STRI Coral Reef

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D. Ross Robertson

Shulman, Myra Joy and Robertson, D. Ross. 1996. "Changes in the coral reefs of San Blas, Caribbean Panama: 1983-1990." Coral Reefs, 15, (4) 231–236.
Allen, Gerald R. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1995. "Xyrichtys wellingtoni, a new species of Wrasse (Labridae) from Clipperton Island, tropical eastern Pacific Ocean." Revue francaise Aquariologie, 22, (3-4) 80–82.
Allen, Gerald R. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1995. "Pseudogramma axelrodi, a new species of serranid fish from the Tropical Eastern Pacific." Tropical Fish Hobbyist, 44 72–75.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1995. "Competitive Ability and the Potential for Lotteries Among Territorial Reef Fishes." Oecologia, 103 180–190.
Allen, Gerald R. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1994. Fishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Bathurst: Crawford House Press.
Cole, Kathleen S., Robertson, D. Ross, and Cedeno, A. A. 1994. "Does Gonad Structure Reflect Sexual Patterns in all Gobiid Fishes?" Environmental Biology of Fishes, 41 301–309.
Sweatman, Hugh P. A. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1994. "Grazing halos and predation on juvenile Caribbean surgeonfishes." Marine Ecology Progress Series, 111 1–6.
Wellington, Gerard M., Allen, Gerald R., and Robertson, D. Ross. 1994. "Xyrichtys perlas (Labridae), A New Species of Razorfish from the Tropical Eastern Pacific." Revue francaise d'Aquariologie, 21 49–52.
Clifton, Kenneth E. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1993. "Risks of alternative mating tactics." Nature, 366 520.
Robertson, D. Ross, Schober, Ursula M., and Brawn, Jeffrey D. 1993. "Comparative Variation in Spawning Output and Juvenile Recruitment of Some Caribbean Reef Fishes." Marine Ecology Progress Series, 94 105–113.
Allen, Gerald R. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1992. "Three new species of Triplefins (Pisces: Trypterygiidae) from Malpelo and Socorro Islands, in the Tropical Eastern Pacific." Revue francaise d'Aquariologie, 19 53–56.
Allen, Gerald R. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1992. "Serranus socorroensis, a New Species of Serranid Fish from Tropical Eastern Pacific." Revue francaise d'Aquariologie, 19 37–40.
Allen, Gerald R. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1992. "Deux Neuvelles Especes de Girelles (Labridae: Halichoeres) du Pacifique Oriental Tropical." Revue francaise d'Aquariologie, 19 47–52.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1992. "Patterns of Lunar Settlement and Early Recruitment in Caribbean Reef Fishes at Panama." Marine Biology, 114, (4) 527–538.
Allen, Gerald R. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1991. "Description of Two New Genera and Four New Species of Triplefins (Pisces: Tripterygiidae) from the Tropical Eastern Pacific." Revue francaise d'Aquariologie, 18, (3) 79–82.
Allen, Gerald R. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1991. "Quatre espéces nouvelles d'Opisthognathidae (Jawfishes) du Pacifique oriental Tropical." Revue francaise d'Aquariologie, 18 47–52.
Guzmán, Héctor M., Robertson, D. Ross, and Diaz, Marco L. 1991. "Distribution and abundance of corals at Isla Iguana, Pacific Coast of Panama [Distribución y Abundancia de Corales en el Arrecife del Refugio de Isla Iguana, Pacífico de Panamá]." Revista de Biología Tropical, 39, (2) 225–231.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1991. "The role of adult biology in the timing of spawning of tropical reef fishes: The ecology of fishes on coral reefs." In The Ecology of Coral Reef Fishes. Sale, P. F., editor. 356–386. New York: Academic Press.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1990. "Differences in the seasonalities of spawning and recruitment of some small neotropical reef fishes." Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology, 144, (1) 49–62.
Robertson, D. Ross, Petersen, Christopher W., and Brawn, Jeffrey D. 1990. "Lunar reproductive cycles of benthic-brooding reef fishes: Reflections of larval biology or adult biology?" Ecological Monographs, 60, (3) 311–329.
Guzmán, Héctor M. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1989. "Population and Feeding Responses of the Corallivorous Pufferfish Arothron-Meleagris to Coral Mortality in the Eastern Pacific." Marine Ecology Progress Series, 55, (2-3) 121–132.
Guzmán, Héctor M. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1989. "Population and Feeding Responses of the Corallivorous Pufferfish Arothron meleagris to Coral Mortality in the Eastern Pacific." Marine Ecology, 55 121–131.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1989. "The Surgeonfish Acanthurus lineatus grows hedgers of Macroalgae." Coral Reefs, 8, (1) 8.
