D. Ross Robertson
Allen, Gerald R. and Robertson, D. Ross. 2002. "Halichoeres Salmofasciatus, a New Species of Wrasse (Labridae) From Isla Del Coco, Tropical Eastern Pacific." Aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology, (2) 65–72.
Bergenius, Mikaela A. J., Meekan, Mark G., Robertson, D. Ross, and McCormick, Mark I. 2002. "Larval Growth Predicts the Recruitment Success of a Coral Reef Fish." Oecologia, (4) 521–525.
Choat, J. Howard and Robertson, D. Ross. 2002. "Age-Based Studies on Coral Reef Fishes." In Coral Reef Fishes: Dynamics and Diversity in a Complex Ecosystem. Sale, P. F., editor. 57. Academic Press.
Robertson, D. Ross and Allen, Gerald R. 2002. "Shorefishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific: An Information System. CD-ROM." Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Rocha, Luiz A., Bass, Anna L., Robertson, D. Ross, and Bowen, Brian W. 2002. "Adult Habitat Preferences, Larval Dispersal, and the Comparative Phylogeography of Three Atlantic Surgeonfishes (Teleostei: Acanthuridae)." Molecular Ecology, (2) 243.
Swearer, Stepehn E., Shima, J. S., Hellberg, M. E., Thorrold, S. R., Jones, G. P., Robertson, D. Ross, Morgan, S. G., Selkoe, K. A., Ruiz, Gregory M., and Warner, Robert R. 2002. "Evidence of Self-Recruitment in Demersal Marine Populations." Bulletin of Marine Science, (1) 251–272.
Hastings, Phillip A. and Robertson, D. Ross, editors. 2001. Systematics of Tropical Eastern Pacific Fishes. Universidad de Costa Rica and Smithsonian Institution.
Bowen, Brian W., Bass, A. L., Rocha, Luiz A., Grant, W. S., and Robertson, D. Ross. 2001. "Phylogeography of the Trumpetfishes (Aulostomus): Ring Species Complex on a Global Scale." Evolution, (5) 1029–1039.
Chao, Ning Labbish, Bearez, Philippe, and Robertson, D. Ross. 2001. "A New Genus and New Species of Sciaenidae From the Gulf of Panamá (Perciformes: Sciaenidae)." Revista De Biología Tropical, 49, (Suppl 1) 81–88.
Collette, Bruce B. and Robertson, D. Ross. 2001. "Redescription of Ammodytoides gilli, the tropical eastern Pacific sand lance (Perciformes: Ammodytidae)." Revista De Biología Tropical, 49, (Suppl 1) 111–115.
Hastings, Phillip A. and Robertson, D. Ross. 2001. "Preface." Revista De Biología Tropical, 49, (Suppl 1) XII–XIV.
McCosker, John E. and Robertson, D. Ross. 2001. "Aplatophis zorro, a new species of eastern Pacific snake-eel, with comments on New World ophichthid distributions (Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae)." Revista De Biología Tropical, 49, (Suppl 1) 13–19.
Muss, Andrew, Robertson, D. Ross, Stepien, Carol A., Wirtz, Peter, and Bowen, Brian W. 2001. "Phylogeography of Ophioblennius: the Role of Ocean Currents and Geography in Reef Fish Evolution." Evolution, (3) 561–572.
Robertson, D. Ross. 2001. "Changes on the Reefs at San Blas Point: Panamá." In Coral Reefs, Mangroves and Seagrasses: a Sourcebook for Managers. Talbot, F. H. and Wikilson, C., editors. 148–151. AIMS.
Robertson, D. Ross. 2001. "Population Maintenance Among Tropical Reef Fishes: Inferences From Small-Island Endemics." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, (10) 5667–5670.
Robertson, D. Ross. 2001. "Arrecifes y Peces De La Costa Pacífica Panameña: Una Región Biológica Única." In Panamá: Puente biológico: Las Charlas Smithsonian del Mes, 1996-1999. Heckadon-Moreno, Stanley, editor. 39–44. Balboa, Panamá: Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales.
