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Stephen Hubbell

Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1995. "Mortality rates of 205 neotropical tree and shrub species and the impact of a severe drought." Ecological Monographs, 65, (4) 419–439.
O'Brien, Sean T., Hubbell, Stephen P., Spiro, Peter, Condit, Richard S., and Foster, Robin B. 1995. "Diameter, height, crown, and age relationships in eight neotropical tree species." Ecology, 76, (6) 1926–1939.
Andrade, Jose Luis, Nobel, P. S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1994. "Spatial Distribution of Two Epithytic Cacti in a Panamanian Tropical Forest [Abstract]." In Forest Canopies: Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation, First International Canopy Conference,November 9-13,. 75. Sarasota, Florida: The Marie Selby Botanical Gardens.
Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1994. "Density dependence in two understory tree species in a neotropical forest." Ecology, 75, (3) 671–680.
Gilbert, Gregory S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1994. "Density and distance-to-adult effects of a canker disease of trees in a moist tropical forest." Oecologia, 98, (1) 100–108.
Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1993. "Mortality and growth of a commercial hardwood 'el cativo', Prioria copaifera, in Panama." Forest Ecology and Management, 62, (1-4) 107–122.
Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1993. "Identifying fast-growing native trees from the neotropics using data from a large, permanent census plot." Forest Ecology and Management, 62, (1-4) 123–143.
Thurber, D. K., Belk, M. C., Black, H. L., Jorgensen, Clive D., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, R. B. 1993. "Dispersion and mortality of colonies of the tropical ant Paraponera clavata." Biotropica, 25, (2) 215–221.
Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1992. "Short-Term Dynamics of a Neotropical Forest." Bioscience, 42, (11) 822–828.
Condit, Richard S., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1992. "Recruitment near conspecific adults and the maintenance of tree and shrub diversity in a neotropical forest." American Naturalist, 140, (2) 261–286.
Condit, Richard S. and Hubbell, Stephen P. 1991. "Abundance and DNA Sequence of Two-Base Repeat Regions in Tropical Tree Genomes." Genome, 34 66–71.
Hewett, S. W., Welden, C. W., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1991. "Canopy-Height Dynamics and the Size Distribution of Canopy Openings on Barro Colorado Island." Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 72 141.
Hubbell, Stephen P., Gullison, Raymond, Condit, Richard S., and Foster, Robin B. 1991. "The Interaction of Mortality and Growth Rates in Neotropical Trees." Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 72, (2) 146.
Welden, C. W., Hewett, S. W., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1991. "Sapling Survival, Growth, and Recruitment: Relationship to Canopy Height in a Neotropical Forest." Ecology, 72, (1) 35–50.
Young, Truman P. and Hubbell, Stephen P. 1991. "Crown Asymmetry, Treefalls, and Repeat Disturbance of Broad-Leaved Forest Gaps." Ecology, 72, (4) 1464–1471.
Foster, Robin B. and Hubbell, Stephen P. 1990. "Estructura de la vegetación y composición de especies en un lote de cincuenta hectáreas de la Isla de Barro Colorado." In Ecología de un bosque tropical: ciclos estacionales y cambios a largo plazo. Rand, Austin Stanley, Windsor, Donald M., and Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., editors. 141–152. Balboa, Republic of Panama: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Foster, Robin B. and Hubbell, Stephen P. 1990. "The Floristic Composition of the Barro Colorado Island Forest." In Four Neotropical Rainforests. Gentry, A. H., editor. 85–98. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Howe, Henry F. and Hubbell, Stephen P. 1990. "Towards the National Institutes for the Environment." Global Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimensions, 1 71–74.
Howe, Henry F., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Blockstein, D. E. 1990. "Rationale for the National Institutes for the Environment." The Environmental Professional, 12 360–363.
Hubbell, Stephen P., Condit, Richard S., and Foster, Robin B. 1990. "Presence and Absence of Density Dependence in a Neotropical Tree Community." Transactions or the Royal Society of London, Series B, 330 269–281.
Hubbell, Stephen P. and Foster, Robin B. 1990. "Structure, Dynamics, and Equilibrium Status of Old-Growth Forest on Barro Colorado Island." In Four Neotropical Rainforests. Gentry, A. H., editor. 522–541. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Hubbell, Stephen P. and Foster, Robin B. 1990. "The Fate of Juvenile Trees in a Neotropical Forest: Implications for the Natural Maintenance of Tropical Tree Diversity." In Reproductive Ecology of Tropical Forest Plants. Vol 7 ed. Bawa, K. S. and Hadley, M., editors. 317–341. IUBS and Carnforth: Parthenon Publishing.
Manokaran, N., LaFrankie, James V., Kochummen, K. M., Quah, E. S., Klahn, J. E., Ashton, Peter S., and Hubbell, Stephen P. 1990. Methodology for the fifty hectare research plot at Pasoh Forest Reserve, Chan, H. T., editor. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). In Research Pamphlet (Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia).