Cole, Kathleen S. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1988. "Protogyny in the Caribbean Reef Goby, Coryphopterus personatus: Gonad Ontogeny and Social Influences on Sex Change." Bulletin of Marine Science, 42, (2) 317–333.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1988. "Settlement and population dynamics of Abudefduf saxatilis on patch reefs in Caribbean Panama." In Proceedings of the Sixth International Coral Reef Symposium, Townsville, Australia, 8th-12th August 1988. Choat, J. H., Barnes, D., Borowitzka, M. A., Coll, J. C., Davies, P. J., Flood, P., Hatcher, B. G., Hopley, D., Hutchings, P. A., Kinsey, D., Orme, G. R., Pichon, M., Sale, P. F., Sammarco, P., and Wallace, C. C., editors. 839–844. Townsville, Australia: The Symposium Executive Committee.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1988. "Extreme Variation in Settlement of the Caribbean Triggerfish Balista vetula in Panama." Copeia, 1988, (3) 698–703.
Robertson, D. Ross, Green, David G., and Victor, Benjamin C. 1988. "Temporal Coupling of Production and Recruitment of Larvae of a Caribbean Reef Fish." Ecology, 69, (2) 370–381.
Robertson, D. Ross, Green, David G., and Victor, Benjamin C. 1987. "Relations in the Lunar Periodicities of Larval Production and Recruitment of a Caribbean Reef Fish." Bulletin of Marine Science, 41, (2) 641.
Robertson, D. Ross and Gaines, Steven D. 1986. "Interference Competition Structures Habitat Use in a Local Assenblage of Coral Reef Surgeonfishes." Ecology, 67, (5) 1372–1383.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1985. "Sexual size dimorphism in surgeon fishes." In French Polynesian coral reefs: Proceedings of the Fifth International Coral Reef Congress. 403–408. Moorea, French Polynesia: Antenne Museum--EPHE (l'École Pratique des Hautes Études en Polynésie Française).
Lessios, Harilaos A., Cubit, John D., Robertson, D. Ross, Shulman, Myra Joy, Parker, Matthew A., Garrity, Stephen D., and Levings, Sally C. 1984. "Mass mortality of Diadema antillarum on the Caribbean coast of Panama." Coral Reefs, 3, (4) 173–182.
Lessios, Harilaos A., Robertson, D. Ross, and Cubit, John D. 1984. "Spread of Diadema mass mortality through the Caribbean." Science, 226, (4672) 335–337.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1984. "Cohabitation of competing territorial damselfishes on a Caribbean coral reef." Ecology, 65, (4) 1121–1135.
Hoffman, Steven G. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1983. "Foraging and reproduction of two Caribbean reef toadfishes (Batrachoididae)." Bulletin of Marine Science, 33, (4) 919–927.
Lessios, Harilaos A., Glynn, Peter William, and Robertson, D. Ross. 1983. "Mass mortalities of coral reef organisms." Science, 222, (4625) 715.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1983. "On the spawning behavior and spawning cycles of eight surgeonfishes (Acanthuridae) from the Indo-Pacific." Environmental Biology of Fishes, 9, (3) 193–223.
Bailey, T. G. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1982. "Organic and caloric levels of fish feces in relation to its consumption by reef fishes." Marine Biology, 69 45–50.
Robertson, D. Ross. 1982. "Fish feces as fish food on a Pacific coral reef." Marine Ecology Progress Series, 7, (3) 253–265.
Robertson, D. Ross and Foster, Susan F. 1982. "Off reef emigration of young adults of the labrid fish Epibulus insidiator." Copeia, 1982 227–229.
Robertson, D. Ross and Justines, Gustavo. 1982. "Protogynous hermaphroditism and gonochorism in four Caribbean reef gobies." Environmental Biology of Fishes, 7, (2) 137–142.
Robertson, D. Ross, Reinboth, Rudolf, and Bruce, Robin W. 1982. "Gonochorism, protogynous sex-change and spawning in three sparisomatinine parrotfishes from the Western Indian Ocean." Bulletin of Marine Science, 32, (4) 868–879.
Robertson, D. Ross and Allen, Gerald R. 1981. "Stegastes mellis (Emery et Burgess, 1974), le juvenile de la Demoiselle caraibe Stegastes diencaeus (Jordan et Rutter, 1898)." Review Française Aquariologie, 109-112 109–112.
Robertson, D. Ross, Hoffman, Steven G., and Sheldon, Janice M. 1981. "Availability of space for the territorial Caribbean damselfish Eupomacentrus planifrons." Ecology, 62, (5) 1162–1169.
Hoffman, Steven G., Sheldon, Janice M., and Robertson, D. Ross. 1981. "Availibility of Space for the Territorial Caribbean Damselfish Eupomacentrus Planifrons." Ecology, 62, (5) 1162–1169.
Patton, Wendell K. and Robertson, D. Ross. 1980. "Pair formation in a coral inhabiting hermit crab." Oecologia, 47, (2) 267–269.
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