christopher, Harms, Kyle E., Wiegand, Thorsten, Punchi-Manage, Ruwan, Gilbert, Gregory S., Erickson, David, Kress, W. John, Hubbell, Stephen P., Gunatilleke, C. V. S., and Gunatilleke, I. A. U. N. 2016. "Persistence of Neighborhood Demographic Influences over Long Phylogenetic Distances May Help Drive Post-Speciation Adaptation in Tropical Forests." PLOS ONE, 11, (6) 1–24.
Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina J., Davies, Stuart James, Bennett, Amy C., González-Akre, Erika B., Muller-Landau, Helene C., Wright, S. Joseph, Abu Salim, Kamariah, Almeyda Zambrano, Angélica M., Alonso, Alfonso, Baltzer, Jennifer L., Basset, Yves, Bourg, Norman A., Broadbent, Eben N., Brockelman, Warren Y., Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh, Burslem, David F. R. P., Butt, Nathalie, Cao, Min, Cardenas, Dairon, Chuyong, George B., Clay, Keith, Cordell, Susan, Dattaraja, Handanakere S., Deng, Xiaobao, Detto, Matteo et al. 2015. "CTFS-ForestGEO: a worldwide network monitoring forests in an era of global change." Global Change Biology, 21, (2) 528–549.
Barberán, Albert, McGuire, Krista L., Wolf, Jeffrey A., Jones, F. Andrew, Wright, S. Joseph, Turner, Benjamin L., Essene, Adam, Hubbell, Stephen P., Faircloth, Brant C., and Fierer, Noah. 2015. "Relating belowground microbial composition to the taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional trait distributions of trees in a tropical forest." Ecology Letters, 18, (12) 1397–1405.
Marquet, Pablo A., Allen, Andrew P., Brown, James H., Dunne, Jennifer A., Enquist, Brian J., Gillooly, James, Gowaty, Patricia, Harte, John, Hubbell, Stephen P., Okie, Jordan G., Ostling, Annette, Richie, Mark, Storch, David, and West, Geoffrey B. 2015. "On the Importance of First Principles in Ecological Theory Development." BioScience, 65, (4) 342–343.
Wolf, Jeffrey A., Hubbell, Stephen P., Fricker, Geoffrey A., and Turner, Benjamin L. 2015. "Geospatial observations on tropical forest surface soil chemistry." Ecology, 96, (8).
Zhu, Yan, Comita, Liza S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Ma, Keping. 2015. "Conspecific and phylogenetic density-dependent survival differs across life stages in a tropical forest." Journal of Ecology, 103, (4) 957–966.
Chisholm, Ryan A., Condit, Richard S., Rahman, K. A., Baker, Patrick J., Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh, Chen, Yu-Yun, Chuyong, George, Dattaraja, H. S., Davies, Stuart James, Ewango, Corneille E. N., Gunatilleke, C. V. S., Nimal Gunatilleke, I. A. U., Hubbell, Stephen P., Kenfack, David, Kiratiprayoon, Somboon, Lin, Yiching, Makana, Jean-Remy, Pongpattananurak, Nantachai, Pulla, Sandeep, Punchi-Manage, Ruwan, Sukumar, Raman, Su, Sheng-Hsin, Sun, I. F., Suresh, H. S., Tan, Sylvester et al. 2014. "Temporal variability of forest communities: empirical estimates of population change in 4000 tree species." Ecology Letters, 17, (7) 855–865.
Cushman, K. C., Muller-Landau, Helene C., Condit, Richard S., and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2014. "Improving estimates of biomass change in buttressed trees using tree taper models." Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5, (6) 573–582.
Getzin, S., Wiegand, T., and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2014. "Stochastically driven adult-recruit associations of tree species on Barro Colorado Island." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281, (1790) 20140922–20140922.
Inman-Narahari, Faith, Ostertag, Rebecca, Asner, Gregory P., Cordell, Susan, Hubbell, Stephen P., and Sack, Lawren. 2014. "Trade-offs in seedling growth and survival within and across tropical forest microhabitats." Ecology and Evolution, 4, (19) 3755–3767.