Victor, Benjamin C., Wellington, Gerard M., Robertson, D. Ross, and Ruttenberg, Benjamin I. 2001. "The Effects of El Niño-Southern Oscillation Event on the Distribution of Reef-Associated Labrid Fishes in the Eastern Pacific Ocean." Bulletin of Marine Science, (1) 279–288.
Wellington, Gerard M. and Robertson, D. Ross. 2001. "Variation in Larval Life-History Traits Among Reef Fishes Across the Isthmus of Panamá." Marine Biology, (1) 11–22.
Bernardi, Giacome, Robertson, D. Ross, Clifton, Kenneth E., and Azzurro, Ernesto. 2000. "Molecular Systematics, Zoogeography, and Evolutionary Ecology of the Atlantic Parrotfosh Genus Sparisoma." Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 15, (2) 292–300.
Heiser, J. B., Moura, R. L., and Robertson, D. Ross. 2000. "Two new species of Creole Wrasse (Labridae: Clepticus) from opposite sides of the Atlantic." Aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology, 4, (2) 67–76.
Lessios, Harilaos A., Kessing, Bailey D., and Robertson, D. Ross. 2000. "Barriers to Gene Flow of Shallow Water Tropical Animals As Detected by Mitochondrial DNA." In XVIIIth International Congress of Zoology Book of Abstracts. 106.
Lessios, Harilaos A., Robertson, D. Ross, and Kessing, Bailey D. 2000. "Genetic Isolation and Genetic Diversity of Marine Populations on Oceanic Islands." In Aquatic Habitat As Ecological Islands. A Meeting of the British Ecological Society Aquatic Group. 19. British Ecological Society.
Victor, Benjamin C., Wellington, Gerard M., and Robertson, D. Ross. 2000. "The Effect of El Niño on the Distribution of Labrid Fishes in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (Abstract), World Coral Reefs in the New Millennium: Bridging Research and Management for Sustainable Development." In 9th International Coral Reef Symposium. 10.
Wilson, Melvin and Robertson, D. Ross. 2000. "CLOFTEP: Checklist of Fishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Www.Biobase.Org/Cloftep." Vagabond Odyssey.
Allen, Gerald R. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1999. "Epinephelus Clippertonensis, a New Species of Serrandid Fish From the Tropical Eastern Pacific." Revue Francaise D'Aquariologie, 11–25.
D'Croz, Luis, Robertson, D. Ross, and Martinez, Jose A. 1999. "Cross-Shelf Distribution of Nutrients, Plankton, and Fish Larvae in the San Blas Archipelago, Caribbean Panamá." Revista De Biología Tropical, (1-2) 203–215.
D'Croz, Luis, Robertson, D. Ross, and Martinez, Jose A. 1999. "Wind-Induced Changes in the Distribution of Plankton, and Fish Larvae in the San Blas Archipelago, Caribbean Panamá." In 29th Meeting Association Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean (AMLC), July 18-24, 1999. 55.
Hastings, Philip A. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1999. "Notes on a Collection of Chaenopsid Blennies From Bahia Azul, Bocas Del Toro, Caribbean, Panamá." Revue Francaise Aquarologie, 33–38.
Hastings, Philip A. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1999. "Acanthemblemaria Atrata and Acanthemblemaria Mangognatha, New Species of Eastern Pacific Barnacle Blennies (Chaenopsidae) From Isla Del Coco, Costa Rica, and Islas Revillagigedo, Mexico, and Their Relationships With Other Barnacle Blennies." Revue Francaise Aquariologie, (3-4) 107–118.
Lessios, Harilaos A., Kessing, Bailey, Robertson, D. Ross, and Paulay, Gustav. 1999. "Phylogeography of the Pantropical Sea Urchin Eucidaris in Relation to Land Barriers and Ocean Currents." Evolution, (3) 806–817.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1999. "Shorefishes Endemic to Small Tropical Islands: Lessons for Conservation." In Pacific Science Congress. Abstracts.
