Carlos Jaramillo
Santos, C., Jaramillo, C. Bayona, G. Rueda, M. and Torres, V. 2008. Late Eocene marine incursión in Northwestern South America. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 264 (2008) 140–146.
Doria, G., Jaramillo, C. A., Herrera, F.A. 2008. Menispermaceae from the Cerrejón Formation, middle to late Paleocene, Colombia. American Journal of Botany 95(8): 954–973.
Punyasena, S.W. 2008. Estimating Neotropical palaeotemperature and palaeoprecipitation using plant family climatic optima, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2008, 265 (3-4): 226-237
Punyasena, S.W., Mayle, F.E., and McElwain, J.C., Quantitative estimates of glacial and Holocene temperature and precipitation change in lowland Amazonian Bolivia. Geology, 2008, 36 (8): 667-670
Fabiany A. Herrera, Carlos A. Jaramillo, David L. Dilcher, Scott L. Wing and Carolina Gómez-N. 2008. Fossil Araceae from a Paleocene neotropical rainforest in Colombia. American Journal of Botany 95(12): 1569–1583. 2008.
Cadena, E., Jaramillo, C., and Paramo, M. 2008 Chelus colombiana from the Early Miocene of Colombia, an emendation. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 28:12061212.
Bayona, G., Valencia, A., Mora, A., Rueda, M., Ortiz, J., and Montenegro, O. 2008 Stratigraphy and provenance of Miocene rocks in the distal Llanos foreland basin of Colombia. Geologia Colombiana 33: 23-46.
Jaramillo, C. 2008 Five Useful Techniques To Analyze Palynological Data. The Palaeobotanist 57: 529-537
Bayona, G., Jaramillo, C., Rueda, M., and Reyes-Harker, A. 2007 Paleocene-middle Miocene flexural-margin migration of the nonmarine Llanos foreland basin of Colombia. CT&F 3: 141-160.
Jaramillo, C., Pardo-Trujillo, A,. Rueda, M., Harrington, G., Bayona, G., Torres, V., and Mora, G. 2007. Palynology of the Upper Paleocene Cerrejon Formation, Northern Colombia. Palynology 31: 153-189.
Guy J. Harrington & Carlos A. Jaramillo. (2007). Paratropical floral extinction in the Late Palaeocene–Early Eocene. Journal of the Geological Society, London, Vol. 164, 2007, pp. 323-332. Printed in Great Britain.
Bayona,G., Cortés, M., Jaramillo, C., Ojeda, G., Aristizabal, J., Reyes, A. (2007). La Deformación Pre-neógena de la Cordillera Oriental Definida Por Depósitos de Antepaís. Boletín de Geología, Vol 29, No.1, pp. 51-59.
Hawkins, B.A., Felizola Diniz-Filho, J.A., Jaramillo, C.A. and Soeller, S.A. (2007). Climate, niche conservatism, and the global bird diversity gradient. American Naturalist 170, Suplement, S16-S27.
Morón, S., Montes, C., Jaramillo, C., Bayona, G., Sánchez, C. (2007). Ciclicidad En La Formación Cerrejón. XI Congreso Colombiano de Geología. Boletín de Geología, Vol 29, No.1, pp. 21-30.
Cadena, E., Jaramillo, C., and Paramo, M. The First Late Pleistocene Record of Kinosternon (Cryptodira: Kinosternidae) Turtles, for Northern South America, Pubenza Locality, Colombia. South American Journal of Herpetology 2: 201-205.
Fiorini, E; Jaramillo, C. 2007. Paleoenviromental Reconstruction of the Oligocene-Miocene Deposits of Southern Caribbean (Carmen de Bolivar, Colombia) Based on Benthic Foraminifera. Boletin de Geologia Vol 29, No. 2: 47-55.
Molinares, C. E.; Martinez, J.I.; Fiorini, F.; Jaramillo, C. 2007. Ambiente de Acumulacion y Foraminiferos Bentonicos de la Formacion Tubara (Plioceno del Valle Inferior del Magdalena). Boletin de Geologia Vol 29, No. 2: 29-38.
Santos, C.; Jaramillo, C.; Torres, V.; Rueda, M.; Flores, P.; Rodriguez, G. 2007.Influencia Marina en el Eoceno Tardio del Oriente de Colombia. Boletin de Geologia Vol. 29, No. 2: 59-66.