Kembel, Steven W., O'Connor, Timothy K., Arnold, Holly K., Hubbell, Stephen P., Wright, S. Joseph, and Green, Jessica L. 2014. "Relationships between phyllosphere bacterial communities and plant functional traits in a neotropical forest." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, (38) 13715–13720.
Marquet, Pablo A., Allen, Andrew P., Brown, James H., Dunne, Jennifer A., Enquist, Brian J., Gillooly, James F., Gowaty, Patricia A., Green, Jessica L., Harte, John, Hubbell, Stephen P., O'Dwyer, James, Okie, Jordan G., Ostling, Annette, Ritchie, Mark, Storch, David, and West, Geoffrey B. 2014. "On Theory in Ecology." Bioscience, 64, (8) 701–710.
Muller-Landau, Helene C., Detto, Matteo, Chisholm, Ryan A., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Condit, Richard S. 2014. "Detecting and projecting changes in forest biomass from plot data." In Forests and global change. Coomes, David A., Burslem, David F. R. P., and Simonson, William D., editors. 381–416. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Réjou-Méchain, M., Muller-Landau, Helene C., Detto, Matteo, Thomas, S. C., Le Toan, T., Saatchi, S. S., Barreto-Silva, J., Bourg, N. A., Bunyavejchewin, S., Butt, N., Brockelman, W. Y., Cao, M., Cárdenas, D., Chiang, J. M., Chuyong, G. B., Clay, Keith, Condit, Richard S., Dattaraja, H. S., Davies, Stuart James, Duque, A., Esufali, S., Ewango, C., Fernando, R. H. S., Fletcher, C. D., Gunatilleke, I. A. U. N. et al. 2014. "Local spatial structure of forest biomass and its consequences for remote sensing of carbon stocks." Biogeosciences Discussions, 11, (4) 5711–5742.
Stephenson, N. L., Das, A. J., Condit, Richard S., Russo, S. E., Baker , P. J., Beckman, N. G., Coomes, D. A., Lines, E. R., Morris, W. K., Rüger, Nadja, Álvarez, Eric A., Blundo, C., Bunyavejchewin, S., Chuyong, G., Davies, Stuart James, Duque, Á., Ewango, C. N., Flores, O., Franklin, J. F., Grau, H. R., Hao, Z., Harmon, M. E., Hubbell, Stephen P., Kenfack, David, Lin, Y. et al. 2014. "Rate of tree carbon accumulation increases continuously with tree size." Nature, 507, (7490) 90.
Baldeck, C. A., Harms, K. E., Yavitt, J. B., John, R., Turner, Benjamin L., Valencia, R., Navarrete, H., Bunyavejchewin, S., Kiratiprayoon, S., Yaacob, A., Supardi, M. N. N., Davies, Stuart James, Hubbell, Stephen P., Chuyong, G. B., Kenfack, David, Thomas, D. W., and Dalling, J. W. 2013. "Habitat filtering across tree life stages in tropical forest communities." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280, (1766) 20130548.
Baldeck, Claire A., Kembel, Steven W., Harms, Kyle Edward, Yavitt, Joseph B., John, Robert, Turner, Benjamin L., Chuyong, George B., Kenfack, David, Thomas, Duncan W., Madawala, Sumedha, Gunatilleke, Nimal, Gunatilleke, Savitri, Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh, Kiratiprayoon, Somboon, Yaacon, Adzmi, Nur Supardi, Mohd N., Valencia, Renato, Navarrete, Hugo, Davies, Stuart James, Hubbell, Stephen, and Dalling, James W. 2013. "A taxonomic comparison of local habitat niches of tropical trees." Oecologia, 173, (4) 1491–1498.
Chisholm, Ryan A., Muller-Landau, Helene C., Abdul Rahman, Kassim, Bebber, Daniel P., Bin, Yue, Bohlman, Stephanie A., Bourg, Norman A., Brinks, Joshua, Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh, Butt, Nathalie, Cao, Honglin, Cao, Min, Cárdenas, Dairon, Chang, Li-Wan, Chiang, Jyh-Min, Chuyong, George, Condit, Richard S., Dattaraja, Handanakere S., Davies, Stuart, Duque, Alvaro, Fletcher, Christine, Gunatilleke, Nimal, Gunatilleke, Savitri, Hao, Zhanqing, Harrison, Rhett D. et al. 2013. "Scale-dependent relationships between tree species richness and ecosystem function in forests." Journal of Ecology, 101, (5) 1214–1224.
