Mark Torchin
Castellanos-Galindo, Gustavo, Sharpe, Diana M. T., Robertson, D. R., Bravo, Victor, Jeschke, Jonathan M., and Torchin, Mark E. 2025. "New fish migrations into the Panama Canal increase likelihood of interoceanic invasions in the Americas." Current Biology,
Bonfim, Mariana, Bunson, Samuel L., Sellers, Andrew J., Torchin, Mark E., Ruiz, Gregory M., and Freestone, Amy L. 2024. "Biogeographic variation in environmental and biotic resistance modifies predicted risk of marine invasions by ships." Frontiers in Marine Science, 11.
Neu, Alexander T., Torchin, Mark E., Allen, Eric E., and Roy, Kaustuv. 2024. "Microbiome divergence of marine gastropod species separated by the Isthmus of Panama." Applied and Environmental Microbiology,
Repetto, Michele F., Torchin, Mark E., Ruiz, Gregory M., Schlöder, Carmen, and Freestone, Amy L. 2024. "Biogeographic and seasonal differences in consumer pressure underlie strong predation in the tropics." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 291, (2026).
Davidson, Timothy M., Torchin, Mark E., and Smith, Celia M. 2023. "Introduced mangroves exhibit less leaf damage and greater performance than native mangroves." Biological Invasions,
Schreiber, Lennart, Castellanos-Galindo, Gustavo, Robertson, D. Ross, Torchin, Mark, Chavarria, Karina, Laakmann, Silke, and Saltonstall, Kristin. 2023. "Environmental DNA (eDNA) reveals potential for interoceanic fish invasions across the Panama Canal." Ecology and Evolution, 13, (1).
Sharpe, Diana M. T., Valverde, Marisol P., De Leon, Luis F., Hendry, Andrew P., and Torchin, Mark E. 2023. "Biological invasions alter the structure of a tropical freshwater food web." Ecology, 104, (12).
Yisrael, Leone, DiMaria, Ruth A., Santos‐Ciminera, Patricia, Aguirre‐Macedo, M. Leopoldina, Vidal‐Martínez, Victor M., Ruiz, Gregory M., Torchin, Mark E., Hill‐Spanik, Kristina M., Gnanadesikan, Anand, and Pagenkopp Lohan, Katrina M. 2023. "Expanding the phylogeography and connectivity of Perkinsus species across North and Central America." Diversity and Distributions,
Ashton, Gail V., Freestone, Amy L., Duffy, J. Emmett, Torchin, Mark E., Sewall, Brent J., Tracy, Brianna, Albano, Mariano, Altieri, Andrew H., Altvater, Luciana, Bastida-Zavala, Rolando, Bortolus, Alejandro, Brante, Antonio, Bravo, Viviana, Brown, Norah, Buschmann, Alejandro H., Buskey, Edward, Barrera, Rosita Calderón, Cheng, Brian, Collin, Rachel, Coutinho, Ricardo, De Gracia, Luis, Dias, Gustavo M., DiBacco, Claudio, Flores, Augusto A. V., Haddad, Maria Angélica et al. 2022. "Predator control of marine communities increases with temperature across 115 degrees of latitude." Science, 376, (6598) 1215–1219.
Castellanos-Galindo, Gustavo, Sharpe, Diana M. T., Robertson, D. R., and Torchin, Mark E. 2022. "Author Correction: A new wave of marine fish invasions through the Panama and Suez canals." Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6, (8) 1239–1239.
Davidson, Timothy M., Smith, Celia M., and Torchin, Mark E. 2022. "Introduced mangroves escape damage from marine and terrestrial enemies." Ecology,
Blakeslee, April M. H., Pochtar, Darby L., Fowler, Amy E., Moore, Chris S., Lee, Timothy S., Barnard, Rebecca B., Swanson, Kyle M., Lukas, Laura C., Ruocchio, Matthew, Torchin, Mark E., Miller, A. Whitman, Ruiz, Gregory M., and Tepolt, Carolyn K. 2021. "Invasion of the body snatchers: the role of parasite introduction in host distribution and response to salinity in invaded estuaries." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288, (1953).
Lee, Juhyung, Davidson, Timothy M., and Torchin, Mark E. 2021. "Variable host responses mediate host preference in marine flatworm-snail symbioses." Plos One, 16, (3) Article e0247551.
Freestone, Amy L., Torchin, Mark E., Jurgens, Laura J., Bonfim, Mariana, López, Diana P., Repetto, Michele F., Schlöder, Carmen, Sewall, Brent J., and Ruiz, Gregory M. 2021. "Stronger predation intensity and impact on prey communities in the tropics." Ecology,
Leray, Matthieu, Wilkins, Laetitia G. E., Apprill, Amy, Bik, Holly M., Clever, Friederike, Connolly, Sean R., De Leon, Marina E., Duffy, J. Emmett, Ezzat, Leila, Gignoux-Wolfsohn, Sarah, Herre, Edward Allen, Kaye, Jonathan Z., Kline, David I., Kueneman, Jordan G., McCormick, Melissa K., McMillan, W. Owen, O'Dea, Aaron, Pereira, Tiago J., Petersen, Jillian M., Petticord, Daniel F., Torchin, Mark E., Vega Thurber, Rebecca, Videvall, Elin, Wcislo, William T., Yuen, Benedict et al. 2021. "Natural experiments and long-term monitoring are critical to understand and predict marine host-microbe ecology and evolution." Plos Biology, 19, (8).