Daniel A. Rincón, José E. Arenas, Carlos H. Cuartas, Andrés L. Cárdenas, Carlos E. Molinares, Claudia Caicedo and Carlos Jaramillo. 2007. Eocene-Pliocene planktonic foraminifera biostratigraphy from the continental margin of the southwest Caribbean. Stratigraphy 4: 261-311.
Sole de Porta, N. Jaramillo, C. and Martin-Agarra, A. 2007 Pantropical palynomorphs in the Eocene of Malaga (Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain). Revista Española de Micropaleontología, 39: 35-50
Bayona, G. Lamus, F. Cardona, A. Jaramillo, C., and Montes, C. 2007. Procesos orogénicos para la cuenca de Ranchería (Guajira, Colombia) y areas adjacentes definidos por análisis de procedencia. Geologia Colombiana 32: 21-46.
Vega, F. J., T. G. Nyborg, A. Rojas, P. Patarroyo, J. Luque, H. Porras- Múzquiz, W. Stinnesbeck. 2007. Upper Cretaceous Crustacea from Mexico and Colombia: similar faunas and environments during Turonian times. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, 24: 403-422.
Bayona, G., Jaramillo, C. and A. Reyes-Harker. 2006. Resultados Paleomagnéticos en unidades del Paleógeno de Colombia y oeste de Venezuela, y posibles usos para la caracterización de contactos discordantes. Geología Colombiana, 31:57-72
Hawkins, B.A., Felizola Diniz-Filho, J.A., Jaramillo, C.A. and Soeller, S.A. (2006). Post-Eocene climate change and the latitudinal diversity gradient of New World birds. Journal of Biogeography, 33: 770-780.
Jaramillo, C., Rueda, M. and Mora, G. (2006). Cenozoic Plant Diversity in the Neotropics. Science, 311: 1893-1896.
Carlos Cuartas, Carlos Jaramillo, and José Ignacio Martínez. (2006). Quantitative Biostratigraphic Modelo for the Tertiary of the Lower Magdalena Basin, Colombian Caribbean. CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro - Vol. 3 Núm. 2 Dic. 2006
Bayona, G.; Jaramillo, C. & Reyes-Harker, A. (2006): Resultados Paleomagnéticos en unidades del Paleógeno de Colombia y oeste de Venezuela, y posibles usos para la caracterización de contactos discordantes. Geología Colombiana, 31, pp. 29-44, 8 Figs., Bogotá.
Jaramillo, C. Rueda, M., Torres, V. Rodriguez, G., Bedoya, G., Santos, C., Vargas, M. and Mora, G. 2006. Palinología Del Paleógeno Del Norte De Suramérica: Un Acercamiento a La Cronoestratigrafía de las Cuencas del Piedemonte y Llanos de Colombia. IX Simposio Bolivariano de Exploración Petrolera en las Cuencas Subandina, Cartagena, Sub 139, 1-8
Bayona, G., Reyes-Harker, A., Jaramillo, C., Rueda, M., Aristizabal, J., Cortés, M., and Gamba, N., Distinguishing Tectonic Versus Eustatic Flooding Surfaces in the Llanos Basin of Colombia, and Implications for Stratigraphic Correlations, in Proceedings Memorias del IX Simposio Bolivariano de Cuencas Subandinas, Cartagena, 2006, Volume 1, Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofísicos del Petróleo, p. 13.
Jaramillo, C., Muñoz, F., Cogollo, M. and De la Parra, F. (2005). Quantitative Biostratigraphy for the Paleocene of the Llanos Foothills, Colombia: Improving Palynological Resolution for Oil Exploration. In: Recent Developments in Applied Biostratigraphy, Powell, A.J. and Riding, J. (eds), The Micropaleontological Society Special Publication, pp. 145-159.
Charles C. Davis, Campbell O. Webb, Kenneth J. Wurdack,Carlos A. Jaramillo, and Michael J. Donoghue. (2005). Explosive radiation of Malpighiales supports a mid-Cretaceous origin of Modern Tropical Rain Forests. American Naturalist 165: E36-65.
Oboh-Ikuenobe , F. , Obi , C., and Jaramillo, C. (2005). Lithofacies, Palynofacies, and Sequence Stratigraphy of Paleogene Strata in Southeastern Nigeria. Journal of African Earth Science 41: Pages 79-101.