Robertson, D. Ross, Lessios, Harilaos A., and Kessing, Bailey D. 1999. "Geneflow Among Reef Fishes Across the Eastern Pacific Barrier." In Pacific Science Congress, July 1999, Abstracts.
Robertson, D. Ross, Swearer, Stephen E., Kaufmann, Karl, and Brothers, Edward B. 1999. "Settlement Vs. Environmental Dynamics in a Pelagic-Spawning Reef Fish at Caribbean Panamá." Ecological Monographs, (2) 195–218.
Scharer, L. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1999. "Sperm and Milt Characteristics and Male V. Female Gametic Investment in the Caribbean Reef Fish, Thalassoma Bifasciatum." Journal of Fish Biology, 55, (2) 329–343.
Swearer, Stepehn E. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1999. "Life History, Pathology, and Description of Kudoa Ovivora N. Sp. (Myxozoa, Myxosporea): An Ovarian Parasite of Caribbean Labroid Fishes." The Journal of Parasitology, 85, (2) 337–353.
Allen, Gerald R. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1998. Peces Del Pacífico Oriental Tropical. Conabio, Agrupación Sierra Madre y Cemex.
Lessios, Harilaos A., Kessing, Bailey D., and Robertson, D. Ross. 1998. "Massive Gene Flow Across the World's Most Potent Marine Biogeographic Barrier." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, (1396) 583–588.
Pandolfi, John M. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1998. "Roles for Worms in Reef-Building." Coral Reefs, 17, (2) 120.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1998. "Implications of Body Size for Interspecific Interactions and Assemblage Organization Among Coral-Reef Fishes." Australian Journal of Ecology, 252–257.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1998. "Ignoring Population Structure in Community Studies." In Reef Fish '95: Recruitment and Population Dynamics of Coral Reef Fishes. Jones, G. P. and Doherty, B. D., editors. 161. Mapstone and L. Howett: CRC Reef Research Center.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1998. "Do Coral-Reef Fish Faunas Have a Distinctive Taxonomic Structure?" Coral Reefs, (2) 179–186.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1998. "Shorefishes Endemic to Small Tropical Islands: Long-Term Persistence in High-Risk Situations." In Fisheries Society of the British Isles Symposium on Tropical Fish Biology, Southampton July 13-16, Abstracts. 46.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1998. "The Incomparable Caribbean." In Reef Fish '95: Recruitment and Population Dynamics of Coral Reef Fishes. Jones, P. J. and Doherty, B. D., editors. 103. Mapstone and L. Howett. CRC Reef Research Center.
Robertson, D. Ross and Kaufmann, Karl W. 1998. "Assessing Early Recruitment Dynamics and Its Demographic Consequences Among Tropical Reef Fishes: Accommodating Variation in Recruitment Seasonality and Longevity." Australian Journal of Ecology, (3) 226–233.
Allen, Gerald R. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1997. "An annotated checklist of the fishes of Clipperton Atoll, tropical eastern Pacific." Revista de Biología Tropical, 45 813–843.
D'Croz, Luis and Robertson, D. Ross. 1996. "Coastal oceanographic conditions affecting coral reefs on both sides of the Isthmus of Panama." In Abstract Book. 8th International Coral Reef Symposium, Panama, June 24-29, 1996. 46. Panama: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1996. "Interspecific competition controls abundance and habitat use of territorial Caribbean damselfishes." Ecology, 77 885–899.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1996. "Holacanthus limbaughi and Stegastes baldwini, endemic fishes of Clipperton Island, Tropical Eastern Pacific." Coral Reefs, 15 132.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1996. "Egg size in relation to fertilization dynamics in free-spawning tropical reef fishes." Oecologia, 108, (1) 95–104.
Robertson, D. Ross and Allen, Gerald R. 1996. "Zoogeography of the shorefish fauna of Clipperton Atoll." Coral Reefs, 15, (2) 121–131.