Murawski, Darlene A., Hamrick, J. L., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1990. "Mating Systems of Two Bombacaceous Trees of a Neotropical Moist Forest." Oecologia, 82, (4) 501–506.
Wong, Marina, Wright, S. Joseph, Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1990. "The spatial pattern and reproductive consequences of outbreak defoliation in Quararibea asterolepis, a tropical tree." Journal of Ecology, 78, (3) 579–588.
Belk, Mark C., Black, Hal L., Jorgensen, Clive D., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Foster, Robin B. 1989. "Nest Tree Selectivity by the Tropical Ant Paraponera clavata." Biotropica, 21, (2) 173–177.
Hubbell, Stephen P. and Foster, Robin B. 1987. "Special Context of Regeneration in a Neotropical Forest." In Colonization, Succession and Stability. Gray, A., editor. 395–411.. Oxford, U.K.: Blackwell Scientific.
Hubbell, Stephen P. and Foster, Robin B. 1987. "La Estructura Espacial en Gran Escala de un Bosque Neotropical." In Ecología y Ecofisiologia de Plantas en los Bosques Mesoamericanos.. Monge-Nájera, J., editor. 7–22. San José, Costa Rica: Revista de Biología Tropical. 35, Supp. 1
Hubbell, Stephen P. and Foster, Robin B. 1987. "The Spatial Context of Regeneration in a Neotropical Forest." In Colonization, Succession and Stability. Crawley, Mick J., Edwards, P. J., and Gray, A. J., editors. 395–412.. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific.
Hubbell, Stephen P. and Johnson, Leslie K. 1987. "Environmental Variance in Lifetime Mating Success, Mate Choice, and Sexual Selection." American Naturalist, 130, (1) 91–112.
Johnson, Leslie K., Hubbell, Stephen P., and Feener, Donald H., Jr. 1987. "Defense of Food Supply by Eusocial Colonies." American Zoologist, 27, (2) 347–358.
Rockwood, L. L. and Hubbell, Stephen P. 1987. "Host-Plant Selection, Diet Diversity, and Optimal Foraging in a Tropical Leaf Cutting Ant." Oecologia, 74, (1) 55–61.
Hubbell, Stephen P. and Foster, Robin B. 1986. "Biology, Chance, and History and the Structure of Tropical Rain Forest Tree Communities." In Community Ecology. Diamond, Jared M. and Case, T. J., editors. 314–329.. New York: Harper and Row Publishers.
Hubbell, Stephen P. and Foster, Robin B. 1986. "Canopy Gaps and the Dynamics of a Neotropical Forest." In Plant Ecology. Crawley, M. J., editor. 77–96.. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
Hubbell, Stephen P. and Foster, Robin B. 1986. "Commonness and Rarity in a Neotropical Forest, Implications for Tropical Trees Conservation." In Conservation Biology, Science of Scarcity and Diversity. Soule, M., editor. 105–131.. Saunderland: Sinauer.
Hubbell, Stephen P. 1984. "Methodologies for the study of the origin and maintenance of tree diversity in tropical rainforest." In The Significance of Species Diversity in tropical forest ecosystems. Biology International. Hadley, G. M. and Younes, T., editors. 8–13. IUBS Special Issue No. 6
Hubbell, Stephen P., Howard, Jerome J., and Wiemer, David F. 1984. "Chemical leaf repellency to an attine ant: seasonal distribution among potential host plant species." Ecology, 65, (4) 1067–1076.
Johnson, Leslie K. and Hubbell, Stephen P. 1984. "Nest tree selectivity and density of stingless bee colonies in a Panamanian forest." In Tropical rain-forest: the Leeds symposium. Chadwick, A. C. and Suttton, S. L., editors. 147–154. Leeds: Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society. In Special publication of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society.
Johnson, Leslie K. and Hubbell, Stephen P. 1984. "Male choice. Experimental demonstration in a brentid weevil." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 15 183–188.
Johnson, Leslie K. and Hubbell, Stephen P. 1984. "Nest tree selectivity and density of stingless bee colonies in a Panamanian forest." In Tropical rain-forest: The Leeds Symposium. Chadwick, A. C. and Sutton, S. L., editors. 147–154. Leeds: Leeds Philos. and Lit. Society.
Hubbell, Stephen P. and Foster, Robin B. 1983. "Diversity of canopy trees in a neotropical forest and implications for conservation." In Tropical Rain Forest: Ecology and Management. Whitmore, T. C., Chadwick, A. C., and Sutton, A. C., editors. 25–41. Oxford: The British Ecological Society.
Hubbell, Stephen P., Wiemer, David F., and Adejare, Adeboye. 1983. "An antifungal terpenoid defends a neotropical tree (Hymenaea) against attack by fungus-growing ants (Atta)." Oecologia, 60, (3) 321–327.
Wright, S. Joseph and Hubbell, Stephen P. 1983. "Stochastic extinction and reserve size: a focal species approach." Oikos, 41, (3) 466–476.
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