Sellers, Andrew J., Leung, Brian, Altieri, Andrew H., Glanz, Jess, Turner, Benjamin L., and Torchin, Mark E. 2021. "Seasonal upwelling reduces herbivore control of tropical rocky intertidal algal communities." Ecology,
Sharpe, Diana M. T., de Lira, J. J. P. R., Brown, G. E., Torchin, Mark E., and Hendry, A. P. 2021. "Testing the prey naiveté hypothesis: Can native prey (Astyanax ruberrimus) recognize an introduced top predator, Cichla monoculus?" Biological Invasions, 23, (1) 205–219.
Tobias, Zachary J. C., Fowler, Amy E., Blakeslee, April M. H., Darling, John A., Torchin, Mark E., Miller, A. Whitman, Ruiz, Gregory M., and Tepolt, Carolyn K. 2021. "Invasion history shapes host transcriptomic response to a body-snatching parasite." Molecular ecology,
Torchin, Mark E., Freestone, Amy L., Repetto, Michele F., Larson, Kristen, Steves, Brian P., Fofonoff, Paul, McCann, Linda, Schlöder, Carmen, and Ruiz, Gregory M. 2021. "Asymmetry of marine invasions across tropical oceans." Ecology, 102, (8).
Carlson, Colin J., Hopkins, Skylar, Bell, Kayce C., Dona, Jorge, Godfrey, Stephanie S., Kwak, Mackenzie L., Lafferty, Kevin D., Moir, Melinda L., Speer, Kelly A., Strona, Giovanni, Torchin, Mark, and Wood, Chelsea L. 2020. "A global parasite conservation plan." Biological Conservation, 250 108596–108596.
Castellanos-Galindo, Gustavo, Robertson, D. Ross, and Torchin, Mark E. 2020. "A new wave of marine fish invasions through the Panama and Suez canals." Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1–3.
Fiorenza, Evan A., Leslie, Katie L., Torchin, Mark E., Maslenikov, Katherine P., Tornabene, Luke, and Wood, Chelsea L. 2020. "Fluid preservation causes minimal reduction of parasite detectability in fish specimens: A new approach for reconstructing parasite communities of the past?" Ecology and Evolution, 10, (13) 6449–6460.
Freestone, Amy L., Carroll, Elizabeth W., Papacostas, Katherine, Ruiz, Gregory M., Torchin, Mark E., and Sewall, Brent J. 2020. "Predation shapes invertebrate diversity in tropical but not temperate seagrass communities." Journal of Animal Ecology, 89, (2) 323–333.
Sellers, Andrew, Leung, Brian, Altieri, Andrew, Turner, Benjamin, Glanz, Jess, and Torchin, Mark. 2020. [Dataset] Seasonal upwelling reduces herbivore control of tropical rocky intertidal algal communities. Distributed by Dryad.
Sellers, Andrew, Leung, Brian, and Torchin, Mark. 2020. [Dataset] Global meta-analysis of how marine upwelling affects herbivory. Distributed by Dryad.
Lohan, Katrina M. Pagenkopp, Ruiz, Gregory M., and Torchin, Mark E. 2020. "Invasions can drive marine disease dynamics." In Marine Disease Ecology. Behringer, Donald C., Silliman, Brian R., and Lafferty, Kevin D., editors. 115–138. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
Resetarits, Emlyn J., Torchin, Mark E., and Hechinger, Ryan F. 2020. "Social trematode parasites increase standing army size in areas of greater invasion threat." Biology Letters, 16, (2).
Tepolt, Carolyn K., Blakeslee, April M. H., Fowler, Amy E., Darling, John A., Torchin, Mark E., Miller, A. Whitman, and Ruiz, Gregory M. 2020. "Strong genetic structure in a widespread estuarine crab: A test of potential versus realized dispersal." Journal of Biogeography,
Tepolt, Carolyn K., Darling, John A., Blakeslee, April M. H., Fowler, Amy E., Torchin, Mark E., Miller, A. W., and Ruiz, Gregory M. 2020. "Recent introductions reveal differential susceptibility to parasitism across an evolutionary mosaic." Evolutionary Applications, 13, (3) 545–558.
Cheng, Brian S., Altieri, Andrew H., Torchin, Mark E., and Ruiz, Gregory M. 2019. "Can marine reserves restore lost ecosystem functioning? A global synthesis." Ecology, 100, (4).
Cheng, Brian S., Ruiz, Gregory M., Altieri, Andrew H., and Torchin, Mark E. 2019. "The biogeography of invasion in tropical and temperate seagrass beds: Testing interactive effects of predation and propagule pressure." Diversity and Distributions, 25, (2) 285–297.