Gowaty, Patricia Adair and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2013. "Bayesian animals sense ecological constraints to predict fitness and organize individually flexible reproductive decisions." Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36, (3) 215–216.
Gowaty, Patricia Adair and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2013. "The evolutionary origins of mating failures and multiple mating." Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata, 146, (1) 11–25.
Grote, Steffi, Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., Wirth, Christian, and Rüger, Nadja. 2013. "Response of Demographic Rates of Tropical Trees to Light Availability: Can Position-Based Competition Indices Replace Information from Canopy Census Data?" PLoS ONE, 8, (12) e81787.
Hubbell, Stephen P. 2013. "Tropical rain forest conservation and the twin challenges of diversity and rarity." Ecology and Evolution, 3, (10) 3263–3274.
Meyer, V., Saatchi, S. S., Chave, J., Dalling, James W., Bohlman, Stephanie, Fricker, G. A., Robinson, C., Neumann, M., and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2013. "Detecting tropical forest biomass dynamics from repeated airbone Lidar measurements." Biogeosciences, 10 5421–5438.
Borda-de-Água, Luís, Borges, Paulo A. V., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Pereira, Henrique M. 2012. "Spatial scaling of species abundance distributions." Ecography, 35, (6) 549–556.
Condit, Richard S., Chisholm, Ryan A., and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2012. "Thirty Years of Forest Census at Barro Colorado and the Importance of Immigration in Maintaining Diversity." PLoS ONE, 7, (11) 1–6.
Dalling, James W., Schnitzer, Stefan A., Baldeck, Claire, Harms, Kyle Edward, John, Robert, Mangan, Scott A., Lobo, Elena, Yavitt, Joseph B., and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2012. "Resource-based habitat associations in a neotropical liana community." Journal of Ecology, 100, (5) 1174–1182.
De Cáceres, Miquel, Legendre, Pierre, Valencia, Renato, Cao, Min, Chang, Li-Wan, Chuyong, George, Condit, Richard S., Hao, Zhanqing, Hsieh, Chang-Fu, Hubbell, Stephen P., Kenfack, David, Ma, Keping, Mi, Xiangcheng, Noor, Supardi, Nur, Md, Kassim, Abdul Rahman, Ren, Haibao, Su, Sheng-Hsin, Sun, I. -F, Thomas, Duncan, Ye, Wanhui, and He, Fangliang. 2012. "The variation of tree beta diversity across a global network of forest plots." Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21, (12) 1191–1202.
He, Fangliang and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2012. "Extinction and climate change He and Hubbell reply." Nature, 482, (7386) E5–E6.
Munoz, François, Couteron, Pierre, and Hubbell, Stephen P. 2012. "Comment on "Global Correlations in Tropical Tree Species Richness and Abundance Reject Neutrality"." Science, 336, (6089) 1639–1639.
Rosindell, James, Hubbell, Stephen P., He, Fangliang, Harmon, Luke J., and Etienne, Rampal S. 2012. "The case for ecological neutral theory." Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 27, (4) 203–208.
Schnitzer, Stefan A., Mangan, Scott A., Dalling, James W., Baldeck, Claire A., Hubbell, Stephen P., Ledo, Alicia, Muller-Landau, Helene C., Tobin, Michael F., Aguilar, Salomón, Brassfield, David, Hernandez, Andres, Lao, Suzanne, Pérez, Rolando A., Valdes, Oldemar, and Yorke, Suzanne Rutishauser. 2012. "Liana Abundance, Diversity, and Distribution on Barro Colorado Island, Panama." PLoS ONE, 7, (12) 1–16.
Zhang, Da-Yong, Zhang, Bo-Yu, Lin, Kui, Jiang, Xinhua, Tao, Yi, Hubbell, Stephen P., He, Fangliang, and Ostling, Annette. 2012. "Demographic trade-offs determine species abundance and diversity." Journal of Plant Ecology, 5, (1) 82–88.
Feeley, Kenneth J., Davies, Stuart James, Pérez, Rolando A., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 2011. "Directional changes in the species composition of a tropical forest." Ecology, 92, (4) 871–882.