STRI Coral Reef

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D. Ross Robertson

Robertson, D. Ross and Allen, Gerald R. 1980. "Stegastes mellis (Emery et Burgess, 1974), le juvénile de la Demoiselle caraibe Stegastes diencaeus (Jordan et Rutter, 1898)." Revue francaise d'Aquariologie, 7, (4) 109–112.
Robertson, D. Ross and Lassig, Brian. 1980. "Spatial distribution patterns and coexistence of a group of territorial damselfishes from the Great Barrier Reef." Bulletin of Marine Science, 30 187–203.
Waldner, Raymond E. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1980. "Patterns of habitat partitioning by eight species of territorial Caribbean damsel fishes (Pisces: Pomacentridae)." Bulletin of Marine Science, 30 171–186.
Robertson, D. Ross, Polunin, Nicholas V. C., and Leighton, Kimberly. 1979. "The behavioral ecology of three Indian Ocean surgeonfishes (Acanthurus lineatus, A. leucosternon and Zebrasoma scopas their feeding strategies, and social mating systems." Environmental Biology of Fishes, 4, (2) 125–170.
Robertson, D. Ross and Sheldon, Janice M. 1979. "Competitive interactions and the availability of sleeping sites for a diurnal coral reef fish." Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology, 40, (3) 285–298.
Robertson, D. Ross and Warner, Robert R. 1978. Sexual patterns in the labroid fishes of the Western Caribbean, II, the parrotfishes (Scaridae). Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 255.
Warner, Robert R. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1978. Sexual patterns in the labroid fishes of the western Caribbean, I the wrasses (Labridae). Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 254.
Robertson, D. Ross and Hoffman, Steven G. 1977. "The roles of female mate choice and predation in the mating systems of some tropical Labroid fishes." Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie, 45 298–320.
Robertson, D. Ross, Sweatman, Hugh P. A., Fletcher, E. A., and Cleland, Mark G. 1976. "Schooling as a mechanism for circumventing the territoriality of competitors." Ecology, 57, (6) 1208–1220.
Choat, J. H. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1975. "Protogynous hermaphroditism of the family Scaridae." In Intersexuality in the Animal Kingdom. Reinboth, R., editor. 263–283. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Warner, Robert R., Robertson, D. Ross, and Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr. 1975. "Sex change and sexual selection." Science, 190, (4215) 633–638.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1972. "Social Control of Sex Reversal in a Coral-Reef Fish." Science, 177, (4053) 1007–1009.
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