Geladi, Ilke, De León, Luis Fernando, Torchin, Mark E., Hendry, Andrew P., González, Rigoberto, and Sharpe, Diana M. T. 2019. "100-year time series reveal little morphological change following impoundment and predator invasion in two Neotropical characids." Evolutionary Applications, 12, (7) 1385–1401.
Kelehear, Crystal, Saltonstall, Kristin, and Torchin, Mark E. 2019. "Negative effects of parasitic lung nematodes on the fitness of a Neotropical toad (Rhinella horribilis)." Parasitology, 13 1–9.
Sellers, Andrew J., Leung, Brian, and Torchin, Mark E. 2019. "Global meta-analysis of how marine upwelling affects herbivory." Global Ecology and Biogeography, 1–14.
Valverde, Marisol P., Sharpe, Diana M. T., Torchin, Mark E., Buck, David G., and Chapman, Lauren J. 2019. "Trophic shifts in a native predator following the introduction of a top predator in a tropical lake." Biological Invasions, 1–19.
Davidson, Timothy M., Altieri, Andrew H., Ruiz, Gregory M., and Torchin, Mark E. 2018. "Bioerosion in a changing world: a conceptual framework." Ecology Letters, 21, (3) 422–438.
Pagenkopp Lohan, Katrina M., Hill-Spanik, Kristina, Torchin, Mark E., Fleischer, Robert C., Carnegie, Ryan B., Reece, Kimberly S., and Ruiz, Gregory M. 2018. "Phylogeography and connectivity of molluscan parasites: Perkinsus spp. in Panama and beyond." International journal for parasitology, 48, (2) 135–144.
Stewart, Tara Elizabeth, Torchin, Mark E., and Cáceres, Carla. 2018. "Invisible Parasites and their Implications for Coexisting Water Fleas." The Journal of parasitology, 104, (1) 101–105.
Jurgens, L. J., Freestone, Amy L., Ruiz, Gregory M., and Torchin, Mark E. 2017. "Prior predation alters community resistance to an extreme climate disturbance." Ecosphere, 8, (10).
Lohan, Katrina M. Pagenkopp, Fleischer, Robert C., Torchin, Mark E., and Ruiz, Gregory M. 2017. [Dataset] Supplemental Material for Protistan Biogeography: A Snapshot Across a Major Shipping Corridor Spanning Two Oceans. [PDF] Distributed by Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Research Online.
Pagenkopp Lohan, Katrina M., Fleischer, Robert C., Torchin, Mark E., and Ruiz, Gregory M. 2017. "Protistan Biogeography: A Snapshot Across a Major Shipping Corridor Spanning Two Oceans." Protist, 168, (2) 183–196.
Sharpe, Diana M. T., De León, L. F., Gonzalez, R., and Torchin, Mark E. 2017. "Tropical fish community does not recover 45 years after predator introduction." Ecology, 98, (2) 412–424.
Byers, James and Torchin, Mark E. 2016. [Dataset] Predation of two snail species (Cerithideopis californica and Cerithideopsis montagnei) by a the whelk (Thais kiosquiformis) in Panamanian mangroves in 2014 (Estuarine Parasites project). Action Action. Distributed by Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO).
Davidson, Timothy M., Ruiz, Gregory M., and Torchin, Mark E. 2016. "Boring crustaceans shape the land-sea interface in brackish Caribbean mangroves." Ecosphere, 7, (8).
Pagenkopp Lohan, Katrina M., Hill-Spanik, Kristina M., Torchin, Mark E., Aguirre-Macedo, Leopoldina, Fleischer, Robert C., and Ruiz, Gregory M. 2016. "Richness and distribution of tropical oyster parasites in two oceans." Parasitology, 143, (9) 1119–1132.
Frankel, Victor M., Hendry, Andrew P., Rolshausen, Gregor, and Torchin, Mark E. 2015. "Host preference of an introduced 'generalist' parasite for a non-native host." International journal for parasitology, 45, (11) 703–709.
Lohan, Katrina M. Pagenkopp, Hill-Spanik, Kristina, Torchin, Mark E., Strong, Ellen E., Fleischer, Robert C., and Ruiz, Gregory M. 2015. "Molecular phylogenetics reveals first record and invasion of Saccostrea species in the Caribbean." Marine Biology, 162, (5) 957–968.
Sellers, Andrew J., Ruiz, Gregory M., Leung, Brian, and Torchin, Mark E. 2015. "Regional Variation in Parasite Species Richness and Abundance in the Introduced Range of the Invasive Lionfish, Pterois volitans." Plos One, 10, (6).
Torchin, Mark E., Miura, Osamu, and Hechinger, Ryan F. 2015. "Parasite species richness and intensity of interspecific interactions increase with latitude in two 6 wide-ranging hosts." Ecology, 96, (11) 3033–3042.
Colautti, Robert I., Franks, Steven J., Hufbauer, Ruth A., Kotanen, Peter M., Torchin, Mark E., Byers, James E., Pysek, Petr, and Bossdorf, Oliver. 2014. "The Global Garlic Mustard Field Survey (GGMFS): challenges and opportunities of a unique, large-scale collaboration for invasion biology." Neobiota, 21 29–47.