Jaramillo, C. and Rueda, M. 2004. Impact of Biostratigraphy on Oil Exploration. III Convencion Tecnica ACGGP. La inversion en el conocimiento geologico, P4, CDROM, Bogota.
Bayona, G., Jaramillo, C., Rueda, M., Pardo, A., Christie A., and Hernandez, G. 2004. Important Paleotectonic and Chronostratigraphic Considerations of the Late Paleocene in the Northernmost Andes as Constrained by Paleocene Rocks in the Cerrejón Coal Mine, Guajira, Colombia. III Convencion Tecnica ACGGP, Bogotá
Oboh, F. and Jaramillo, C. 2003. Palynological patterns in uppermost Eocene to lower Oligocene sedimentary rocks in the U.S. Gulf Coast. In: From Greenhouse to Icehouse: The Marine Eocene-Oligocene Transition, D. R. Prothero, L.C. Ivany, and E.A. Nesbit eds, Columbia University Press, New York, pp: 269-282.
Pardo, A., Jaramillo, C. and Oboh, F. 2003. Paleogene palynostratigraphy of the Eastern Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia, Palynology, 27: 155-178.
Bayona, G., Cortés, M., Jaramillo, C., and Llinás, R. 2003. The Tertiary Fusagasugá succession: a record of the complex Latest Cretaceous-pre-Miocene deformation between the Magdalena Valley and Sabana de Bogotá areas. VIII Simposio Bolivariano de Cuencas Subandinas Exploración Petrolera en las Cuencas Subandinas, Cartagena, pp 180-193.
Pardo, A, and Jaramillo, C. 2002. New Palynostratigraphical data of NW South America Paleocene-Eocene of the Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia. International Journal of tropical Geology, Geography and Ecology 26: 1-10.
Jaramillo, C. 2002. Response of tropical vegetation to Paleogene warming. Paleobiology, 28:222-243.
Jaramillo, C. and Oboh, F. 2001. Sequence stratigraphy of the Pachuta-Marianna interval (upper Eocene-lower Oligocene) in the U.S. Gulf Coast. D.K. Goodman and R. Clarke eds. Proceedings of the IX International Palynological Congress, Houston, Texas, USA, 1996. AASP Foundation, pp 263-276.
Jaramillo, C. and Dilcher, D.L. 2001. Middle Paleogene Palynology of Central Colombia, South America: A Study of Pollen and Spores from Tropical Latitudes. Palaeontographica B 285: 87-213.
Jaramillo, C. and Dilcher, D.L. 2000. Microfloral diversity patterns of the late Paleocene-Eocene interval in Colombia, northern South America. Geology 28: 815-818.
Jaramillo, C. and Bayona, G. 2000. Mangrove Distribution During the Holocene in Tribugá Gulf, Colombia. Biotropica, 32: 14-22.
Jaramillo, C. and Oboh, F. 1999. Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretations from Palynofacies, Dinocyst and Lithological data of Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene Strata in Southern Mississippi and Alabama, U.S. Gulf Coast. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 145: 259-302
Oboh, F, Jaramillo, C and Reeves, L. 1996. Late Eocene-Early Oligocene Paleofloristic patterns in southern Mississippi and Alabama, US Gulf Coast. Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 91: 23-34
Jaramillo, C. and Yepes, O. 1994. Palinoestratigrafía del Grupo Oliní (Coniaciano-Campaniano), Valle Superior del Magdalena. In: Estudios geológicos del Valle Superior del Magdalena, Fernando Etayo Ed., Universidad Nacional, p. XVII 1-17.
Jaramillo, C. 1993. Ocurrencia de Peridinium limbatum y Peridinium cinctum en el embalse de Chuza. Facies Colombia 3: 40.
Tomas Villamil, Claudia Arango, Daniel Castillo, Carlos Jaramillo y Diego Mojica. 1993. Correlación gráfica y cambio de facies entre dos localidades de la formación La Frontera, via Bogotá-Mesitas del Colegio, Colombia. Facies Colombia 3: 1-10
Jaramillo C., Carlos, Montes R. Camilo. 1991. Métodos en analisis de deformacion. Facies Colombia 1, pp 32-40.